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ANYONE in the week of FEB 26 to Feb 29 SURGERY DATE?

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Hello, my surgery is the 28th, what day is yours on? I was doing good on my pre op, but we had friends over last night, ended up eating with them, mashed potatos, gravy, bbq chicken breast, & a salad. That all wasn't to bad, but the 4 beers I drank, really through me on the "BAD" track. As of this morning, it didn't look like it made me gain any, but I didn't lose any. Plus I smoked a cigerrette! I am so mad at myself for last night, maybe I better stay away from my friends until this is all over. It is too much pressure, even though I don't want to quit hanging out with friends, everytime I am, I slip up.

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Hello, my surgery is the 28th, what day is yours on? I was doing good on my pre op, but we had friends over last night, ended up eating with them, mashed potatos, gravy, bbq chicken breast, & a salad. That all wasn't to bad, but the 4 beers I drank, really through me on the "BAD" track. As of this morning, it didn't look like it made me gain any, but I didn't lose any. Plus I smoked a cigerrette! I am so mad at myself for last night, maybe I better stay away from my friends until this is all over. It is too much pressure, even though I don't want to quit hanging out with friends, everytime I am, I slip up.

my surgery is the 27th. I cant wait! I have quit smoking as of 2/10 and quit drinking on the 10th as well- the doc. can tell if you have smoked a lot by your blood. and alcohol is a blood thinner which obviously you do not want during surgery! I think that just taking it easy, at home, is a good idea..bc i know if i am around my friends im going to want to drink and smoke...and eat! bc last night they drug me out to outback. I had a salad and grilled chicken with rice..but still. I am VERY nervous about losing this pre-op diet but sometimes the urges are just SO strong! i HATE It!

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I am arriving on the 28th for blood work and getting banded on the 29th, I believe I got the last spot on that date and all the private rooms were full so it should be a full house on the 29th though I am yet to find anyone else posting here with that date. I don't drink or smoke so no issues there and I have been doing the slim fast since the 17th and have lost 2lbs so far. I wanted to do optifast but the shipping was going to take too long so I started the slimfast until the optifast shakes arrive.

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Hello, my surgery is the 28th, what day is yours on? I was doing good on my pre op, but we had friends over last night, ended up eating with them, mashed potatos, gravy, bbq chicken breast, & a salad. That all wasn't to bad, but the 4 beers I drank, really through me on the "BAD" track. As of this morning, it didn't look like it made me gain any, but I didn't lose any. Plus I smoked a cigerrette! I am so mad at myself for last night, maybe I better stay away from my friends until this is all over. It is too much pressure, even though I don't want to quit hanging out with friends, everytime I am, I slip up.

Mine is on the 27th - so I am flying in on the 26th.

Better you slip up now that after the surgery. I am sure you know this but when we overeat, the weight doesn't show the next day but in another few days. I have been an expert yo-yo dieter all my life.

I am sure you are all as nervous and excited as I am. I hope we get to put a face to these names in Mexico!

Good luck in pre-op (cuz' I know I need all the will-power I need on my pre-op!).

Be good... just a few more days!!!!


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my surgery is the 27th. I cant wait! I have quit smoking as of 2/10 and quit drinking on the 10th as well- the doc. can tell if you have smoked a lot by your blood. and alcohol is a blood thinner which obviously you do not want during surgery! I think that just taking it easy, at home, is a good idea..bc i know if i am around my friends im going to want to drink and smoke...and eat! bc last night they drug me out to outback. I had a salad and grilled chicken with rice..but still. I am VERY nervous about losing this pre-op diet but sometimes the urges are just SO strong! i HATE It!

We have the same surgery date Mackenzie! I hope to meet you!

Excited and nervous,


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im am sure we will get a chance to meet! I am getting excited! when do you fly in? We get in around 10:30am to san deigo (im coming with my husband)

Mackenzie--where in Florida are you flying from? My teenage daughter and I are scheduled for the 28th and we're flying from Ft. Lauderdale.


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What day are you flying back? I know what you mean about the "long" flight back. In looking for flights, it seemed like you could get to San Diego in no time. Our return on Saturday will literally take all day. I think the expected arrival time back in Ft Lauderdale is 12:05 am on Sunday moring! :blink: I don't care, I have the rest of my life to sleep--well not really--but I still don't care. My daughter is 13 and is already experiencing the inherited effects of weight from me and my mom (Dad, brothers and only sister are all thin - :angry: ). This is a fantastic tool, and more healthy than medications, in my opinion. I did phen-fen years ago, lost alot of weight (50+ lbs), but when I went off of the meds my appetite came back 10 times worse. At one point I warned my husband and children (small at the time) not to stand still too long--they might not be safe :lol:. That's why I think this will work for both of us without the characteristic regaining of weight that always seems to happen.

