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Sweet Tooth - what is up with me???

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I was banded last week - 1/10/08 - and I am doing great - pain is not too bad - feels like when I had my daughter cesarean. Mushies aren't too bad - have had soups, jello's, protein shakes, oatmeal, applesauce, yogurt. my thing that is killing me is that my sweet tooth is going nuts.... is that possible? I am not hungry but I really want something sweet.... is this normal - or is there anything out there any of you can suggest? I am going to make some pudding with protien powder later.... maybe that will help.

Thanks for your help!


Banded 1-10-08

Dr. Needleman, Columbus Ohio

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Try Jello Sugar Free Pudding, that might help with the sweet tooth.

Good luck, it sounds like you are doing really well with the recovery part of the surgery. =D>

I was banded on 12-12-07 and have lost 25 lbs. Believe me sticking to what the doctor recommends you eat is well worth it.

Good Luck,


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Hi Helena,

I was banded on the same day by Dr. Ortiz. Congrats to you. I have not had a problem with my sweet tooth, just feel kind of hungry in general. I think it may be mostly mental for me. Maybe try some jello with whipped cream. That is if we can have it. What are you allowed to have? Just wondering if I am allowed to have more than I think I can have.


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I was banded last week - 1/10/08 - and I am doing great - pain is not too bad - feels like when I had my daughter cesarean. Mushies aren't too bad - have had soups, jello's, protein shakes, oatmeal, applesauce, yogurt. my thing that is killing me is that my sweet tooth is going nuts.... is that possible? I am not hungry but I really want something sweet.... is this normal - or is there anything out there any of you can suggest? I am going to make some pudding with protien powder later.... maybe that will help.

Thanks for your help!


Banded 1-10-08

Dr. Needleman, Columbus Ohio

Dear Helena,

My saviour was sugar free popsicles! They took me a while to finish them and the sweet taste really took care of my cravings. Also yogurt drinks if you want something more substantial and filling.


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