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My Lap Band Experience

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Hi folks,

I thought I would share my experience, start to finish with the OCC, and the lap band.

Arrived 2/14/08

Banded 2/15/08

Departed 2/17/08

I arrived at the airport just before 2pm, and Fransico was there to meet me. I was under the impression that I was going to the hotel, but Fransico told me that the Nutritionist was expecting me. He took me to the clinic, and I ended up having to wait 2 hours for the Nutrtitionist to get to the clinic. I was kind of upset - I thought she was there waiting for me, turns out I ended up waiting for her! She took me in her office and spent less than 5 minutes talking to me, going over the diet after surgery. All the info she gave me was already emailed to me. I feel like my time was really wasted. While I know they have a Nutrionist there to help guide us, I felt like it was all robotic. She was just running through what she tells everyone everytime they step into her office. I was a bit dissappointed.

I finally was taken to my hotel, checked in and relaxed a while. I decided to get some soup at the resturant downstairs (it was yummy) and then come back to my room and jsut relax and prepare for the next morning.

There was a group of us that were told to be ready and waiting in the lobby first thing in the morning - I think it was 8am or something like that. While waiting down there, I met a few other folks who were getting surgery too. I was so SHOCKED!!!!!! to meet a gal who was getting surgery that day (everyone there was SHOCKED - it wasn't just me). She was average height, and average weight. We all thought she was going to pick up a friend who had the surgery - she just did not fit the profile for Lap Band surgery. She told us that it took her a few weeks to convince them to give her the Lap Band. She was told NOT to do a pre op diet or anything. She told us that she wanted to loose the extra weight she gained during early menopause. I suspect she was about 5 feet 6 inches, or 7 inches and her weight - taking a guess was probably 145 or so. She was super nice and was really looking forward to loosing 35lbs. This also confused me! I get that if she's gained weight since menopause that she might be looking at herself much differnt - however while talking to us, she told us how much she loves to eat, and how hard it was going to be to give up her diet soda and other things. It seems like if she were to change her eating habits and drinking habits she might have some success loosing those few (not 35!) extra pounds she's added. --THIS is nothing against her - she was very nice - this rant is directed to the CLINIC. I was very dissappointed that they agreed to this surgery. This surgery is supposed to be for people who are OBESE, not those who need to shed 10lbs. The ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR ladies and gentlemen THE ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR!!! This was the most dissappointing thing, truely.

Anyway - to continue -

I ended up waiting in the waiting room for about 2 hours, with doing a fast dental check and a EKG. I was then taken to my room, got into my gown and stuff. I was given a pill for relaxation, and got my IV and all that. I think I waited another 2 hours (fell asleep) before it was 'my turn'. I met Dr. Ortiz - he's very nice.

In recovery, I slept most of the day. I thought somone would wake me up to make me go walking - they keep saying all the walking you need to do after the surgery. I woke up 2 times after surgery. Once I had to use the restroom, so I thought I would walk a little. Then several hours later I woke up and did a few more laps. No one checked on me, either - which I thought was a bit strange! I wish they would be more aggressive with the after surgery care.

I slept great that night.

The next morning, I was told it was time to go, so I got up,dressed and then - haha - waited about another 2 hours (I could have been resting those two hours) before I was taken back to my hotel. I went shopping for about 1 hour, then back to the hotel and rested for the rest of the day/night. I thought that someone (nurse, doc, etc) would call and check on all of us - nobody did.

I got a call from Dr. Ortiz's mom letting me know that I had to be ready at 9am the next morning for my transport to the airport, even though my flight wasn't until 4:11pm. They told me that it takes a few hours, minimum, to cross the boarder - and the only other time they offered was at 1pm, but she told me I would not make my plane. So I needed to take the 9am transport. I ended up being the only person going on that transport - which I thought was funny - they could not have taken me a few hours later -- knowing that no other patients were needing to get to the airport before my flight. So, I had to sit in the hotel from 10:15 am until my flight at 4:11pm - that's 6 hours!!!!

