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I need to know who to tip while you are on your clinic adventure. Obviously you would tip the maids in the hotel, but what about OCC staff?

What is the typical tip in Tiajuana?

Thanks for the help,


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I need to know who to tip while you are on your clinic adventure. Obviously you would tip the maids in the hotel, but what about OCC staff?

What is the typical tip in Tiajuana?

Thanks for the help,


Hi Paula,

My mom went with me on my journey to TJ and we left about 2 or 3 US dollars each day for the maids. We tipped our driver(Francisco) from the airport to TJ - $5, and the really sweet and helpful doorman(forgot his name), $5 before we went back to the US. It is totally up to you, but some others may have other ways they tipped to tell you.

Good luck with your experience.



p.s. remember the US dollar is worth alot over there, so I guess think that way when you tip. ?

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Thanks you guys for the post and for the response. It hadn't yet occured to me about the tipping (who and how much). We (my teenage daughter and I) are scheduled to leave on Wednesday. She has been packed to go since yesterday (Sat.). We're pretty excited around here--and determined to be success stories. Thanks again! Diana

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