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sitting here crying

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I am sitting here crying and crying. I don't eat alot but am addicted to sugar. I ate almost one huge bag a tootsie rolls in last 24 hours. My stomach is so distended that I can feel my port with my fingers! I called dr. and was told that I may have stretched my pouch and damaged my surgery. I may have to have x-rays to check on everything. Well, I am so so so ashamed. My dr. asked me if I learned my lesson? Oh yea I am going to change the way I eat. I am giving up candy that's for sure. It is my meds that make me crave sugar. I am so frightened that I may have done long term damage. i was a self pay, banded on 14th of Nov. and my mom re-financed her house to pay. I am so frightened. We don't have any money to fix this. Does anyone have info. on pouch stretching? Does it go back? What if it doesn't go back, do you need a re-do surgery? Has anyone ever been so distended ( I am cronically constipated due to cronic pain meds but now I am so constipated I can feel my port from distention) they could feel their port, does it go back down. dr. told me milk of magnesia. Two doses later and still waiting. HELP, I AM SO ASHAMED BUT MOSTLY SCARED THAT I HAVE DONE PERMANENT DAMAGE!


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I'm sorry Moonwisdom, I don't know much about the stretching part. I only know that at a recent conference someone asked about stretching and the doctor speaking said that is was possible to shrink the stomach back if it was not to damamaged from long time overeating. You would eat as you did in the begining of the process and that it would have to be very strict. Look up on the signs of damaging the band to see if you are diplaying the symptoms that we read on in our packages. I hope that you have someone with you that you can talk with. Maybe walking would help with the bathroom situation. I am so sorry, this struggle we have is so hard. One question have you had a fill yet, I'm assuming that you haven't. The reason why I'm asking is that maybe it will be ok because it is acctually loose and will not move out of place.


I am sitting here crying and crying. I don't eat alot but am addicted to sugar. I ate almost one huge bag a tootsie rolls in last 24 hours. My stomach is so distended that I can feel my port with my fingers! I called dr. and was told that I may have stretched my pouch and damaged my surgery. I may have to have x-rays to check on everything. Well, I am so so so ashamed. My dr. asked me if I learned my lesson? Oh yea I am going to change the way I eat. I am giving up candy that's for sure. It is my meds that make me crave sugar. I am so frightened that I may have done long term damage. i was a self pay, banded on 14th of Nov. and my mom re-financed her house to pay. I am so frightened. We don't have any money to fix this. Does anyone have info. on pouch stretching? Does it go back? What if it doesn't go back, do you need a re-do surgery? Has anyone ever been so distended ( I am cronically constipated due to cronic pain meds but now I am so constipated I can feel my port from distention) they could feel their port, does it go back down. dr. told me milk of magnesia. Two doses later and still waiting. HELP, I AM SO ASHAMED BUT MOSTLY SCARED THAT I HAVE DONE PERMANENT DAMAGE!


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I am sitting here crying and crying. I don't eat alot but am addicted to sugar. I ate almost one huge bag a tootsie rolls in last 24 hours. My stomach is so distended that I can feel my port with my fingers! I called dr. and was told that I may have stretched my pouch and damaged my surgery. I may have to have x-rays to check on everything. Well, I am so so so ashamed. My dr. asked me if I learned my lesson? Oh yea I am going to change the way I eat. I am giving up candy that's for sure. It is my meds that make me crave sugar. I am so frightened that I may have done long term damage. i was a self pay, banded on 14th of Nov. and my mom re-financed her house to pay. I am so frightened. We don't have any money to fix this. Does anyone have info. on pouch stretching? Does it go back? What if it doesn't go back, do you need a re-do surgery? Has anyone ever been so distended ( I am cronically constipated due to cronic pain meds but now I am so constipated I can feel my port from distention) they could feel their port, does it go back down. dr. told me milk of magnesia. Two doses later and still waiting. HELP, I AM SO ASHAMED BUT MOSTLY SCARED THAT I HAVE DONE PERMANENT DAMAGE!