Anyway, I'm home - it's been 6 days since my surgery. I'm doing pretty well. I'm sore on my left side (port side) but trying to take it easy. Yesterday was the first day I started to feel a little hungry, but then realized that I had not had enough to drink which is likely the cause. I made some homemade cream of mushroom soup and cream of broccoli/chicken soup last night. I look forward to enjoying that later today.

All in all, I'm happy I had the surgery. I really just wish they had a tighter regiem of how things are done. AND I will never be ok with them doing surgery on people who just need to drop a few pounds. I feel that's abusing what the Lap Band was intended for.

The entire staff IS very nice. I just wish they were more together - knowing that I was not walking - getting me up and walking. Instead of asking me if I've already had medication, they should have it charted what they've given me, when and who gave it to me.

With a little effort, I beleive this clinic could run more more smoothly.

Much Peace to you all,


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Just remember, you can't always tell someone's weight or other health factors just by looking at them. The minimum BMI for surgery is 30. If a person has been heavier and managed to get slightly below 30 we may consider them for surgery based on other risk factors. Believe me, we turn down more than we accept.

Because I won't discuss a patients medical profile I won't tell you what that patients information is, but they did qualify for surgery.

While you may have had to go back to the airport earlier than expected, it may be possible that we had another patient needing pick up at the airport and there may not have been time to make more than one run to get you back in time had we waited. I don't schedule the driver, so I'm not sure. I'm sorry this was an inconvenience. We would just rather you get there early then miss a flight.

I hope that overall you had a pleasant experience at the clinic. We do welcome suggestions and I have forwarded your post for evaluation.

thank you :)

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Thanks for your reply, Lori.

My postings' information is just what I was told, buy this gal. Another pateint asked if her health was fine, and she said yes, just going through menopause and added some weight.

As for the airport - I beleive Fransico told me that he had a pickup at 12:30 or 1pm. He told me he sits in his car and watches DVD's until it's time to get them. I could suggest that there are 2 drivers, then. I had to sit in an airport from 10:15am until 4:11pm hours because someone else was arriving at 12:30 or 1pm. After surgery, it's not the most comfortable to be in an airport chair for 6 hours. I hope you can see my frusteration there. It was about 18 hours after surgery and I was spending the next 6 hours in the airport.

Thanks for your reply.

Much peace,


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Keep in mind that surgery in the US is often, if not usually, day surgery without an overnight stay.

Also, you were sleeping off the anaesthesia right after surgery. Do you not think that maybe someone did check on you, and you didn't even know it? I don't remember 90 per cent of what happened to me the day of surgery.

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I am confused by your comment of the surgery in the US. I will add that if I had this surgery in the US and was sent home the same day, I would have my family here to check on me, and make sure I was walking, etc.

I am merely sharing my experience. I'm not suggesting the nurses did not check on me, I am saying that when I was awake, I didn't see any nurses. No one came in and asked me if I'd walked, or anything like that.

Much Peace,


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There was a group of us that were told to be ready and waiting in the lobby first thing in the morning - I think it was 8am or something like that. While waiting down there, I met a few other folks who were getting surgery too. I was so SHOCKED!!!!!! to meet a gal who was getting surgery that day (everyone there was SHOCKED - it wasn't just me). She was average height, and average weight. We all thought she was going to pick up a friend who had the surgery - she just did not fit the profile for Lap Band surgery. She told us that it took her a few weeks to convince them to give her the Lap Band. She was told NOT to do a pre op diet or anything. She told us that she wanted to loose the extra weight she gained during early menopause. I suspect she was about 5 feet 6 inches, or 7 inches and her weight - taking a guess was probably 145 or so. She was super nice and was really looking forward to loosing 35lbs. This also confused me! I get that if she's gained weight since menopause that she might be looking at herself much differnt - however while talking to us, she told us how much she loves to eat, and how hard it was going to be to give up her diet soda and other things. It seems like if she were to change her eating habits and drinking habits she might have some success loosing those few (not 35!) extra pounds she's added. --THIS is nothing against her - she was very nice - this rant is directed to the CLINIC. I was very dissappointed that they agreed to this surgery. This surgery is supposed to be for people who are OBESE, not those who need to shed 10lbs. The ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR ladies and gentlemen THE ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR!!! This was the most dissappointing thing, truely.

