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Almost time....

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It is almost here, the big day! I will be in TJ tomorrow morning (12/6) and by the evening I will be banded. I am nervous and excited all at once. I am not too sure how to feel about the whole thing. I went through second thoughts lastnight. That is when I got on LBT to look at all of the before and after pictures. I have my doubts, maybe I will be the one of the unlucky ones who does not lose any weight. What if I fail? Then I slap myself and say I can do this, I have lost a lot of weight before....then I was starving and had to eat again, LOL! Hopefully this is it for me. I do not battle with head hunger like a lot of others do, I am just hungry from not eating all day until 3 pm. I know I am going to have to change my ways to make this work for me. To all of the other December bandsters, good luck and Merry Christmas to us!

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It is almost here, the big day! I will be in TJ tomorrow morning (12/6) and by the evening I will be banded. I am nervous and excited all at once. I am not too sure how to feel about the whole thing. I went through second thoughts lastnight. That is when I got on LBT to look at all of the before and after pictures. I have my doubts, maybe I will be the one of the unlucky ones who does not lose any weight. What if I fail? Then I slap myself and say I can do this, I have lost a lot of weight before....then I was starving and had to eat again, LOL! Hopefully this is it for me. I do not battle with head hunger like a lot of others do, I am just hungry from not eating all day until 3 pm. I know I am going to have to change my ways to make this work for me. To all of the other December bandsters, good luck and Merry Christmas to us!

Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll do great. Remember to walk, and alot of people say gas-x strips help also. They helped me! See you on the banded side! ><'

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