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New to the site...new to the area

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Hi... my name is Cheri and i am new to the Colorado Springs area and looking for someone who might know of a physican in this are. I had my surgery 2 years ago and got down my inital goal weight. To date i've lost 60 lbs... but really need to start concentrating on the basics so that i can lose the remaining weight...40 lbs. I have to admit... bad habits die hard and since I've moved to the area... it's not been easy and now... I am happy to have found this site for some helpful hints and friends that know...

Anything you all have to offer would be most appreciated! :huh:


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I live in colorado springs as well and i go to dr. allen in denver for all my fills. he is a radiologist but he is very good at fills and i wont go to anyone but him in the states for my fills. he works in an office at cherry creek radiology and his co-workers also do fills but he is the best and most experienced so i will wait for the days he is doing fills.. he charges 350 and it is under fluro... he can be reached at 720-941-7000. if you want to talk more private message me and i will be glad to chat.


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