Don't be ashamed, we all make mistakes. The trick is to learn from our mistakes instead of beating ourselves up which then leads to more mistakes. I've had my share of food that I shouldn't have. I can't wait untill my 1st fill, hopefully on Dec 20th. The walking seems to help me but I don't know anything about the other things. Maybe try going back to the yogurt and liquids stage to ease the pressure on your tummy when things start moving. Hopefully you'll feel better soon. ><'

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It's not uncommon for someone to stretch their stomach. The first thing to try when that happens is a complete unfill and liquids which will allow the stomach to go back to its original shape. Don't know what happens if that doesn't work though. However, being able to feel your port is not an indication of a stretched pouch. I've been able to feel my port since a month or two after surgery and things are going fine. You may have just irritated your band from overeating. Since you've recognized that sugar is your weakness, I suggest you get all that crap out of your house, no exceptions. If you find you are compulsively overeating, then no amount of willpower is going to help you and you should get in touch with a therapist who is experienced in dealing with this type of eating disorder (and we ALL here have an eating disorder, that's why we got to this point). If you find yourself continuing to eat to the point which could cause you harm despite your best intentions, then worrying about a stretched pouch is like arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic - no matter how good a job you do, that ship is going down.

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  • 1 year later...

I am sitting here crying and crying. I don't eat a lot but am addicted to sugar. I ate almost one huge bag a tootsie rolls in last 24 hours. My stomach is so distended that I can feel my port with my fingers! I called dr. and was told that I may have stretched my pouch and damaged my surgery. I may have to have x-rays to check on everything. Well, I am so so so ashamed. My dr. asked me if I learned my lesson? Oh yea I am going to change the way I eat. I am giving up candy that's for sure. It is my meds that make me crave sugar. I am so frightened that I may have done long term damage. i was a self pay, banded on 14th of Nov. and my mom re-financed her house to pay. I am so frightened. We don't have any money to fix this. Does anyone have info. on pouch stretching? Does it go back? What if it doesn't go back, do you need a re-do surgery? Has anyone ever been so distended ( I am cronically constipated due to cronic pain meds but now I am so constipated I can feel my port from distention) they could feel their port, does it go back down. dr. told me milk of magnesia. Two doses later and still waiting. HELP, I AM SO ASHAMED BUT MOSTLY SCARED THAT I HAVE DONE PERMANENT DAMAGE!


Hey there Moon,

I totally get it. I'm a binge eater myself, and I did the very same thing but with barbecued ribs, cookies, potatoes, and some other stuff I can't remember. I have been on solid food for a week. The shame is there for me too. People just don't understand that urge to binge. I drank liquides to make t go down, but that was really stupid, because that can stretch the pouch. I called to talk to a Dr. at the clinic, and guess who answered... Dr. Ortiz. He was really pissed... read me the "riot act." I felt like such a loser. He said that we won't know anything till my fill in two weeks when they use the xray scope. From what I've read, if the band didn't slip (which it can), it will take a prolonged period of time of overeating to permanaently strecth the pouch. This is just from my research. I also read about going back on liquids for 5 days or so to let the pouch go back. Many other banders said that helped. Honestly, the band can fix the physical hunger, but not the emotional hunger. I am going to start going to OA again... it helps.

Why did I spill my guts like that only to feel embarrassed? Because I wanted you to know that you are not alone.

Good luck.


(lost 20 pounds during first 3 weeks)

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It's not uncommon for someone to stretch their stomach. The first thing to try when that happens is a complete unfill and liquids which will allow the stomach to go back to its original shape. Don't know what happens if that doesn't work though. However, being able to feel your port is not an indication of a stretched pouch. I've been able to feel my port since a month or two after surgery and things are going fine. You may have just irritated your band from overeating. Since you've recognized that sugar is your weakness, I suggest you get all that crap out of your house, no exceptions. If you find you are compulsively overeating, then no amount of willpower is going to help you and you should get in touch with a therapist who is experienced in dealing with this type of eating disorder (and we ALL here have an eating disorder, that's why we got to this point). If you find yourself continuing to eat to the point which could cause you harm despite your best intentions, then worrying about a stretched pouch is like arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic - no matter how good a job you do, that ship is going down.

Well said.

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Dont be ashamed dear.

Just re-start your eating, so te slim shakes for a week if you can and then start on soups and soft foods, I also have a sugar and chocolate addiction, but I am working though it. If you want to emai me please do.

You will be okay, smile.. its a long road with bumps we have ahead.