I am so disappointed that you would assume that this patient was not a good candidate for this procedure. You don't know her story and the true reasons she did it. You don't know her medical history and it seems you are a bit resentful of her decision. It is a very admirable that she had the bravery to do something about her weight. I would think you would have a little more empathy for an other person who needs to lose weight. I am sure you know the struggle of being overweight, I am just so disappointed.

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After talking with her, she told us there were no health issues, she was just unahppy with the extra few lbs she had put on due to menopause - I've already stated this. I only spoke what she told our group. She was not overweight. Her wanting to loose a few pounds is completely different from people who struggle with the extra 75, 100, 150, even 200 extra pounds. You must see that. If you felt you were carrying an extra 15lbs would you start working out and watching what you eat, or get the lap band? That's my point. She indicated she didn't go much in the way of working out, and her health was good - just going through menopause.

It's possible she wasn't truthful with our group when we asked her why she wanted this surgery. I am just telling you what we were told. There is no need to be dissappointed in what I write. I only wrote what she told me, and my opinion. It's mine, and I own it.

I am not resentful of her decision. I am disspointed that a medical doctor would agree to do this weight loss procedure on someone who had just a few pounds to shed. That is what you should have focused on.

I apppreciate your opinion. I respect that you have your own thoughts. I think you are missing the point that she told us her story, and I just wrote what she told me when I was sharing my experience.

Good Luck to you.

Much Peace,


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I'm not sure why you are getting so upset. This was part of my overall experience.

I'm going to leave it at that. There is nothing gained by going round and round. We disagree. That is fine. We both have the right to our opinion.

Good Luck to you.



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We do have another driver at times, but in order to keep the cost down for surgery sometimes it requires that we coordinate the trips across the border. I think most would agree they'd rather have a bit of a wait at the airport rather than pay for a second driver. I know I would.

Again, I won't discuss another patients information on here, and its possible she didn't want to disclose her personal information as well, but one of the reasons people come to Dr. Ortiz is to avoid the games or having to gain weight just to qualify with another doctor. He believes in the benefits of preventative medicine. I know I wish I had found Dr. O earlier in my life when I didn't have as much to lose.

We do welcome hearing about everyone's experience, and we know that everyone has a different opnion, but we do try very hard to be accomodating and try to make every patient's experience a positive one.

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  LoriBecky said:
Just remember, you can't always tell someone's weight or other health factors just by looking at them. The minimum BMI for surgery is 30. If a person has been heavier and managed to get slightly below 30 we may consider them for surgery based on other risk factors. Believe me, we turn down more than we accept.

Because I won't discuss a patients medical profile I won't tell you what that patients information is, but they did qualify for surgery.

While you may have had to go back to the airport earlier than expected, it may be possible that we had another patient needing pick up at the airport and there may not have been time to make more than one run to get you back in time had we waited. I don't schedule the driver, so I'm not sure. I'm sorry this was an inconvenience. We would just rather you get there early then miss a flight.

