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Hi Everyone - I never had heartburn in my life and always heard/thought it was burning in your chest/throat, etc. Well about 3 months ago - I started with this drainage and throat clearing that just kept getting worse. First with food then with liquids. Went to an allergist cuz i thought it was food allergies. The doctor listened and immediately said that isn't food allergies - that is reflux! Since it originally started after eating out - I admitted I was probably over eating which I tend to do when eating out. I also know overeating can cause me to experience drainage -the sniffles. I vowed to watch it - etc. etc.

To make a long story short - I ended up at my surgeons and have a complete unfill - not only was my situation very serious - any type of reflux is very serious and should be taken as such - please don't wait if you are experiencing these symptoms -

My fill was fine and tightened up for no particular reason - I had gone almost 6 months with this fill before this started happening. I am so thankful my band hasn't slipped and I have a chance to fix this problem.

I've been banded almost 3 years and am still learning =hope this help someone else. If you are experiencing this problem - please see your doctor immediately.


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Hi Everyone - I never had heartburn in my life and always heard/thought it was burning in your chest/throat, etc. Well about 3 months ago - I started with this drainage and throat clearing that just kept getting worse. First with food then with liquids. Went to an allergist cuz i thought it was food allergies. The doctor listened and immediately said that isn't food allergies - that is reflux! Since it originally started after eating out - I admitted I was probably over eating which I tend to do when eating out. I also know overeating can cause me to experience drainage -the sniffles. I vowed to watch it - etc. etc.

To make a long story short - I ended up at my surgeons and have a complete unfill - not only was my situation very serious - any type of reflux is very serious and should be taken as such - please don't wait if you are experiencing these symptoms -

My fill was fine and tightened up for no particular reason - I had gone almost 6 months with this fill before this started happening. I am so thankful my band hasn't slipped and I have a chance to fix this problem.

I've been banded almost 3 years and am still learning =hope this help someone else. If you are experiencing this problem - please see your doctor immediately.


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