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Is this Normal?

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I have had my band for some time now. My surgery date was 12/15/06. I weighed 210 on surgery day, I am now 157. So in 13 months I have only lost 53 pounds. I work out, I eat right most of the time, but yet here I am. The doctor who does my fills says this is great, but I have heard from others who say I should have already been at my goal weight. I get very discouraged when I hear this. I am only 5'2 1/2, and it says I should weight around 115. I personaly think that is to much, I am big boned, and I believe 130 or 135 would be good. Any one else just feel like they are stuck also? Also, when you are done eating, do you think it is normal to feel your port? And for some reason some days I can feel the port, and it is sometimes uncomfortable. Is this all normal, or is just me? Thanks for your time.

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53 lbs in a year is not bad at all. I've lost 40 this last year and am happy even though I've got about 50 more pounds to loose ideally. What weight does your doctor think you should be aiming for? He would know best given your bone structure what weight you should be at. STOP comparing yourself to other people as it will drive you crazy. You are you, and your situation is different from everyone else's, therefore your weight loss will be different.

Feeling your port after eating is also common, as is it being a little sore. The ports are just sitting under the skin. Some people's ports even show up as a bump in their stomach. Eating, especially largish meals takes up space and I would imagine puts pressure on your band. A little soreness occasionally is probably fine but any sharp or prolonged pains would be worrisome. Once again, talking to your doctor would be helpful.

Overall, just relax. You are doing great, don't diminish this wonderful thing you've done.

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I am 5' and honestly have NEVER been able to get below 120. 125 is my new goal weight (even w/o the band).

One thing that's an interesting aside to being short and overweight - even though there's a VERY strong history of osteoporosis in my family, several doctors have told me that at 5', weighing over 130 most of life has been like a built in "weight bearing exercise" and my risk is lower than if I had been the 105-110 my mother and grandmother always weighed :)

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Thanking you for replying, I appreciate it. I needed a little positive feedback. When I got the band put in I was with 2 friends who did also, and I get so mad sometimes because they have lost so much more then me and they don't even work out, or eat right, and even drink alchol. So thank you, I guess yesterday I was just having a little freak out.

53 lbs in a year is not bad at all. I've lost 40 this last year and am happy even though I've got about 50 more pounds to loose ideally. What weight does your doctor think you should be aiming for? He would know best given your bone structure what weight you should be at. STOP comparing yourself to other people as it will drive you crazy. You are you, and your situation is different from everyone else's, therefore your weight loss will be different.

Feeling your port after eating is also common, as is it being a little sore. The ports are just sitting under the skin. Some people's ports even show up as a bump in their stomach. Eating, especially largish meals takes up space and I would imagine puts pressure on your band. A little soreness occasionally is probably fine but any sharp or prolonged pains would be worrisome. Once again, talking to your doctor would be helpful.

Overall, just relax. You are doing great, don't diminish this wonderful thing you've done.

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Thank you for your feed back, I appreciate it.

I am 5' and honestly have NEVER been able to get below 120. 125 is my new goal weight (even w/o the band).

One thing that's an interesting aside to being short and overweight - even though there's a VERY strong history of osteoporosis in my family, several doctors have told me that at 5', weighing over 130 most of life has been like a built in "weight bearing exercise" and my risk is lower than if I had been the 105-110 my mother and grandmother always weighed :)

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i have heard it is suppose to take two years to reach goal so the wt you lost in the first year is excellent. from what you discribe about your bone structure, anything at 130 to 135 sounds perfect. my friend is very fit and large boned, 5'3" and when she is in perfect shape she cant get below 140 but wears a perfect size 6.

when i was getting my surgery, the docs at OCC told me if i can get to 190 and stay there (i am 5'8" and lots of muscle) then i would be considered successful and healthy even though the charts say i should wt 160.

i did a fat diagnostic testing thing where it measures the muscle, organs and fat in your body. based on that machine it said my muscles and organs alone wt 165 and we all need a little fat on our bodies to be healthy. maybe you should see if you could get that testing done some where just to see what your make-up of body mass is? i got mine done at a local health fair.


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I completely understand as I have been banded since May '07 and have only lost 30 lbs! I eat fairly well since I had a small unfill, the majority of my weight loss was during the time I was too tight and could only do liquids. Now I'm REALLY enjoying my salads, but still no weight loss. I'm very discouraged as I have not lost an ounce since September! I wonder if I will ever see the scale move....argh, what is wrong with me? So not fair!

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