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Ok, help a sista out! Siping for weeks and now I'm courious about being able to eat again......soon

Well, I guess what can I expect ??????????? Will getting full be a problem? What can I eat? :-?

Be Blessed ><'

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Actually, I would like to know the answer to this, too! I had my LB on 2/27 and am already craving "real" food. These shakes are getting old. God I want a sandwich. :angry:

Well, I'm nearly 5 months' post op and once in a while, God I want a sandwich too. However, experience has taught me that a sandwich would only be good for the first three bites, then I would be bent over the toilet desperately trying to get rid of it.

I didn't have really bad hunger/food issue until about 4 weeks post op. Then I felt like I could eat anything, although not in huge amounts like before. I remember I bought two donuts about 4 weeks postop. I ended up throwing one away. Pre surgery, I would buy a dozen Krispy Kremes and eat at least 4 of them before I got home.

The best advice I can give anyone post op is to avoid sugar and simple carbs. They will only make you want more of them, plus make you feel weak and lightheaded when your blood sugar falls.

When I was in the all liquids phase I would have a lot of soups. Sometimes I would add a couple spoonfuls of instant mashed potatoes to broth if I really wanted something with more substance. (Yeah, I know, that's a high carb food. ) Campbells' creamy chicken soup to go was another staple, and of course the tomato soups too. When I got to full solids before my first fill, I could eat pretty much anything, but not in large amounts, but a lot of people can eat almost like pre surgery during this phase. Don't be too concerned about weight loss during this period before the first fill; you have no restriction yet and are mostly healed, so you will want to eat more than you should. If you can, try to control your portions and eat healthy. When you start having fills it will become much easier.

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My first "meal" was on Christmas day and I ate normally, however a LOT LESS! Couldn't handle the bread and stuffing, but had turkey cut into really small pieces and mashed potatoes and gravy and a salad and it all went down fine. It is pretty much trial and error at first. You will know right away if something is going to not work out then STOP!!! You cannot continue to eat things when your body tells you no! After a while you can try something else to eat. Just be sensible and eat slowly (this is my hardest part) and chew, chew, chew. Bread is still a no-no for me and rarely I will have a slice of toast.....I have problems also with chicken if it is dry, raw veggies if I don't chew enough. I can't handle sandwiches at all and end up eating the insides and leaving the bread, but don't seem to have a problem with crackers instead. When I do have problems, I go back to soups and mushy foods for a few day and try again. Hope this helps, everyone will be different, so mostly it will be trial and error. I switched to a dessert plate instead of a dinner plate and use small utensils, that I purchased at IKEA for kids so it takes me longer to eat!


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Great Question!!! I was banded the day after you!! (2-22) I met you at OCC!!!

I lost it today and had a few crackers and noodles. DOES ANYONE KNOW?? Will I hurt my band or anything?? I didn't feel sick or anything... and it all went down fine.

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I just saw your post....we were there together...How are you????? So you lost it...well we all so sometimes. Our bands our in the healing phase , so w have to be careful on what we eat. I'm sure you did not do any damage...but no more solids. Girl, you have to get to runway model status :lol: Good to hear from you!! How much weight have you loss?


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