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Where are the incision scars...are they very noticeable??

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Since coming across the Lap Band Surgery on the internet, I'M OBSESSED!!! There seems to be a wide range of success as well as difficultty/ease in finding the "sweet spot". I am curious as to where the incision scars are, if they have faded, are obvious, etc. No one anywhere has mentioned this at all. I believe one Dr.'s office in Arizona said the incisions were placed along the bra line and by the belly button (umbilicus?). Another office said to hold your hand out with your fingers extended, lie it on your belly and where your fingers land that's where they are...c o n f u s i n g !! Thanks for your help, I look forward to hearing from you.

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Since coming across the Lap Band Surgery on the internet, I'M OBSESSED!!! There seems to be a wide range of success as well as difficultty/ease in finding the "sweet spot". I am curious as to where the incision scars are, if they have faded, are obvious, etc. No one anywhere has mentioned this at all. I believe one Dr.'s office in Arizona said the incisions were placed along the bra line and by the belly button (umbilicus?). Another office said to hold your hand out with your fingers extended, lie it on your belly and where your fingers land that's where they are...c o n f u s i n g !! Thanks for your help, I look forward to hearing from you.

Mine is about half way between the bra line and belly button and I'm about one year post op and you can barely see it. It was never more than about a half inch long. Scarring was definitely not an issue.

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