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I am 5'1 187 pounds 31 years old with 3 kids. I have tried everything I can to lose weight and have started seriously considering surgery. I love this site and think it's very informative. One question I have is about the cost. I have insurance BCBS but have not contacted them yet about coverage. ( they don't want to cover a lot of dental work not sure about this) does anyone mind sharing some cost information with me.

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  jaconner said:

I am 5'1 187 pounds 31 years old with 3 kids. I have tried everything I can to lose weight and have started seriously considering surgery. I love this site and think it's very informative. One question I have is about the cost. I have insurance BCBS but have not contacted them yet about coverage. ( they don't want to cover a lot of dental work not sure about this) does anyone mind sharing some cost information with me.

I was turned down by Regence blue shield insurance. Paid out of pocket to fly to San Diego. Dr. Ortiz's driver picked me up and took me to Tiauana Mexico and all my expenses were covered, Lab work, Cardioligist, Dietition, Hospital, anestiesioligist, and hotel. All were very Clean by US standards and service was more personable than US standards. My only gripe was the hotel bed was hard as a rock. That month the Dr. was running a special at $8500.00 US. Usual price was $9500 USD I believe. I would do it again in a heartbeat! I priced US surgery in Washington State and found it to be $25,000 Cash price! The kicker was the Dr. in Washington was trained by Dr. Ortiz as he is one of Inamed's primary proctor surgions, meaning He has to train the Doctors and supervise 25 surgerys before Inamed allows them to use their product! The proceedure has only been approved for about 6 years in the US. It has been used in Mexico and Europe for 12 years now. If you do choose Mexico do some research into the Doctors and Hospitals. Not all are equal. I chose Dr. Ortiz for a reason and I can assure you I am not getting anything from recommending him. I do feel he is one of the leading surgions worldwide in this field and I researched this for almost 2 years before choosing him. Price wasn't the final factor as I could have shaved a grand or so if I wanted but I am not going to risk my health for $1000. Good luck, This is changing my life one day at a time. Andy

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You should absolutely conduct extensive reasearch on banding possibilities. You can listen to everyone else's research which may help but the final decision is YOURS. I even considered and was in the early planning stages of going to India. Even with the air fare I would have spent less money. But then I went to the Seattle Band Bash in Feb. I learned so much that day and got to hear 5 doctors. Actually talked to a couple of them myself. The 3 Dr.s from Mexico all seemed to be at the top of their professon. My final decision was to schedule my surgery with Dr. Ortiz for April 28th.

So here are my recommendations:

Research, Research, Research

Go to a "Band Bash" or some other gathering. Most folks you hear from will say Dr. "Fill in the Blank" was excellent.

Don't listen to anyone bad mouth anybody without specific names and reasons. I've seen a U.S. Dr. put down Mexican Dr.s.

You may have to pay for the surgery yourself. Ask yourself how much money your life is worth. As much as possible don't make this a money issue. Make it a "is this the best thing for me" question.

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  jaconner said:

I am 5'1 187 pounds 31 years old with 3 kids. I have tried everything I can to lose weight and have started seriously considering surgery. I love this site and think it's very informative. One question I have is about the cost. I have insurance BCBS but have not contacted them yet about coverage. ( they don't want to cover a lot of dental work not sure about this) does anyone mind sharing some cost information with me.

Our State's (South Carolina) typical BC/BS answer is no way, no how, not even to save your life. Not even for emergency procedures which could possibly be required afterward. (I think they're referring to the high-risk gastric bypass' risks. Dr. Ortiz has certainly gotten his procedures down to an art...last I heard his record was unblemished).

Dr. Ortiz' center was advertising some assistance in attaining financing...don't know whether they still do, or not. Call Sandy at they're number (Extension 80) and she'll tell you what to do.

Ten thousand is not easy for a young person to come up with, especially with young kids. I will say that it will be a far better investment than a car or a vacation or a boat. It gives you back your life, and you're young enough to enjoy it!

Call Sandy and get the real lowdown...

Good luck


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Hello! I am so excited! I am getting banded May 5 2006! I am a little scared though reading the msg board....Everyone seems so up on all the terms and what to do, what not to do? PB being full? Im a little confuse. Hopefully I will get all this information from Dr Ortiz when I get there. Any suggestions? I am planning to be able to work that coming Monday; will I have any problems? What all do I need to know before I get to TJ?

Future Bander! weight 252

5'7 :huh:

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I agree with everyone about researching and making a decision based upon your own needs. A loan to do the surgery is about as good an investment that anyone could make on their own behalf in my opinion. I highly recommend that you read "Lap-Band For Life" by Dr. Ortiz...Amazon.com, this will answer all the questions you might have and also will serve as a reference later on after your surgery! It's invaluable.

Are you a diabetic on insulin or meds? You probably won't be after surgery! ;)

Do you have high blood pressure? You probably won't after surgery! B)

Fat kills, one way or the other, physically and emotionally!! You're worth the cost of lap-band!!

God bless,


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  jaconner said:

I am 5'1 187 pounds 31 years old with 3 kids. I have tried everything I can to lose weight and have started seriously considering surgery. I love this site and think it's very informative. One question I have is about the cost. I have insurance BCBS but have not contacted them yet about coverage. ( they don't want to cover a lot of dental work not sure about this) does anyone mind sharing some cost information with me.

I'm with Kaiser in California. They basically told me that I would have to be 280 lbs before they even talk to me about a diet and at 380lbs if I have ailment they might give me some medication. The office offers finance, but it's expensive finance.

Best thing to do is if you have equity in your house, do the equity loan. The price will be much better. That's what we did. I was worried that we wouldn't be able to afford it and I would have to suffer, but my husband is really supportive and felt it was worth the extra payments per month. However, when I sat down and calculated, now that I don't have to spend so much money on food and grocery it really just evens out. And in the end, I'm going to be so much happier. Good luck.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Jaconner...I heard that BS/BC won't even cover a gastric band, only gastric bypass... not sure if that is still true... a friend of mine had her insurance cover her gastric bypass, but I'll tell you she applied and was rejected over 4 times and she was 293 lbs 5'3", diabetes and her father went blind and died from diabetes! Now if SHE wasn't a candidate, I dont know who would be! Anyway, she finally got approved for her GB but it took her almost 2 years, and even then, she still had to pay a deductible and a percentage of the surgery. If you decide to do it, and can find the means, I think you'll think it was the best thing you ever did for yourself!

KurlyQ... congratulations on being banded yesterday! Just remember that even if you go to work Monday, take it easy... surgery is surgery... and you should allow yourself to move at a slower pace if you need to.

My best to you both... Kyle

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was banded in TJ by Dr. Ricardo Martinez at the Molding Clinic and my cost was 6,700. If I were to buy another package for 6,900. he would fly me to San Diego which includes Hotel also. Great service and very nice staff. They have a web site Moldingclinic.com check it out.

I just went for a fill and the only problems with having surgery in MX that I have found is the support group chat. I would like to be more in contact with other bandsters who experience the same topic.

I'm glad I found this forum. Good luck! :rolleyes:

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