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Bad Food for the Band

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Obviously cheetos and pizza arent practical for any healthy lifestyle...however I was just wondering what some of the foods that havent agreed so well with you and your band. Ive read pasta, and bread..but what else? Id love to learn from other people than making the same mistake! Thanks! :lol::lol::lol:

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Tell me about it! :lol:

I think everyone is different but I know at least a few things I will be steering clear of!

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i know a lot of things that i am happy to never eat again because i dont like the way they make me feel and I know how important it is to have every meal packed with nuitrients(sp)! However, i would like to know what has been a problem food so i can put that on my list too :o)

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I was banded 1/17/08. Down 25 pounds so far... =D> The only thing I've found to have trouble with so far is bread. I kept hearing bread was hard to get down but didn't quite believe it. It definately. No more bread for me. The most important thing i have to keep reminding myself is to chew, chew, chew.

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Foods to Avoid

After you have transitioned to solid foods, you should try to avoid certain foods. Such foods include, but are not limited to:

Dried fruits




Corn (especially popcorn)


Nuts and seeds (walnuts, whole peanuts, almonds)

Carbonated beverages

High calorie foods/drinks

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I was banded 1/17/08. Down 25 pounds so far... =D> The only thing I've found to have trouble with so far is bread. I kept hearing bread was hard to get down but didn't quite believe it. It definately. No more bread for me. The most important thing i have to keep reminding myself is to chew, chew, chew.


your weight loss is inspiring and making me feel better about this whole thing! i leave in 2 weeks and am scared to death i won't loose anything! i am not sure why...i guess because i have tried everything and i have failed at it all!!! do you have any advise...are you exercising? i already exercise daily - it

s my massive in take of food...i can out eat my husband any day of the week! i ahve a total of 45 pounds to loose....any advise - like the no bread thing, i wonder if that is going to kill me!!- would be appreciated! i also keep invisioning this huge hole on the side of my stomach, is there any truth to that?

michelle - california

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