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March 7th, 2008 - Lap-Band Surgery

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Awsome Meesh,

So I guess it's so far ust us two for March 7th. I know there's got to be more of us for that date.


Hey Everyone I'm Chris my

Arrival Date: Wednesday, March 5th

Surgery Date: Thursday, March 6th

Return Home: Saturday, March 8th

Age - 27

height - 5'9

weight - 265

bmi - 38

goal - 210

Me and my girlfriend will be there I'll be the one with the mohawk!!!

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Hey Chris... and girlfriend. I'm Ruth and I look forward to meeting you all. I will arrive with my cousin Marisol on Thursday and my surgery date is set for Friday. I hope that there are mor people for Friday, the 7th. I want to go shopping in a group if we are able to. We have to remember that we will all have something in common besides being fat, overweight... but now we will have the Lap Band in common. A sisterhood and brotherhood of bansters... sounds funny.

Does anyone know if my cell phone will work in Tijuana? I have Verizon.

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Hello All, My Surgery date was March 7th and I got impatient and had it done on feb 22nd, Yes your cell phone will work in TJ, but at the OBC they have a phone in your room that will dial to us for free!! Good luck with everything I know it will be a wonderful experience for you all as well! :)

God Bless,


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Hey Chris... and girlfriend. I'm Ruth and I look forward to meeting you all. I will arrive with my cousin Marisol on Thursday and my surgery date is set for Friday. I hope that there are mor people for Friday, the 7th. I want to go shopping in a group if we are able to. We have to remember that we will all have something in common besides being fat, overweight... but now we will have the Lap Band in common. A sisterhood and brotherhood of bansters... sounds funny.

Does anyone know if my cell phone will work in Tijuana? I have Verizon.

Just wanted to let you know that I have Verizon and had a lot of difficulty using the cell phone there. At the clinic you will have a phone you can use (free of charge to the states) while you are there. My cell worked on and off at the Lucerna--got cut off a few times, but got a few calls through. There is a computer that you can use at the hotel if you need to use the internet. I also had difficulty using my cell phone in San Diego! "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW!" LOL!

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