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hole in your stomache?

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this is going to sound like a stupid questions, but i have scoured the forum looking for information or feedback on the port hole? not even sure what its called...i am getting banded on the 7th of march and keep having anxiety dreams that i have this huge hole on my side...i know it;s ridiculous, but can anyone tell me if the port is outside your skin or inside? i was hoping to wear a 2 piece this summer!!! lol

michelle - california

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This was another pictures of post-op scars I found, this girl's surgery surgery was 2 years ago and NOT by Dr. Ortiz which I think explains why the port scar is so large!







oh god, thank you for the photos...i absolutely do not want a scar like that one on my stomache, i am freaking out right now! honestly, my stomache is my only and best quality - sounds weird but i gain all my weight in my legs and rear!!! my sister had gastric bypass 2 times...i know so scary and her scar is like that only 5 times the length, it is horrible to look at and she is so self concious of it...i think you said this was NOT by dr. ortiz though...

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NO NEITHER PERSON ABOVE WAS DONE BY DR ORTIZ, I just pulled their pics off of google when looking for scar pictures to calm my own fears. From just the chatter I have heard on the boards most say their port scar from Dr Ortiz was less than an inch long.

Maybe we can get some brave bandsters who were done by Dr. Ortiz to post their scar pics!!

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Ok, due to the amount of loose (snowbird!) skin on my stomach, this picture may not be suitable for children & pregnant women. It's pretty blurry since I had to hold the camera out at arm's length. Oh, and I added the red circle so you could find the darned thing. As you can see, it's about the length of the end of my pinky finger.


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oh god, thank you for the photos...i absolutely do not want a scar like that one on my stomache, i am freaking out right now! honestly, my stomache is my only and best quality - sounds weird but i gain all my weight in my legs and rear!!! my sister had gastric bypass 2 times...i know so scary and her scar is like that only 5 times the length, it is horrible to look at and she is so self concious of it...i think you said this was NOT by dr. ortiz though...

I was banded on 2/18 and my cars look like the very first photo where you can hardly see them and it has not even been a week! I have very little bruising and you can not see the port! Promise! I may post pics of the day after surgery of my "scars!"

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