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Swollen Esophagus


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I had my very first fill two weeks ago today. I did great for the first week. Only mild discomfort as I found my limits. Then on day 7, I had some apple slices for breakfast. I chewed well, aware of the fact that it can be a problem for some people with the band. I wasn't too worried though because it was the second I had since my fill. But I got progressively more uncomfortable through the course of the next 3 hours or so. It felt like I was stalled out and nothing was moving through the band. The cramped chest feeling passed by lunch time and I didn't vomit or have any pbing. However, I felt like I had scraped off the lining of my esophagus. That night it swelled up and I was having difficulty drinking even small quantities of water. I called my fill doc the next morning and her nurse told me to come in. I had a hard time with that as my closest fill center is 300 miles away... on snowy roads. So after six hours on the road I get to my appointment. My fill doc then asked my how long I had been throwing up. I hadn't thrown up at all. Turns out she had thought I was completely blocked.( Next time I have trouble I will call down to Doc Ortiz. ) And I didn't have to come in after all. She said I had probably scraped off the mucosa lining my esophagus and stomach stoma and I should go on liquids for a week or so. I am to swig mylanta every three hours and let it heal and the swelling go down. Well it's been a week and my husband is ready for me to have this band removed. I am confident the swelling will go down but in the mean time I am having a tough time keeping enough liquids moving through me and keeping my sugar levels and protein intake up. I am able to sip a teaspoon at a time but thats about it. Option 1 wait and heal. Option 2 Drive another 650 miles round trip in a day on icy roads through a deserted patch of America to get the fill removed or reduced. Any advice? information or ideas?

I would appreciate it.

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After my first fill my band tightened up about a week afterwards. You have to learn how to eat after every fill. Apples are never a good choice. I have never been able to get them down. Applesauce is a alternative. Good Luck hope you feel better.

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After my first fill my band tightened up about a week afterwards. You have to learn how to eat after every fill. Apples are never a good choice. I have never been able to get them down. Applesauce is a alternative. Good Luck hope you feel better.

I appreciate the wishes. I worry about getting dehydrated at this point.

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I would be worried about dehydration to. If you ever can't get liquids down then it's time for an unfill because it doesn't take long to get sick from dehydration. Sip Sip Sip liquids as much as possible and drink things like Gatorade which will give your body electrolytes as well as broths and think yogurts to get you some protein. Don't worry about calories or carbs right now as you're just trying to get better. Keep on the liquids for a bit longer since if you did scrape something it will take longer to heal than if you simply irritated something. If you're not starting to feel better in the next few days it might be time to make another phone call to your doctor and get their opinion. Be very descriptive on what's going on so you don't have another miscommunication. The fact of the matter is that you may simply be tighter than is good for you right now and the only thing for it is a small unfill.

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I am still getting about a liter of liquids a day into me and I am sip sip sipping almost non stop. I am doing broths, gatorade and protein shakes to keep up my sugar levels, electrolytes and get some protein into me. I have been keeping my fill doctor posted by email and I am just trying to keep from worrying. I tend to heal more slowly than most folks, so I am hoping it is just that. Think happy thoughts.

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How are you feeling any luck recovering? Hope all is well, any advice for the rest of us?,thx staci

I am currently on day 4 of being band & finaly feel a lot better...a lot less sore & less tightness/heartburn:)

godgiven, how are you doing now. Are you glad you had the surgery?

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I suggest you call OCC and speak to one of the doctors - I don't think what you are describing sounds good - maybe you have something stuck in your pouch that hasn't gone through...why not call - they always respond almost immediately.

I had the worst pb experience with apples =- i learned later to cut the skin off but almost died from that pain. I know it's bad. hang in there - it's all a huge learing experience that never ends.

good luck

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