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Hi! I am sorry that you are going through this? I am curious which med it is that is making you crave sugar. Maybe there is another drug for your condition, that could do the same thing without this side effect. Those drug induced sugar cravings are sometimes unmanageable. Have you discussed other med options with your doctor? Don't be so hard on yourself. I would be willing to bet that if anyone, bandster or not, ate a bag of tootsie rolls they would be distended and in pain. The milk of magnesia should really help. Read the back of the bottle, but I am pretty sure you can repeat the dose if you don't get results.

As far as the streching/damaging the band. Though possible, is doubtful unless you are stretching is on a consisent basis. I have read that if the pouch stretches then an unfill can be done to allow it all to heal.

My main advice is to try and change that med that is causing the cravings. I hope that you feel better.


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I am sitting here crying and crying. I don't eat alot but am addicted to sugar. I ate almost one huge bag a tootsie rolls in last 24 hours. My stomach is so distended that I can feel my port with my fingers! I called dr. and was told that I may have stretched my pouch and damaged my surgery. I may have to have x-rays to check on everything. Well, I am so so so ashamed. My dr. asked me if I learned my lesson? Oh yea I am going to change the way I eat. I am giving up candy that's for sure. It is my meds that make me crave sugar. I am so frightened that I may have done long term damage. i was a self pay, banded on 14th of Nov. and my mom re-financed her house to pay. I am so frightened. We don't have any money to fix this. Does anyone have info. on pouch stretching? Does it go back? What if it doesn't go back, do you need a re-do surgery? Has anyone ever been so distended ( I am cronically constipated due to cronic pain meds but now I am so constipated I can feel my port from distention) they could feel their port, does it go back down. dr. told me milk of magnesia. Two doses later and still waiting. HELP, I AM SO ASHAMED BUT MOSTLY SCARED THAT I HAVE DONE PERMANENT DAMAGE!


THANK YOU... You do know this posting took a huge amount of courage to print what you did for everyone to see, Print your own words out and put in on the insude of that cupboard so you can remind yourself of this event. It was just an event and not the end of your life. Get back on the horse and start riding again. Do a count down of the days to go and what the goal is. That is what got me through the first 21 days. Get

wacky and creative with the juices try to enjoy them. I did sooo much soup and popsicles. I am going to get my first fill on Nov 6th.

As far as the constipation, when I worked in the hospital as a nurse we gave M.O.M. every 4 hours until results... add some warm prune juice and relax... and put a heating pad on your stomach...

I do feel for you on the $$$ part... I cashed out my 401K to get it done.

Get into an OA meeting for more support and feel others that are in your situation and get peer support.

Best of wishes and my heart goes out to you...DON'T GIVE UP!!!

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Everyone else said it best ... just keep on going, and you'll get past this little bump in the road.

You do need support in terms of your eating - this is something that the OCC can't provide for you as easily, as clinics who do this surgery locally.

The psychological backup of the band is really what will ensure your success. Many of us have horrible food habits, which is really the hardest part of this.

This is your chance for change.

Embrace it, and move on :)

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Ah, Moonwisdom - I feel for you! I have problems with sugar, too. Most of us who are overweight are insulin resistant to some degree. If our blood sugar is not stabilized, it can lead to the constant desire to binge on sugary foods. I can tell you - if my blood sugar is good, I can have bags of candy in the house and ignore them like they're not even there, they don't cross my mind at all and I don't want them. If it's BAD (spiking then crashing) - I would've eaten that bag of tootsie rolls too - then kept going with whatever other candy I could find until it was gone. This is a hard road we're on - don't blame yourself - the blood sugar rollercoaster is not your fault. I can tell you, a cinnamon supplement has done WONDERS for me. When I take my cinnamon in the morning, I'm good for the day and don't want sugar at all. You can google "cinnamon and blood sugar" for more info. Good luck to you and hang in there! ^_^

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Aww!! I'm so sorry to hear that! I don't have a band yet so I can't say too much, but I am also addicted to sugar/sweets! I have been trying to satisfy my sweet tooth lately with fruit! amazingly, it does the trick!!! when you feel like you want something sweet, grab some fruit...they're not in season now, but cherries with the pits are the best because you have to eat slow!!!

cheer up! you will be fine - i'm sure you're not the first person to do something like that! don't be defeated, just pick yourself up, and start over!

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