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VGB vs lapband

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I have been reading these forums for a little while now, in a bid to keep researching until I actually have my band put it. I'm a little confused about the differences in vertical gastric banding as opposed to the regular lapband.

Is the VGB the same as the "sleeve" I keep reading about? I gather the lapband creates a pouch with a small exit, and the sleeve creates a narrow tube for the food to pass through. Does the VGB do something kind of inbetween?

I don't want to undertake a procedure that is going to change my digestive tract to the point of being hard-to-impossible to reverse, in case of complications down the track. That's why I thought the lapband would be best, as there is no cutting of your stomach or small intestine. I don't really want to go with something that uses malsorption as part of the weight loss, because for one thing, I'm wanting to get pregnant in the next year, and I don't think it would be wise to get pregnant after having a malsorptive procedure done.

I don't know. I think I've been reading so much that I'm starting to get confused!

I'd love to hear from VGB's and lapbands alike. Good and bad testimonies. I like to know what I'm getting myself into!


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Johnny, where did you have your VG band put in? Where can I get more information on it?

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Here is a visual image of what the difference in a 10cc VG Band and the 4cc Standard band:


How I understand it is that depending on how much fat you have around the stomach determines what size band the doctor puts in place.

You can see why some with the VG band need more fills, since most doctors won't put more than 2ccs in at a time you would need 2 or 3 fills to get the same level as a 4cc band.

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How I understand it is that depending on how much fat you have around the stomach determines what size band the doctor puts in place.

You can see why some with the VG band need more fills, since most doctors won't put more than 2ccs in at a time you would need 2 or 3 fills to get the same level as a 4cc band.

Or if you had a hernia that had to be fixed (nothing to do with the fat around it). That is what I had and Dr Ortiz fixed it but had to use the VG. He also told me that I would probably only need 2 fills just like my sister, hers would be 1 cc or less and mine would be probably 2.4cc for the first and maybe one more like that. Of course (the disclaimer ha ha)I don't know this for sure as we have not gone for our fills yet.

Thanks for the visual MamaMichelle... I was having a hard time explaining to my husband why I got a different one than my sister.

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Or if you had a hernia that had to be fixed (nothing to do with the fat around it). That is what I had and Dr Ortiz fixed it but had to use the VG. He also told me that I would probably only need 2 fills just like my sister, hers would be 1 cc or less and mine would be probably 2.4cc for the first and maybe one more like that. Of course (the disclaimer ha ha)I don't know this for sure as we have not gone for our fills yet.

Thanks for the visual MamaMichelle... I was having a hard time explaining to my husband why I got a different one than my sister.

I'm not sure that's a hard variable either - I had a hernia Dr. O repaired and I had the smaller band put in.

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Here is a visual image of what the difference in a 10cc VG Band and the 4cc Standard band:


How I understand it is that depending on how much fat you have around the stomach determines what size band the doctor puts in place.

You can see why some with the VG band need more fills, since most doctors won't put more than 2ccs in at a time you would need 2 or 3 fills to get the same level as a 4cc band.

The VG band and VGB surgery is not the same thing. I THINK VGB is the same as the gastric sleeve surgery, but I haven't researched it.

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