Wow, this got a littel wordy. Anywho- hope to see you there! D

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my husband and i are flying back on the 29th(friday) but we land on saturday i just hope that the flight isnt full so we can spread out! I went to a weight loss camp a few years ago in la jolla cali and lost 30 lbs there adn then another 50 on my own by working out and eating right. then i tore all of my ligaments playing bball and couldnt exercise.sooooo i gained all of that back plus some haha Im 21 so im glad that i am doing this now bc i cant stand to wait any longer. how is the preop diet going for you? its been a little tough for me but ive lost about 10lbs...also had to quit smoking, drinking diet coke and drinking beer (for now at least) soo i think ive done pretty well.

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I think I caught that on a previous post that you eliminated a whole bunch of things. Wow girl, talk about a lifestyle change!! Bravo, and then some!! As for the pre-op diet, I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 11 lbs since 2/6. I'm starting out a little heavier than you I think. My starting weight is 229 (exactly 100 lbs heavier than when I got married 23 years ago-- :(( ), my weight today was 218, and I think I could manage a goal of 140. I am especially motivated to lose the weight because this year my parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversay and my siblings and I are planning a formal party for them in November. I told them that if I don't lose the weight, I will help run the show from the ladies room, sort of like "Charlie" from Charlie's Angels, but I won't let all my relatives see me (we live in FL, they are all in Michigan). I also want to help my daughter, (5'7", 185 lbs) as a better role model than I have been in the recent past. We actually have been taking a nightly bike ride which feels great. (We go at night since it has been a while since I have had a bike--just in case I end up in someone's front yard due to a navigational/coordination error--haha). I also have a Curves membership.

Keep up the good work! D

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im am sure we will get a chance to meet! I am getting excited! when do you fly in? We get in around 10:30am to san deigo (im coming with my husband)

HI MacKenzie!!!

I am arrive in San Diego at 10:30am.... I am coming from Atlanta.. but alone...

Can't wait to meet you both!


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I arrive in San Diego at 10:40 on the 27th, my husband is coming with me. I just informed my husband that I will have to stay all night at the hospital the 28th, the night of my surgery, that is what I read somewhere, is that true? Anyway, he wasn't to excited about that idea, actually he was upset, I hope he has someone else to help passify his time. I know it sounds as I will have company with you other banders, can't wait to meet you all either. How many of us are there??? Are any of you flying with American Airlines? What all are you packing, how many bags are you taking? Would love to hear your packing list and how many bags your taking. Thought about taking an empty bag, in case I need room for stuff I buy.

Well we are going bowling tonight, that will be interesting, I haven't went bowling in over 10 years I bet. Thought we would do that rather than go and hang out at a bar, to tempting to drink, eat, smoke, or whatever.

Talk to you all later,


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"shampoo" we may be on the same flight to san diego! hahah that would be funny. "kissyfur" my husband and I are both bringing medium sized bags. Im just bring comfortable clothes- a pair of jeans, sweat-pants, comfy pants... i checked the weather and its supposed to be like mid 70's and low 50's so ill bring a sweatshirt and long sleeves too. I read on here to pack as light as possible bc going over the border they had to xray EVERY bag and the lighter you pack the faster we get thru. We will both have a bit of space left in our bag in case we buy some stuff..sooo pack light!

see you there! my surgery is the 26th (we leave on the 29th) but if your hubby is around he can hang out with us the night of your surgery! we will be just hanging at the hotel


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I just was checking this post to see if anyone responded with your same surgery date, 2/29. Still to no posts. Maybe you're getting ultra private treatment or the other future bandsters are really really shy. I thought I was clicking on one of your posts last night and accidentally hit your forum name and ended up in your profile. Your family picture is so nice. I think from a previous post you said you might crash the fun on the 28th when you do your pre-op testing. Feel free to join the party. I have read posts, however, that many are pretty out of it after the procedure and anesthesia, etc. I hope that if I meet you that I am not drooling on myself or babbling incoherently-haha. Best of luck with everything! Diana

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I think I caught that on a previous post that you eliminated a whole bunch of things. Wow girl, talk about a lifestyle change!! Bravo, and then some!! As for the pre-op diet, I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 11 lbs since 2/6. I'm starting out a little heavier than you I think. My starting weight is 229 (exactly 100 lbs heavier than when I got married 23 years ago-- :(( ), my weight today was 218, and I think I could manage a goal of 140. I am especially motivated to lose the weight because this year my parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversay and my siblings and I are planning a formal party for them in November. I told them that if I don't lose the weight, I will help run the show from the ladies room, sort of like "Charlie" from Charlie's Angels, but I won't let all my relatives see me (we live in FL, they are all in Michigan). I also want to help my daughter, (5'7", 185 lbs) as a better role model than I have been in the recent past. We actually have been taking a nightly bike ride which feels great. (We go at night since it has been a while since I have had a bike--just in case I end up in someone's front yard due to a navigational/coordination error--haha). I also have a Curves membership.

