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I Can Make You Thin

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It's a self-help type show that premiered tonight on TLC with British author Paul McKenna, It was pretty interesting and found he had some helpful tips that could be used even with the band! Anyone else see it?


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I got this off another site, but thought it was useful, so here are the four rules:

If you are hungry, EAT

Eat what you WANT

Eat CONSCIOUSLY (put utensils down between bites, chew each mouthful 20 times and savor the food).

When you THINK you might be getting full, STOP.

Sounds like the band rules from Dr. Ortiz, actually, phrased a bit differently. He says, eat three meals a day, because your body needs that much. You don't have to limit the kinds of food you eat as long as you take in healthy, nutritious food over the course of the day. East slowly and chew thoroughly, and stop when your band signals you to. Do you think Dr O is getting royalties from this guy? He should!

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I ended up Tivo-ing the replay of the show so I could take some notes for myself and for anyone else that missed it!

Golden Rule Number 1: When you're hungry, EAT!!

When you starve yourself your body freaks out, you may lose weight short term but when you go off the diet you gain all the wait back. If you starve you will end up binge eating. There is a difference in physical hunger (which comes on gradually) and Emotional Hunger (comes on very suddenly).

Consult the hunger scale: (You NEVER want to get into any of the RED ZONES)

1. Physically Faint

2. Ravenous

3. Fairly Hungry

4. Slightly Hungry

5. Neutral

6. Satisfied

7. Full

8. Stuffed

9. Bloated

10. Nauseous

Golden Rule Number 2: Eat What you Want (Not what you think you should)

Once you make a food forbidden it becomes all you can think about! Get rid of all the foods in your kitchen that do not totally inspire you. Don't worry about what you are "supposed to eat" just throw it out! Then make a list of your 5 favorite foods and stock your fridge with the foods you love!

Golden Rule Number 3: Eat Consciously

Naturally thin people eat pizza, chocolate, chips and fries just NOT to excess. Eating consciously means eating SLOWLY, savor and enjoy every mouthful! Overweight people think about food all of the time EXCEPT when they are actually eating it, instead they shovel in the food as fast as they can! Imagine eating your favorite food in your mind, pretend to cut the food with your imaginary knife and fork and then PUT THE KNIFE AND FORK DOWN!!! Chew the food slowly- Sit on your hands if you have to! Research shows if you are watching TV, reading a book, listening to the radio YOU WILL EAT MORE! You can't hear your body's signal that you are full if you are eating while distracted or are shoveling food in so fast that your body can't catch up to say it is full. Eat at 1/4 your normal speed and chew every bite at least 20 times.

Golden Rule Number 4: When you THINK you're full STOP!

Most people in the Western World decide how much food to eat based on what they SEE not on how full they FEEL. Interesting experiment: 6 people go into a diner and are given identical plates of breakfast with bacon, eggs, sausage, and hash browns... ALL 6 people CLEARED their plates!! On day two the same 6 people returned to the same diner and are given the same meal to eat but this time they have to do it BLINDFOLDED! Almost every person had at least half a plate of food left over when they said they were full and all were surprised that they left so much food on the plate. If you aren't sure that you are full or not close your eyes and focus on your stomach, even if you aren't totally sure STOP and if you feel hungry 10 min later then EAT (as per rule number 1). Don't feel guilty about not eating everything on your plate because your parents told you there are starving children somewhere, or because you don't want to "waste" food (would you rather have have that extra piece of fried chicken leftover on your plate or forever stuck on your thighs?)

This is just the first part of his method, over the next weeks he will cover how to knock out emotional eating, tips for beating specific cravings (for all you chocoholics) and how to motivate yourself to exercise. I have been out to eat twice since I saw this show and I think the putting the knife and fork down is the most important part of the program, I think that it really helped me listen to the band and feel when I was full... Of course I couldn't help looking around to watch others eat and NOT ONE single person I saw ever put their fork and knife down.

It is really a fascinating show!

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Here a link to download (for free) the 25 min relaxation/self-hypnosis audio CD that usually accompanies the purchase of his book (It is now in .wma format)


Here are the Download directions for those who have never used rapidshare before:

1. Click the link above (should open in a new window)

2. Once the page opens click on the "FREE" button at the bottom right corner of the screen

3. In less than a min it will redirect you to a page where it will auto-select a download taxi for you, just type in the 4 letter Code and click the "DOWNLOAD" button.

4. You will then get the pop-up download box asking you if you want to save the file or open it (I suggest saving it so you can listen to it whenever you'd like)

5. Once the download is complete open the file you saved and it should automatically play in windows media player (or whichever music player you use)

I will be watching part 2 of the show on TLC tomorrow and will report back with the notes from that show within a few days!

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For some reason the show felt like an infomercial to me. Him shouting and promising miracles, the eager audience clapping at every word and nodding their heads at everything he says - I'm suprised Ron Popeal isn't up there with a rotisserie and a set of knives.

What he is preaching isn't new. Geneen Roth did it years ago in her "overcoming overeating" books and workbooks. There are quite a few others who have come out with their version of the same thing.

Eat when you're hungry.

Eat till you're full.

Chew thoroughly.

Eat what you want.

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I have been out to eat twice since I saw this show and I think the putting the knife and fork down is the most important part of the program, I think that it really helped me listen to the band and feel when I was full... Of course I couldn't help looking around to watch others eat and NOT ONE single person I saw ever put their fork and knife down.

I only put my knife and fork down between bites if I am on a first date. LOL!

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It's a self-help type show that premiered tonight on TLC with British author Paul McKenna, It was pretty interesting and found he had some helpful tips that could be used even with the band! Anyone else see it?

Hi Michelle, I did not see it, but I just set my DVR to record it Friday. How has it been going. Have you scheduled your fill appointment yet? One of my fears is gaining some of the 15 pounds back that I have lost. I know the band is not working yet, so I am really trying to be good.

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I caught the show tonight where he had the lady pretend to eat anchovy with hair all over it and press thumb and middle finger together to associate a disgusting feeling then mixed in chocolate with the anchovy/hair. I did the same process while she was and literally started gagging and almost barfed while creating the association! Weird! So now whenever she starts craving chocolate she presses fingers together which activates the association. She hasn't eaten chocolate in 2 months!

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