I hope that overall you had a pleasant experience at the clinic. We do welcome suggestions and I have forwarded your post for evaluation.

thank you :)

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I was to meet the driver at 10:45am. He arrived on time but we were told we needed to wait for some other people. They didn't arrive until 12:15. There were 2 of us who were waiting had been fasting for tests. When we got to the clinic, there ended up being six of us to process at the same time. By the time I was able to get something to drink it was 2:00. And it was 4:00 before I got anything to eat and I am a diabetic. We were told to meet the driver at 7:30 the next morning and it was almost 8:30 before he arrived. I was told that as a diabetic my blood sugar would be tested every 4 hours. It was tested only twice--just before surgery and the next morning. No doctor came to tell me anything about how my operation went. Those that had companions there did get a visit and update from doctor. So why not the patients that were there by themselves? I found out when I checked in at the hotel since the hotel room I was occupying would be empty while I was at the clinic that I had to check out the morning of surgery and back in the day after. I had to wait for an hour for a room to be available the day after surgery. By the time I got to my room all I could do was take a shower (they didn't want you taking a shower at the clinic) and go to bed. I got a call that afternoon saying to meet the driver at 11:00 am the next day for the van to the airport (my flight was at 4:30). So we waited until almost noon and then he finally there. I didn't get home until 11:00pm and it was a very long 12 hours. I really didn't have the experience I was expecting from reading the posts prior to surgery. I think part of the problem is because they are so busy since the Oprah show. I had booked prior to the show and wish I had the surgery before then. I think my experience would have been different.

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Hey Maggie :) I arrived on February 13, and had surgery on February 14. I do agree that there were a couple of people who had surgery the same day as me that surprised me that they were having the surgery, and my fiance and I discussed this and agreed that I wouldn't want people telling me that I was so far overweight that I should be having gastric bypass vs. lapband, so I was going to focus on my own success rather than picking apart someone else's decision for the surgery as well. I do agree, though, that if I were the weight of some of the people I saw scheduled for surgery, I wouldn't have been having the surgery. Anyway, on to my experience :)

Overall I was very happy with my experience. I was very glad to have my fiance with me for support (I don't know how you did it alone). When we flew in to San Diego, Fransico was waiting for us. We then went to pick someone else up. Fransisco drove us to meet up with Mrs. Ortiz, as he had more people to pick up at the airport, so she met us somewhere just in the US and drove us to the center. She was very sweet and I was moved through the appointments at the center very quickly. Everyone was very friendly and accomodating. I enjoyed my appointment with the nutritionist. I had worked very hard prior to surgery to lose the 37 pounds they requested, and actually managed to lose 39. She answered my questions, and was very personable. Shortly before my appointments were finished, Fransisco came with a few other people and had our luggage. We didn't have to wait at all--Mrs. Ortiz was there to take us to our hotel.

We were more than happy with our experience at the hotel. We did not have to check out of the hotel as my fiance was with me and was going to be staying at the hotel the night I was in the hospital. The restaraunt was very nice, and we took in some sights that afternoon. We were told to be ready between 7:30 and 7:45 (I think) the next morning to be picked up for surgery. There were a lot of people waiting and there wasn't enough room in the car so I stayed back with my fiance for the next pick up. When we got to the center, I was almost immediately taken back to my room to settle in. I guess I was fortunate enough to be the first patient. We met the doctors, and they were both very nice. They gave me a pill to help me relax before surgery, but had a hard time starting my IV (No fault of theirs--my veins ALWAYS do a disappearing act when I am in a hospital or am having surgery). They were very nice and ended up starting it prior to surgery. I started waking up following the surgery while I was still in the OR. I could still feel the tube down my throat, but they immediately took it out. I was able to hear them say that everything looked good--I was still tired but I wasn't so groggy that I couldn't remember anything. I liked this. After many of my other surgeries I always had such a hard time waking up from anesthesia and I hate that feeling, so it was good not to have that.

The nurses were very friendly. I had a lot of pain following surgery due to issues with my back and neck. They were helpful in getting me pain medication the first time I needed it, however when my pain from surgery changed from being the gas pains to being definately muscular, I had to wait a number of hours before I could have anything. This was difficult beings that I am on prescribed pain medication and a muscle relaxer for my back and neck already. I couldn't swallow those and was in a lot of pain. I got up to walk frequently, and it definately did help for the gas pains.

