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How Full do you feel

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I'm considering getting the lapband and would like your experience. I tend to be more of a volume eater and stop when I'm stuffed and not just full. I already don't eat flour or sugar so I'm worried that I'll end up eating the same foods I'm eating now and wonder if I'm going to feel noticeably full after eating smaller portions. Or, will I have to learn how to really pay attention to my body and try to stop when I'm full.

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I'm considering getting the lapband and would like your experience. I tend to be more of a volume eater and stop when I'm stuffed and not just full. I already don't eat flour or sugar so I'm worried that I'll end up eating the same foods I'm eating now and wonder if I'm going to feel noticeably full after eating smaller portions. Or, will I have to learn how to really pay attention to my body and try to stop when I'm full.

I haven't had the lap band done yet, but a doctor here told me that the best candidates are indeed the people who volume eat. It does make you full faster. It doesn't help for those people who are small-but-often eaters.

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You'll notice a definite change in your portion sizes. I live alone and sometime I think I just stuff myself at meals. Then I got out with un-banded friends and realize that I'm eating at most 1/4 of what they're eating. The band has changed my perspective of how much is enough.

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