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Hi Kimmie-

I am doing Fabulous!!! As of Thursday I was 2 weeks post op, and I had lost another 6lbs! So I am now down 12lbs since surgery and 33lbs TOTAL! I am still on the Optifast liquid diet, I will be on mushie foods starting this Thursday but honestly I am not really desiring food at this point (thinking about it yes, but not just dying to eat it) so who knows if I'll move on to that stage quite yet.

I have been posting here somewhat, but trying to update my myspace blog every other day or so!!

Check it out to read my daily diet plan, all about our first support meeting and more! http://www.myspace.com/mamamichellelv

How are you doing? Only about 2 weeks left for you, I bet you are excited!

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I am so happy for you both! It is such a wonderful thing to know that the first day of your new life is marked on the calendar, lol~

Glad you are enjoying the blogging on myspace, personally I love reading Hanna's (aka WAgirl) blog on her myspace... :)

One thing I did want to say on that topic is that while my profile is restricted to "friends only" I have no restrictions on who can be my friend, since I haven't told anyone about being banded I just don't want my pictures or profile to be accessible to the world, only to folks who found me through this site! So anyone can add me just mention OCC or this forum!

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My profile is also set to private... but I accept anyone as a friend if you mention this forum. I haven't told many people but I am going to start blogging about it this week so everyone who is on my friends list on myspace will soon find out! LOL I find therapy in blogging.

If you would like to request me as a friend please mention lapband and I will accept you. Happy blogging my friends



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Way to go!! =D>

You are doing so great! I have 9 days until I leave for the OCC! It is dragging by too. I can't wait to get my band put in.

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Way to go!! =D>

You are doing so great! I have 9 days until I leave for the OCC! It is dragging by too. I can't wait to get my band put in.

Hi Kimmie

I am having surgery Friday the 21st, Wow comming soon.. 9 days will go by fast, keep up the good work, How is the weather in Mississippi ? Are you close to New Orleans?

I can't wait to get band also.. Tammy:)

ps my email is kaiserskipper@aol.com I have a hard time blogging... I'm a computer Tard:(

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I am so happy for you both! It is such a wonderful thing to know that the first day of your new life is marked on the calendar, lol~

Glad you are enjoying the blogging on myspace, personally I love reading Hanna's (aka WAgirl) blog on her myspace... :)

One thing I did want to say on that topic is that while my profile is restricted to "friends only" I have no restrictions on who can be my friend, since I haven't told anyone about being banded I just don't want my pictures or profile to be accessible to the world, only to folks who found me through this site! So anyone can add me just mention OCC or this forum!

Hi MamaMichelle

Excellent job!! Are you afraid of throwing up? Do you feel realy full? Thanks for all input, Oh I have never been on myspace is it easier than this site? I'm not a very good blogger:( Thanks Tammy:)

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Hi Kimmie

I am having surgery Friday the 21st, Wow comming soon.. 9 days will go by fast, keep up the good work, How is the weather in Mississippi ? Are you close to New Orleans?

I can't wait to get band also.. Tammy:)

ps my email is kaiserskipper@aol.com I have a hard time blogging... I'm a computer Tard:(

Hey Tammy! The weather here is hot already. I am dreading the long summer, but maybe with some of this weight gone it won't be so bad. I live about 90 miles East of New Orleans. We just went there Saturday and spent the whole day..boy was it hard to resist those New Orleans foods! Ha! I did okay though.

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