The following morning when I was woken up to get ready, I had gotten dressed, brushed my teeth, and called my parents to check on my daughter when the doctor was in to see me. I was then discharged and brought back to the hotel by Mrs. Ortiz. She was so helpful to us. We actually had to get my fiance's birth certificate Fed Ex'ed to a US address, but that it would still be able to get to us, due to some serious issues with getting it to us prior to leaving home. Rene was very helpful and gave us Dr. Ortiz's address and she brought us his birth certificate so that we could get back into the US (I told him I was going home regardless of whether he was with me or not ;)--I missed my baby! ). We were called that evening and let know what time we needed to be ready to be picked up. I honestly can't even remember what time they told us, but we did have to wait a little while. We didn't mind though--John became best buddies with Alonso at the hotel and was getting to know him better.

At the border we had to get out of the van with all of our luggage and walk across the border. We got misguided by a police officer and ended up walking waaaaay farther than we had to, but Fransisco was very patient and managed to find us :) Turns out we weren't the only ones to get lost--the other people with us did too, but they got found a lot sooner than we did. We got to the airport a couple hours early, but I took a nap in the chair.

Since being home I have felt better every day. I still have a lot of pain in my port area, but I think that has to do with me sometimes overdoing it with my 15 month old daughter who is 24 pounds. I also found out the hard way that my body has become allergic to Iodine and got a HORRIBLE rash all over my torso, which hasn't been fun.

Overall, I had a wonderful experience and we are planning on comming back for my first fill. I think that my experience was definately more pleasant for me beings I had a loved one with me. I can't imagine going through surgery and being alone for that time. I am very excited to go forth in this journey and become successful, and without Obesity Control Center, it wouldn't have been possible for me financially.

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"I do agree, though, that if I were the weight of some of the people I saw scheduled for surgery, I wouldn't have been having the surgery. Anyway, on to my experience :)"


I know when I arrive I will be one of these controversial people. I am 5'9" and CURRENTLY have a BMI of 32, I say currently because in the past it has been much higher. Haven't we all gained and lost the same 75, 100, 150......lbs over and over... year after year. I've decided to do something now before I start to lose the fight again. I know it's hard not to judge people when they appear to be a size that you wish you were, I have done it over and again. I'm not trying to stir a pot or say anybody is right or wrong I just felt compelled to give my .02. I have fought my weight for 20 years but nobody would know that upon first meeting me.


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First of all thanks Maggie for sharing YOUR experience and expressing YOUR opinions. There is absolutely nothing wrong with putting it out there. I was/am happy to see that a "patient coordinator" responded to your post. This is EXACTLY what forums are for.

Dr. Ortiz does an amazing number of surgeries a week, and it would be ridiculous to assume that 100% of the people will be 100% happy 100% of the time.

I was worried because I didn't see any negativity expressed on the forum.. I was thinking.. hmmm.... is this "real" ??

My surgery is scheduled for March 24th... after reading this forum I feel very secure in knowing I will have a great experience.

I now know I better bring an extra book or 2 because I might be doing some extra waiting either at the airport or hotel.. that's fine.. now I know.

I now know that I might have to walk across the border... great.. I'll be sure to pack very lite... now i know.

I now know to bring boullion cubes and make a pot of hot water with my coffee maker in the room... great.. now I know.

I now know that people are up walking around and shopping the same day, great, now I know.

Thanks to everyone who posts their experience/opionion on this site.

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Hi Kylis Mommy!

We met while you were walking - I was waiting. I showed you pics of my little ones on that digital keychain.

How are you doing? I'm sorry to hear you had a few bumps in the road (as I did). How's the weight loss going? Are you able to take pain meds yet? Crush them? I've got a nasty cough/cold right now and I'm crushing asprin to help.

Thanks for sharing your experience.



