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What is the average weigh loss

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Is there a average weight loss that I should expect. I was told 2-5 pounds a week, which on the low end would be 8 pounds a month. Also does anyone have problems with getting enough water. Before my band got tighten in Sept I was really good about drinking 8 glasses of water a day now I can't even get 1 9 oz bottle down in a day. I am worried that I am not getting enough fluids. I try to diink more but it just makes my stomach hurt. :-?

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I really don't think anyone can give you a weekly rate of weight loss, because everyone is different and your beginning BMI is going to play a large role in the number of pounds per week that you lose. I started my pre-op diet with a BMI of 35, while my husband started at 45. Consequently, he is losing quite a few more pounds per week than I am.

I did find these figures for lap-band success rates:

After monitoring 271 patients who underwent LAP-BAND surgery between November 2000 and September 2002, results show:

The mean body mass index (BMI) decreased from a baseline of 45.3 to:

-- 36.5 at 12 months

-- 35.9 at 18 months

-- 35.1 at 24 months

Mean excess weight loss (EWL) achieved was:

-- 40% at 12 months

-- 43% at 24 months

-- 47% at 36 months

Your weight loss rate is also going to depend on how well you are eating with the band. In other words, if you are like some people who drink milkshakes just because they go down the easiest, don't expect a whole lot out of your band! Your age, metabolism, activity level, diet, and starting BMI are all going to influence your rate of loss. And as you can see from the figures above, the average person does not become a swimsuit model even after 36 months with the band.

Just relax and realize that any weight loss is good, as long as it continues. Don't set artificial goals for yourself and then get disappointed and discouraged. Even a couple of pounds a month, as long as it continues steadily, is a wonderful success rate. Remember, if you didn't have your band, you probably would have gained weight instead of lost it.

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  snowbird said:
I really don't think anyone can give you a weekly rate of weight loss, because everyone is different and your beginning BMI is going to play a large role in the number of pounds per week that you lose. I started my pre-op diet with a BMI of 35, while my husband started at 45. Consequently, he is losing quite a few more pounds per week than I am.

I did find these figures for lap-band success rates:

After monitoring 271 patients who underwent LAP-BAND surgery between November 2000 and September 2002, results show:

The mean body mass index (BMI) decreased from a baseline of 45.3 to:

-- 36.5 at 12 months

-- 35.9 at 18 months

-- 35.1 at 24 months

Mean excess weight loss (EWL) achieved was:

-- 40% at 12 months

-- 43% at 24 months

-- 47% at 36 months

Your weight loss rate is also going to depend on how well you are eating with the band. In other words, if you are like some people who drink milkshakes just because they go down the easiest, don't expect a whole lot out of your band! Your age, metabolism, activity level, diet, and starting BMI are all going to influence your rate of loss. And as you can see from the figures above, the average person does not become a swimsuit model even after 36 months with the band.

Just relax and realize that any weight loss is good, as long as it continues. Don't set artificial goals for yourself and then get disappointed and discouraged. Even a couple of pounds a month, as long as it continues steadily, is a wonderful success rate. Remember, if you didn't have your band, you probably would have gained weight instead of lost it.

You are right. I did check my BMI last night with the new scale I bought and I have gone done 5% since the surgery. I just need to tell myself that it took 20 years to get to my high weight so it may take a few to get to a good weight.

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I know what you mean. I may speak words of wisdom, but I still weigh myself about five times a day just in case I lost an ounce.

I was going to add that you might want to think about carrying a bottle of water around with you during the day, and just taking a sip at a time. I can't drink much at one time without feeling very uncomfortable, but I can get down a sip here and there.

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  suefromca said:
Is there a average weight loss that I should expect. I was told 2-5 pounds a week, which on the low end would be 8 pounds a month. Also does anyone have problems with getting enough water. Before my band got tighten in Sept I was really good about drinking 8 glasses of water a day now I can't even get 1 9 oz bottle down in a day. I am worried that I am not getting enough fluids. I try to diink more but it just makes my stomach hurt. :-?

I understand you asking this question as it was one of the questions I had too. It appears to be different for everyone but I have lost 24 lbs. in 6 weeks. My friend lost that or more in 6 weeks. In fact, she has lost 70 lbs. since June. Hope this helps you.

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