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still fell bad

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My daughter is 16 and she was banded on September 10th. today is day 6 and she is still complaining of soreness. one of her incisions has a blister and she is not really drinking anything. When she tries to take a show she get dizzy and feels sick. does anyone have the same symtoms like my daugher????? Really concerend.

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The soreness does not surprise me, but the blister and the not drinking concerns me. If she isn't taking any nutrients in then that is where the dizziness could be coming from. The blister could be from the lack of nutrients, or the inability to drink could be from the blister. We're not doctors so it's impossible for us to say. Call the doctor who did your daughter's surgery and ask their opinion. They'll give you much better advice.

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The soreness does not surprise me, but the blister and the not drinking concerns me. If she isn't taking any nutrients in then that is where the dizziness could be coming from. The blister could be from the lack of nutrients, or the inability to drink could be from the blister. We're not doctors so it's impossible for us to say. Call the doctor who did your daughter's surgery and ask their opinion. They'll give you much better advice.

Yeah were not doctors.. But by BLISTER I Wonder if you mean bubbly scar. For lack of words. ITs normal for the incision to look "bubbled" while its healing it will go down. as far as not drinking.. well she should.. sip slowly. OTherwise.. she can end up on IV. So let her slip gatorade.. juices slowly. HOPE she feels better . Let us know

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I agree, none of us are doctors, but after what I just went through with an overfill, I know how quickly you can dehydrate. I would get on the phone to her doctor immediately. If she was done in Mexico they are there on Saturday and will call you back. Dr. Romero called me twice last week trying to help, but unfortunately, he was in TJ and I was in Florida. Try to do something today, because if it's hard to find someone on a Saturday, it's twice as hard on a Sunday and like everything else, it seems the problems arise on the weekends. I know everyone is different, but I walked all over Tijuana the day after my surgery along with another patient. There was some discomfort, but the walking helped. Call someone, better safe than sorry.

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I agree, none of us are doctors, but after what I just went through with an overfill, I know how quickly you can dehydrate. I would get on the phone to her doctor immediately. If she was done in Mexico they are there on Saturday and will call you back. Dr. Romero called me twice last week trying to help, but unfortunately, he was in TJ and I was in Florida. Try to do something today, because if it's hard to find someone on a Saturday, it's twice as hard on a Sunday and like everything else, it seems the problems arise on the weekends. I know everyone is different, but I walked all over Tijuana the day after my surgery along with another patient. There was some discomfort, but the walking helped. Call someone, better safe than sorry.

Just wanted to let everybody now my daughter is doing much better. They removed some fluid and she can now drink her liquids. As for the blisters, she had an alect reation to the tape. thanks for all your responses.

best of luck to you all!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just wanted to let everybody now my daughter is doing much better. They removed some fluid and she can now drink her liquids. As for the blisters, she had an alect reation to the tape. thanks for all your responses.

best of luck to you all!

I'm so glad she's feeling better, now off to start a new life. Good luck!

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