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Hey Maggie! Good to hear from you--I thought it was you :) I do break my pain meds into pieces and take them. It works well--there was one time I didn't break them far enough and well, lets just say it wasn't fun! I am doing great weight loss wise. I had loss 39 when I got there, and fully clothed the other day in jeans, hoodie, and shoes I was down another 6! (so subtract another 4-5 pounds or so) so I am very happy. I am so glad I haven't had the cough thing! I did catch a little bit of a stomach bug this weekend, and passed it on to Kyli today. Poor girl cried all night and was throwing up today. I thankfully didn't have the vomiting with it! Anyway--its good to hear that you are doing so well!

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  jetdeck said:
"I do agree, though, that if I were the weight of some of the people I saw scheduled for surgery, I wouldn't have been having the surgery. Anyway, on to my experience :)"


I know when I arrive I will be one of these controversial people. I am 5'9" and CURRENTLY have a BMI of 32, I say currently because in the past it has been much higher. Haven't we all gained and lost the same 75, 100, 150......lbs over and over... year after year. I've decided to do something now before I start to lose the fight again. I know it's hard not to judge people when they appear to be a size that you wish you were, I have done it over and again. I'm not trying to stir a pot or say anybody is right or wrong I just felt compelled to give my .02. I have fought my weight for 20 years but nobody would know that upon first meeting me.


I can completely understand where you are comming from. I actually lost alot of weight a number of years ago (very unhealthily) and WISH I had done lapband then to prevent me from getting where I am today! Thanks for sharing your perspective :)

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I totally can identify with you! I am fairly young (27) and have been on a weight roller coaster my whole life. I have gone from 190 lbs up to 270lbs and back down to 190 and now i am up to 250. I have to stop this before i don't have the motivation to lose weight at all!! I don't have my surgery scheduled until April 11th and have already started my pre-op diet so I could see someone saying that about me. I am 5'10ish and well proportioned so don't always look my 250lbs. Good luck with losing weight and staying healthy!!!

God bless,


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  KylisMommySara said:
Hey Maggie! Good to hear from you--I thought it was you :) I do break my pain meds into pieces and take them. It works well--there was one time I didn't break them far enough and well, lets just say it wasn't fun! I am doing great weight loss wise. I had loss 39 when I got there, and fully clothed the other day in jeans, hoodie, and shoes I was down another 6! (so subtract another 4-5 pounds or so) so I am very happy. I am so glad I haven't had the cough thing! I did catch a little bit of a stomach bug this weekend, and passed it on to Kyli today. Poor girl cried all night and was throwing up today. I thankfully didn't have the vomiting with it! Anyway--its good to hear that you are doing so well!

Hey Sara!

Great to hear you're doing so well! I think you did great on your pre-op diet! I only lost 4lbs on my pre-op :-( Since being banded, almost 2 weeks ago, I've lost 10lbs. I sure hope this weight loss continues. I know it comes off fast in the begining since we aren't really eating anything, I am commited to a new way of life, and my husband and kids will join me in this journey. We'll start having dinner at the dinning room table, instead of the couch. This will allow us to focus more on what we eat, and how we eat, instead of just eating while watching tv. I know that's a big one for me. I can totally snack while on the couch watching tv for an hour. Snack NO MORE! If I have a snack, I'll prepare it, and sit at the table. I think these few changes are going to be great helpers for me.

I'm sorry Kyli got sick! I hope she's better!



Banded 2-15-08

10lbs gone -60 more to go!!

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I read your experience and I do have to say this must have been a very busy day for them. Let me tell you about my experience and keep in mind I'm a very picky person!

