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Brand of Lap Band

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Does anyone know what brand of Lap Band Dr. Ortiz uses? Do we get a choice? Are you happy with the one you have?

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Does anyone know what brand of Lap Band Dr. Ortiz uses? Do we get a choice? Are you happy with the one you have?

He uses both brands, Lapband System and Realize. The doc gets to decide which size to use and I'm not sure if you get a choice of which brand. I can tell you that it costs doctors 2K for each Lapband System implant for the Lapband Sytems brand by Inamed/Allergan. I called their office in Orange County, CA. By the way, that is how I was told that you can check up on a surgeon's claim of how many lapbands they have actually done. They purchase the bands from the manufacturer directly and records how many each doctor orders. I don't know of the Realize band though.

I guess if you've researched it enough and have a preference that it wouldn't hurt to ask Dr. Ortiz. My card that you get after surgery says I have the Lapband System 10.0cm with a ref. and serial number. Wow.. I feel like an appliance or software is inside of me. This is the time to clear details before your surgery. Don't know if I like the Lapband System per se... but I'm happy with the process so far.. only 12 day post-op.

Hanna :)

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Thanks for your input! I appreciate it :)

You don't know if you like the lap band system? What do you mean?

He uses both brands, Lapband System and Realize. The doc gets to decide which size to use and I'm not sure if you get a choice of which brand. I can tell you that it costs doctors 2K for each Lapband System implant for the Lapband Sytems brand by Inamed/Allergan. I called their office in Orange County, CA. By the way, that is how I was told that you can check up on a surgeon's claim of how many lapbands they have actually done. They purchase the bands from the manufacturer directly and records how many each doctor orders. I don't know of the Realize band though.

I guess if you've researched it enough and have a preference that it wouldn't hurt to ask Dr. Ortiz. My card that you get after surgery says I have the Lapband System 10.0cm with a ref. and serial number. Wow.. I feel like an appliance or software is inside of me. This is the time to clear details before your surgery. Don't know if I like the Lapband System per se... but I'm happy with the process so far.. only 12 day post-op.

Hanna :)

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Thanks for your input! I appreciate it :)

You don't know if you like the lap band system? What do you mean?

I mean the brand "Lapband System/by Allegan" vs. "Realize by Johnson & Johnson"... I don't know the difference only that Dr. Ortiz has used by one made by Allergan since he started banding... the other brand "Realize" is fairly new but I don't really know the difference between the two as far quality of product other than they are made of the same silicone material used in breast implants. But I do LOVE the lapband so far.. I have no restriction yet so I don't know... I get my first fill next month.


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