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Has Surgery March 10th

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I had surgery Marth 10th. We were picked up at the hotel at 6:30 but it was Really 7:30 due to the time change. We got to the clinic and filled out paperwork. Did all the pre op test. The blood work is done with the IV so dont worry you only get poked once. Everyone here is so nice and they go out of there way to make you feel at home. Dr. Ortiz came in to my room and talked to me and my parents. He was really funny and up beat. He asked my why I picked his clinic and if it was because of his good looks or what I have hear. I laughed and said it was because of his good looks and NO ONE HAS DIED ON HIS TABLE. He thought that was funny. I was amazed that he did over 5,000 of these bands. However he did say it only takes him 4 to 5 min to place in. Shocked me. This whole experience was wonderful. I did have a minor problem with vomiting. So I called back to the clinic and they sent a van to come and get me to make sure eveything was ok. I did some test and spent another night. I found that because I was use to having caffieen all the time that I was getting head aches and vomiting because I didnt drink any coffee. I wanted to tell anyone who has any hesitations about having the surgery here just let them go. You will not regret it at all. They are all very kind and wonderful. It is defenitly not like the hospitals in the states thats for sure. All of the staff is WONDERFUL! And might I add ladies alot of handsome staff LOL ... :D Well I am saying goodbye to the people at the clinic and it saddens me that I wont see them for a while but I am looking forward to coming back and getting my fill. Even if I have to drive the 14 Hours. Please e-mail me if you have any questions. It was a great experience.

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I had surgery Marth 10th. We were picked up at the hotel at 6:30 but it was Really 7:30 due to the time change. We got to the clinic and filled out paperwork. Did all the pre op test. The blood work is done with the IV so dont worry you only get poked once. Everyone here is so nice and they go out of there way to make you feel at home. Dr. Ortiz came in to my room and talked to me and my parents. He was really funny and up beat. He asked my why I picked his clinic and if it was because of his good looks or what I have hear. I laughed and said it was because of his good looks and NO ONE HAS DIED ON HIS TABLE. He thought that was funny. I was amazed that he did over 5,000 of these bands. However he did say it only takes him 4 to 5 min to place in. Shocked me. This whole experience was wonderful. I did have a minor problem with vomiting. So I called back to the clinic and they sent a van to come and get me to make sure eveything was ok. I did some test and spent another night. I found that because I was use to having caffieen all the time that I was getting head aches and vomiting because I didnt drink any coffee. I wanted to tell anyone who has any hesitations about having the surgery here just let them go. You will not regret it at all. They are all very kind and wonderful. It is defenitly not like the hospitals in the states thats for sure. All of the staff is WONDERFUL! And might I add ladies alot of handsome staff LOL ... :D Well I am saying goodbye to the people at the clinic and it saddens me that I wont see them for a while but I am looking forward to coming back and getting my fill. Even if I have to drive the 14 Hours. Please e-mail me if you have any questions. It was a great experience.




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I had surgery Marth 10th. We were picked up at the hotel at 6:30 but it was Really 7:30 due to the time change. We got to the clinic and filled out paperwork. Did all the pre op test. The blood work is done with the IV so dont worry you only get poked once. Everyone here is so nice and they go out of there way to make you feel at home. Dr. Ortiz came in to my room and talked to me and my parents. He was really funny and up beat. He asked my why I picked his clinic and if it was because of his good looks or what I have hear. I laughed and said it was because of his good looks and NO ONE HAS DIED ON HIS TABLE. He thought that was funny. I was amazed that he did over 5,000 of these bands. However he did say it only takes him 4 to 5 min to place in. Shocked me. This whole experience was wonderful. I did have a minor problem with vomiting. So I called back to the clinic and they sent a van to come and get me to make sure eveything was ok. I did some test and spent another night. I found that because I was use to having caffieen all the time that I was getting head aches and vomiting because I didnt drink any coffee. I wanted to tell anyone who has any hesitations about having the surgery here just let them go. You will not regret it at all. They are all very kind and wonderful. It is defenitly not like the hospitals in the states thats for sure. All of the staff is WONDERFUL! And might I add ladies alot of handsome staff LOL ... :D Well I am saying goodbye to the people at the clinic and it saddens me that I wont see them for a while but I am looking forward to coming back and getting my fill. Even if I have to drive the 14 Hours. Please e-mail me if you have any questions. It was a great experience.


