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Question on swelling after surgery

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Can anyone here who has had the band tell me if your stomach area is very swollen afterwards? I'm asking because I want to buy a denim dress for the plane ride home (so that it won't have a waist band pinching me) and I am wondering if I need to buy a larger size due to swelling. Can anyone tell me what you think?

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I was a little swollen from the gas pressure for about a week...

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Just bring comfortable clothes.....nothing too tight around the belly. Be cute now, but remember only you know you has surgery! A dress sounds good! We don't want to see our bandster sister on th 6 oclock news " surgery woman comes out of her clothes on airplane" :lol: I caught a plane back to Vegas and I wore sweats and I did well!

Blessings to you ><'

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Can anyone here who has had the band tell me if your stomach area is very swollen afterwards? I'm asking because I want to buy a denim dress for the plane ride home (so that it won't have a waist band pinching me) and I am wondering if I need to buy a larger size due to swelling. Can anyone tell me what you think?

I had my surgery 2/29/08 and my stomach did swell but I don't believe it swole enough to warrant a larger size. Good luck.

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I had my surgery 2/29/08 and my stomach did swell but I don't believe it swole enough to warrant a larger size. Good luck.


Great to see you posting here... This is Michelle you were on the van with my husband and I at 4am driving to the airport.

Hope you are doing well, stay in touch!

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I brought jeans with me and did not have any problems or notice them being any tighter on the way home.

Didn't the waistband interfere with any of the incisions? I was worried about that too.

I am so paranoid! Really only because my flight is so long. My legs have a very hard time on a plane that long to begin with and to have added surgery incisions is making me more nervous about the plane ride home that anything else. I am considering upgrading to 1st class for the 5 hour leg.

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Didn't the waistband interfere with any of the incisions? I was worried about that too.

I am so paranoid! Really only because my flight is so long. My legs have a very hard time on a plane that long to begin with and to have added surgery incisions is making me more nervous about the plane ride home that anything else. I am considering upgrading to 1st class for the 5 hour leg.

We also have a long flight down and back... coming from Canada. On our way down, we are asking for the "emergency exits" as there is always a larger area there. On the way back, we won't be able to have them as you must be physically able to assist other ppl out of the plane. My hubby and I flew to Mexico in January and for some silly reason, the flight home seemed alot shorter. Not sure if that was because we were vacationing though or not...

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Didn't the waistband interfere with any of the incisions? I was worried about that too.

I am so paranoid! Really only because my flight is so long. My legs have a very hard time on a plane that long to begin with and to have added surgery incisions is making me more nervous about the plane ride home that anything else. I am considering upgrading to 1st class for the 5 hour leg.

No, the incisions are above the waistband, below the bra-straps. That's exactly the type of thing the doctors want to avoid when choosing where to cut.

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