Keep up the good work! D


That's great! You actually are doing what I wanted to do last year but hesitated for "whatever reasons". My husband's parents had a 50th Anniversary recently and I wanted to loose weight for that but I was bogged down with planning and arranging everything. It was fun but very stressful since it was a big group of 30. We did a cruise in Mexico and extended family reunion in San Diego for those that couldn't come. It turned out great but the all day access to food was not good for me at all. Looking forward to meeting you and your daughter.

My surgery date is Feb 28th so there's a few of us that will be there together to support one another. I also have my adult daughter coming with me. We'll see you gals soon! I am very excited too and scared and happy and anxious and well you know...

Hanna ;)

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Hi Hanna-

Is your daughter coming as your support, or will she be "banded" also? I tell you, I think my daughter is about out of her mind already. At the moment she is at a birthday party for a friend, so hopefully her mind is off of it. I'm sure it doesn't help that as I am on the forum reading feverishly about every aspect of this, I read aloud most of what I find interesting--which is practically everything. This forum was the best thing. I was literally ready to fax my 12 page patient information package from a local doctor (his cost $24,500) when I hit on a post found from a web search that landed me to the forum. Even the folks that have had a few setbacks still believe in the lapband as a tool. And to see the incredible amounts of weight that have been lost is truly amazing. My daughter watched a Youtube.com video of the procedure. When I watched it I felt a little weak and sweaty (can you believe I work in a hospital and deal daily with blood, bone marrow and tissue biopsies?). We also clicked a link that had a 3-part interview with Dr Ortiz. He also personally called my daughter (with Lori's help) to make sure she understood the lapband and the changes she will have to make. He was so sweet to her on the phone, and not once seemed like he was just "gettin it done". We both look forward to meeting everyone and hopefully hugging Lori. She is wonderful!

I am glad that your anniversary party went well. I think a cruise sounds like the perfect idea. My boss and his family did something similar to that. The only problem with that idea is I think everyone would go on the cruise except my parents (they watch a little too much TV news - haha). When my parents got married it was just them, their bestman, matron of honor and the minister at the rectory. Not a high profile deal. We want to blow their socks off. My youngest brother wants it to be a complete and total surprise. I told him that if it were me and everyone else was all decked out to the nines and I showed up for my own surprise party dressed in my "I'm just running up to the store" duds, I would be tempted to seriously hurt someone. I think we will end up just telling them the date and no other details--just vague instructions to lose their weight, get their botox and fancy party clothes, and the limo will pick them up at 5pm that afternoon. It has been fun so far doing the planning together.

Really looking forward to meeting up with both of you! Diana

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im am sure we will get a chance to meet! I am getting excited! when do you fly in? We get in around 10:30am to san deigo (im coming with my husband)


I am arriving at 10:40am in SD (if there is no delay that is!). We will probably see each other at SAN!!!

It's tomorrow!!!!

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I just was checking this post to see if anyone responded with your same surgery date, 2/29. Still to no posts. Maybe you're getting ultra private treatment or the other future bandsters are really really shy. I thought I was clicking on one of your posts last night and accidentally hit your forum name and ended up in your profile. Your family picture is so nice. I think from a previous post you said you might crash the fun on the 28th when you do your pre-op testing. Feel free to join the party. I have read posts, however, that many are pretty out of it after the procedure and anesthesia, etc. I hope that if I meet you that I am not drooling on myself or babbling incoherently-haha. Best of luck with everything! Diana

Hey Diana,

I just noticed this post, sorry I didn't reply sooner. Thanks for the compliments on my picture, like many of the women here I am often told that I "have such a pretty face" or that I am "too pretty to be so heavy" it doesn't help that my husband is 6'4 and rail thin and my 5 year old comes up to my shoulder and has the same thin body type as his daddy! So the chubby girl sticks out- see what I mean:


I'm not sure where all the people for the 29th are, I know it's a full house because all the private rooms were taken. But I actually just emailed Rene asking if there was space open on the 28th if I could do my tests and surgery on the same day (kind of like "Shampoo" posted about her experience) and she said it looks like it won't be a problem!

I am so ready to get this journey going and if I can squeeze in an extra recovery day all the better! So I look forward to meeting you and your daughter and "Kissyfur" as well! See you tomorrow!

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Diana: I am in Davie and I just arrived home from TJ. I was on the 10:40 pm flight from San Diego to ATL and then ATL to FLL. My sister Rita (Bradenton) and I were there for my first fill on Friday 2/29. I ran into a couple of folks who mentioned the mother/daughter from FLL and was hoping to meet you.

email me at xoxoxo919@hotmail.com. perhaps we can meet for coffee and donuts!!! : - ) not donuts just kidding! LOL

How are you and your daughter doing.

Nice meeting Lisa, Linda and their spouses.

I am excited to start this phase of my journey!

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I got banded on the 28th in Houston. I'm having my ups and downs with this. I've lost 5 lbs so far and looking forward to losing more. I hope that this will get easier when I can start to eat solid foods! :rolleyes:

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