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How many fills?

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I have found a local Dr that will do my aftercare.

My question is do I need to go with the first Dr? Is there alot of aftercare or should I just line up a Dr to do fills?

Also, how many fills do you usually need in the first year? I know everyone is different, but typically how many?

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Kimmie, truly there isn't a typical answer. I have had two fills in the four months since by surgery, and I probably could have done without the second one. My husband, banded the same day, has had three and probably needs another one. The variables are how you react to the fill, the amount of restriction that you are comfortable with physically and mentally, the size of your band, the amount of fat around your stomach and the rate you lose it when you lose weight . . . the list could probably go on longer. I have heard of some people who have never had a fill and are a couple of years out from surgery. I have heard of people who have had 8 fills in the first 4 months.

I don't know what you mean by "do I need to go with the first Dr." I live close enough to Tijuana so i can drive there for fills. I like it that they do all the fills with fluoroscopy so they can check the band placement at the same time. My daughter goes to a clinic where they don't do fluoroscopy, and she feels fine with that.

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I am sorry, I should have been more clear. Do I need a Dr. for aftercare from surgery to check me and stuff or does the aftercare just consist of fills?

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I am sorry, I should have been more clear. Do I need a Dr. for aftercare from surgery to check me and stuff or does the aftercare just consist of fills?

Hi Kimmie,

I have had two fills since my surgery and I go to a local doctor that takes care of Mexico lapband patients since most bariatric docs that didn't do your surgery won't touch you. She does not use flouroscopy, but is totally experienced and knows what she is doing. It's amazing how she finds the port the very first time poked. ;) She has many years experience too. She used to be a chemo nurse and got trained as a fill doctor about 20 yrs. ago. I have the bigger band, which is the VG band and have only needed 2 fills. Everyone is different, so you will know cuz your body will tell you. Depending on how much you can eat or not eat. ;)

Hope this help some.


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