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Any Advice for a Newby?

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I've been reading this forum for quite sometime now and have gained a huge amount of insight into lap banding from reading about your experiences. I am 5'0 tall and weigh approximately 211 pounds. I have been through Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Curves, Fitness Clubs and my own diets. I desperately want to get my life back - this weight issue is affecting every single area of my life. I spent 33 years years married to a man I cared for, but never loved. He was an alcoholic, and in the last years of his life, very ill. He drained the life out of me, but I always believed that once I was free my life would begin. Well, he died in 2002, and I am realizing I can no longer blame him for my miserable life. I have to take charge - I have to be responsible - and I want this so badly. I have Blue Choice Double Gold Health Care, and it says bariatric surgery is covered if you are morbidly obese (a BMI of 40) or a BMI of 35 if other health conditions exist. So what I am asking, is how did some of you go about getting started? I have an appointment with my internist on November 9th and I intend to detail all of this for him. Now that I've made up my mind I want to go through with the lap banding I want to do it like RIGHT NOW. Will I have to jump through hoops in order to get approved?

I appreciate any advice you can give me.


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I've been reading this forum for quite sometime now and have gained a huge amount of insight into lap banding from reading about your experiences. I am 5'0 tall and weigh approximately 211 pounds. I have been through Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Curves, Fitness Clubs and my own diets. I desperately want to get my life back - this weight issue is affecting every single area of my life. I spent 33 years years married to a man I cared for, but never loved. He was an alcoholic, and in the last years of his life, very ill. He drained the life out of me, but I always believed that once I was free my life would begin. Well, he died in 2002, and I am realizing I can no longer blame him for my miserable life. I have to take charge - I have to be responsible - and I want this so badly. I have Blue Choice Double Gold Health Care, and it says bariatric surgery is covered if you are morbidly obese (a BMI of 40) or a BMI of 35 if other health conditions exist. So what I am asking, is how did some of you go about getting started? I have an appointment with my internist on November 9th and I intend to detail all of this for him. Now that I've made up my mind I want to go through with the lap banding I want to do it like RIGHT NOW. Will I have to jump through hoops in order to get approved?

I appreciate any advice you can give me.



Personally, I didn't use insurance. I payed cash. I had my surgery in Mexico by Dr. Ortiz. It was great! I think you are going to have a problem if you are using insurance and want surgery "right now." Lol. The fastest I've ever heard of insurance taking is 2 months. You should check with your insurance as to whether "bariatric surgery" includes lap-band surgery. My last insurance covered gastric bypass, but not lap-band. Different plans cover different things. It's always best to call your insurance company and ask them first hand before getting your hopes up! They'll be able to tell you all the criteria you need to meet. Then you can go about picking a surgeon that's best for you.

Good Luck!


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I talked to my insurance company (also a Blue Cross company) and they said they did not need pre-approval but did need you to have a doctor's referral and a psych evaluation. They do not pay up front, but said they would reimburse for most of the surgical costs. I would call your insurance company first to see what they want you to do. Unfortunately, with an out of country provider you will have to come up with the cash and wait for reimbursement. Talk to your doctor about lap band and see if you can get a referral; you may end up educating your doctor more than vice versa, but it will help greatly to have her or him on your side. Good luck!

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Sue, I'm the same height as you and was 206 when I started down this road so I know what you're feeling! I swear extra weight looks heavier on us shorties :(

I also paid cash and went to Dr. Ortiz. I talked with my personal doctor about it and he recommended him based on his experience. There's a thread somewhere here where people are getting their insurance companies to pay for the lapband in Mexico so even some who "self paid" are getting money back :)

Most of my weight was emotional. I went through a very stressful experience about 2.5 years ago and like all good southern women, soothed my pain with food. I wasn't heavy growing up but I'm a stocky short, not a petite short. After my 30s I started not being able to keep weight off as easily but nothing like 206! I realized if I didn't get something done SOON I was going to easily be 306.

I had my surgery on March 5 and even though I've been playing the "find the right fill" game and recently went through a week or so of "cheating the band" (ice cream - lots of it. Oy), I'm down 30 pounds from my surgery weight of 200. My SIL asked me the other if I regretted it - not sure where she even got that idea - and I said "ABSOLUTELY NOT!". Best thing I could have done for myself.

My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner!

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