First off I had my surgery 2/1/08. My Husband and I arrived in San Diego, we rented our own vehicle George gave us turn by turn directions to the clinic. Parking is an issue there, but the neighboring parking lot allowed us to park there for $5.00 flat fee (which I thought was perfect). We went into the clinic and it was nicely decorated, but more important it was spotless! There were attendants caring for the facility and I have to say I wish this would be done in the states. I waited for awhile to see Dr. Jimenez, he was quick professional and I have to say even though he was quick he was very thorough! I waited another 15 mins. to see Dr. Miranda, she also quick but please understand she probably does this more than 100+ times a month so she knows what she's talking about. I do have to say Dr. Miranda was very very thorough with all of the information she told me and I did appreciate the quickness of it all. Who wants to stay in a clinic all day and dwell on surgery that we're already nervous about. After Dr. Miranda, I visited with the dentista for a short while and she was quick and thorough just as the rest of the Dr.'s and staff.

The next day surgery day! I was so nervous, but Dr. Ortiz's beautiful Mother came to pick us up promptly and away we went to get our surgery. I was called in immediately and was prep'd for surgery Dr. Martinez came in and told me everything they were going to do from A- Z and I was so thankful for the information he gave me. After surgery I had so many nurses around me. I can say I had at least 3 nurses and 2 Dr.'s at my call if I had any questions! I was impressed!!!! How many times does a Dr. come in and just ask how you are? NEVER! Well here they did! After surgery I woke up and they helped me get dressed and they were actually counting the laps I was doing. Afterward I got really sick and Dr. Martinez was in contact with me daily finding out how I'm doing and guiding through the horrible flu I caught. I am so thankful that I went to OCC. It has been the best decision I have made in my entire life, besides first my Son Brandon he is the joy of my life!

I have to say that I was a little bothered about not getting calls back from my coordinator, but come to find out it wasn't her it was my phone not allowing me to leave messages so that was my fault not hers.

I guess all I want to say is that we are all humans trying to live our life and some days we do ok and some days were as close to perfect as perfect can be. Let's thank God for all the staff and Dr.'s that are affiliated with OCC and their dedication to help people like us that do need the help to live happy productive lives and more importantly healthy lives. I know now I have a future that I am going to be able to watch my Son graduate from High School and College get married and have my grandchildren and it is because God put this wonderful team at OCC together to help me and the many other people like me. So please just relax and know that next time when you go for a fill you're going to be more comfortable and go for a massage it will help you relax.

God Bless You and continued success to you! :rolleyes:

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  KylisMommySara said:

Hi sara, its jill from our surgery day. i am one of the girls you thought shouldn't be having the surgery. your post was sent to me by the other girl you thought didn't need the surgery. sara, tell your fiance hi. i kept calling him your husband. you guys are a very cute couple and so very nice. i remember how much pain you were in after surgery. i felt for you.

i appreciate your opinion of my body and what i should do with it, but, it is my body. this next part is for all the angry maggie's of the world.

i am a masters prepared critical care nurse, so i guess i can speak with a bit of authority. i have learned a thing or two about the human body in my tenure as a nurse. so here it is~~~prevention is worth a pound of cure~~~

just like someone who is 50 or 100 pounds overweight, a person who is 30 to 40 pounds overweight, losing (and everyone it is LOSING NOT LOOSING) weight is a struggle. why in the world would i wait until i am 50 or 100 pounds overweight? why not nip it in the bud when i am healthier? Prevention!!!! If i stayed 30 lbs overweight and went up and down about 10 or 15 pounds a couple times a year, now that would be very unhealthy.

with the lap band I too have control over my overeating. i can not believe that anyone on this forum would judge or begrudge another person for wanting to get healthy. obese people don't own the lap band, just as they don't own the want or need to lose weight.

the lap band is being used by people all over the world who don't want to get to the obese level. just carrying around 30 extra pounds in unhealthy. some people say, "why don't you just lose the 30 pounds then?" well, what i would say to that is, "why don't you just lose the 75 to 100 pounds?"

so, why don't we stop judging why others do things and stick to our own feelings and lives.

and maggie, stop ragging on dr ortiz, he is a brilliant surgeon who performs a great service.


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