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Why a dental checkup?

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I am not sure why they do a dental check-up on their patients. Not that I don't appreciate it, but what is the purpose?


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It has nothing to do with the lap band. It is just a freebie OCC offers because they now have a dentist office in their clinic. Dental care is cheaper in Mexico, so a lot of US residents go down to Tijuana and other Mexican cities for dental care. I have had a crown done in the OCC dental office, and my husband has had 4 implants done there, much cheaper than in the US. It has no bearing on your lap band surgery whatsoever.

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I have top braces now, so nothing can be done about that. I also have all 4 wisdom teeth, much to the amazement of my dentist and many of my friends. I have GREAT chewing surfaces.. lol

Was just curious.. thank you for your responses


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