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Banded 3/3 - my experience so far - xpost - posted on wrong forum

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So today is post op day 13 and I feel great, probably the first day where I have had no residual pain (mainly port site), basically pain in general has been minimal. My port site has always felt like a big rock under my skin but today the swelling has really gone down. Also today is the first day that I haven't felt bloated.

The biggest mistake I have made so far is when I advanced to full liquids and got wayyyyyyy to many grams of sugar from slimfast and yogurt drinks. I stopped yogurt drinks and switched to EAS with 0 grams of sugar and lots of protein and all the gurgling in my gut stopped.

Post op day 11 I was literally so hungry I cried, my stomach was growling and I had this overwhelming need for texture and the desire to chew and was completely grossed out about liquids. I found that making shakes in the blender using EAS whey protein with a cup of slim milk and a few ice cubes makes a frothy shake that is very filling and extinguishes that starving feeling. Also Special K protein powder mix really helps kill hunger pains.


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