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i need advice on my nutrition asap....

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I am having my operation in 16 days which im scared of the whole procedure, my understanding is i can only have water tea jucie and broth like soup for 2 days.

Then i can have blended foods that go through a straw, is that right u guys? Is that when i can have protien shakes from the 3rd day for the nexted 2 weeks.

Could anyone tell me what they did and what u blended up that i can sip through a straw. As i have no idea what to do, even my doctor gave me a list but it look boring im looking for ideas.

thank you

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I've had my band for just over 4 mos. For the first week after surgery, I could only drink broth, water w/Crystal Light, and eat sugar free Jello.

The 2nd week, I was allowed cream soup and milk-whole liquids.

The 3 and 4th weeks, I went to pureed foods. What I did was take some chicken (diced), put it in a blender with some broth, and pureed it. I then added it to some fat free refried beans. By adding a little bit of salsa, it was almost like having an enchilada or something. Actually very tasty. Especially, when you consider I was on a liquid diet for the 10 days leading up to the surgery.

I was scared, too, leading up to the surgery. Day of was scary as heck. But, if you have family go with, it really helps. My wife went with me. Afterwards, no biggie as you are pretty drowsy and will nap off and on. But, you will be required to get up and walk a little that afternoon.

Good luck!

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