I am so glad you figured out what the problem was. We were so worried about you! All the rest of us march 10ers are doing good I think. I know I am and Diane is too. Both of us are back to work tomorrow, Friday... ttys

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I had surgery Marth 10th. We were picked up at the hotel at 6:30 but it was Really 7:30 due to the time change. We got to the clinic and filled out paperwork. Did all the pre op test. The blood work is done with the IV so dont worry you only get poked once. Everyone here is so nice and they go out of there way to make you feel at home. Dr. Ortiz came in to my room and talked to me and my parents. He was really funny and up beat. He asked my why I picked his clinic and if it was because of his good looks or what I have hear. I laughed and said it was because of his good looks and NO ONE HAS DIED ON HIS TABLE. He thought that was funny. I was amazed that he did over 5,000 of these bands. However he did say it only takes him 4 to 5 min to place in. Shocked me. This whole experience was wonderful. I did have a minor problem with vomiting. So I called back to the clinic and they sent a van to come and get me to make sure eveything was ok. I did some test and spent another night. I found that because I was use to having caffieen all the time that I was getting head aches and vomiting because I didnt drink any coffee. I wanted to tell anyone who has any hesitations about having the surgery here just let them go. You will not regret it at all. They are all very kind and wonderful. It is defenitly not like the hospitals in the states thats for sure. All of the staff is WONDERFUL! And might I add ladies alot of handsome staff LOL ... :D Well I am saying goodbye to the people at the clinic and it saddens me that I wont see them for a while but I am looking forward to coming back and getting my fill. Even if I have to drive the 14 Hours. Please e-mail me if you have any questions. It was a great experience.

Hi Tammy! And Hello EVERYBODY!

Tammy, so glad to hear you are doing well. We worried about you. (the vomitting part)

I too was banded March 10th. I can not possibly describe how wonderful the staff at OCC is, how wonderful the enitre experience was. It was practically spiritual! I feel I have taken one of the most rewarding steps of my lifetime. Dr. Ortiz, Dr. Martinez, Senora Aurora Ortiz, Carmelita Rivera, the whole staff...pleasant, caring, empathetic. (I regret I cannot remember everyone's names) My husband was so apprehensive, the whole idea of me actually having the lap band proceedure (never mind going to TIJUANA!) was beyond his realm of understanding. But the staff at OCC spoke to him, encouraged him, eased the tension.

To me, it was more like a fine spa vacation, not at all like surgery or a medical proceedure that one would have in the States.

The OCC was well appointed and comfy. Hotel Lucerna was GREAT!

The day after surgery we were shopping in Tijuana, bartering with the locals, having a blast with new friends and fellow bandsters Val and Diane (from Canada, eh?).

To All of You who are thinking about having this proceedure...FEAR NOT! You are doing the right thing and the OCC is THE place to go.

I will continue to post on my progress.

By the way, I feel like a million bucks. I am back to work, sipping juices and tea, not hungry at all. Down about 10 pounds already. Yay! I am one happy gal!

Loves, Kate!

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This is Diane from Canada, eh. (Kate loves that-funny how it's weird to type it, yet we use it verbally all the time) I was banded with these other gals on March 10th, and boy is banding a good term for it. It's a bond you'll never forget, to go through such an amazing experience with complete strangers and come out of it banded as close friends. I think about what I've been telling people about my experience and I realize I had alot of laughs. All the way from sitting around the pool the afternoon before with Kate, her hubby, and Val, and talking about our lives pre-banding, where we're from etc down to the pacing the halls with our boyfrineds(IV poles), to the bartering on Revolution Ave.

The OCC is immaculate, precision run, busy, and yet very calming. The nurses are great-Josepha with her accent-"yoor from Can-ada? Name is Deeanee?" LOL. She grasped my elbow, tapped my forearm, states "good vein" and pop-the IV was in. My sister beside me wasn't even finished explaining how hard it is at home for an IV start and they were already explaining all the meds they were giving her through it. She hadn't even felt it!!

If in doubt about the OCC, please believe it's the top choice to go to: Cost, skills, facilities.

As far as TJ and Mexico goes, read everyone's posts about personal saftey, use your head and enjoy it.

As far as the Lap band itself- I feel such a re-newed hope and excitement about my future; good-bye antidepressants, hello supermodel as one gal's husband liked to call us. I haven't been hungry yet, and the mental hunger is working out OK too. I've never physically felt hunger before, so all this stomach growling is very easy to ignore. I realize all the cheating on my previous failed attempts were in large part due to mental issues-now I'm armed with a tool to focus my mental to. Don't get me wrong-there are challenges all the way through this recovery period, and I look forward to the day I can say, I feel great. Until then-I'm already seeing the great changes in my life.

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