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What to do? My sister is dead set against me going to Mexico!

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Hello everyone. Maybe some of you had (are having) this same problem and can offer me some advice and solace.

My older sister has known that I am planning to have lap band surgery, but she was not aware that I was having it done in Mexico. Last night on the phone I forgot I didn't tell her and mentioned it. :unsure:

She got really angry, comparing it to a back alley abortion! I told her I had researched this thoroughly and that Dr. Ortiz is one of the best in the world. It didn't matter to her. I told her I would send her url's to look at and she said she doesn't want to see them. She is DEAD SET against it.

I told her I am not stupid and I wouldn't do this if I were not sure of what I was doing.

Anyway, it ended up with her hanging up on me. Thank God we don't live in the same town!

It's not like I'm a kid. I'm 50 years old, and she's 53!

I know it's my decision and I know how she feels is her problem, but it has really put me to the test as far as emotional eating is concerned. I haven't given in yet. (I'm on the pre-diet diet from Dr. Miranda) But it is really tough.

I need some support from people who have been through similar circumstances and advice about what you did!


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Hello everyone. Maybe some of you had (are having) this same problem and can offer me some advice and solace.

My older sister has known that I am planning to have lap band surgery, but she was not aware that I was having it done in Mexico. Last night on the phone I forgot I didn't tell her and mentioned it. :unsure:

She got really angry, comparing it to a back alley abortion! I told her I had researched this thoroughly and that Dr. Ortiz is one of the best in the world. It didn't matter to her. I told her I would send her url's to look at and she said she doesn't want to see them. She is DEAD SET against it.

I told her I am not stupid and I wouldn't do this if I were not sure of what I was doing.

Anyway, it ended up with her hanging up on me. Thank God we don't live in the same town!

It's not like I'm a kid. I'm 50 years old, and she's 53!

I know it's my decision and I know how she feels is her problem, but it has really put me to the test as far as emotional eating is concerned. I haven't given in yet. (I'm on the pre-diet diet from Dr. Miranda) But it is really tough.

I need some support from people who have been through similar circumstances and advice about what you did!


Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in the world who have very strong opinions about things they know nothing about. You can't change their minds, because their opinions are not based on reason, but on emotions and fears. I have a few relatives that feel totally the opposite from me about religion and politics. I express my opinions to them about these things only when they loudly voice their own opinions, and I do so only because I want them to know that not everyone in the world agrees with them, not because I think anything I say will change their beliefs.

I could have had my insurance pay for my surgery in the US; it was covered. However, after researching and witnessing my daughter's experience with Dr Ortiz, I decided that he was the one I wanted for my own surgeon (my insurance covered surgery with him also). I have never, ever regretted that decision.

I read a lot about bandsters on another forum, and I can tell you that some of the worst horror stories and tales of incompetence are about US surgeons. They don't have the experience, and they are trapped in a US system of medical care that values quantity over quality. I am very grateful I didn't have my surgery with some of these doctors.

There are bad Mexican surgeons and good ones; bad US surgeons and good ones. My experience at OCC was great, and I would challenge any US surgeon to provide a better one.

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Hello everyone. Maybe some of you had (are having) this same problem and can offer me some advice and solace.

My older sister has known that I am planning to have lap band surgery, but she was not aware that I was having it done in Mexico. Last night on the phone I forgot I didn't tell her and mentioned it. :unsure:

She got really angry, comparing it to a back alley abortion! I told her I had researched this thoroughly and that Dr. Ortiz is one of the best in the world. It didn't matter to her. I told her I would send her url's to look at and she said she doesn't want to see them. She is DEAD SET against it.

I told her I am not stupid and I wouldn't do this if I were not sure of what I was doing.

Anyway, it ended up with her hanging up on me. Thank God we don't live in the same town!

It's not like I'm a kid. I'm 50 years old, and she's 53!

I know it's my decision and I know how she feels is her problem, but it has really put me to the test as far as emotional eating is concerned. I haven't given in yet. (I'm on the pre-diet diet from Dr. Miranda) But it is really tough.

I need some support from people who have been through similar circumstances and advice about what you did!



I too kept my trip to Mexico a secret from several of my family members for the very same reasons. Of course I had to tell my husband. He was not hip to the surgery in the first place, but add the fact that I wanted to go to Mexico for it and Yikes! It took quite a bit of talking and reassuring.

I was banded on March 10th and the experience you will have at the OCC is unlike anything here in the states. The facility is state of the art and sparkling clean. The Doctors are WORLD renowned. The staff is impressive, kind and thoughtful.

My husband was reassured as Dr. Ortiz, Dr. Martinez and the anesthist spoke to us before surgery.

I know she's your sister, she loves you and her opinion counts. It must hurt that she thinks that way. But she couldn't be more wrong about the center. Perhaps you could invite her to go with you?

You have to do what is right for you. You will not be disappointed. Read over some of my earlier posts and that of others. We are all very pleased with the care we recieved. All of us have had great experiences.

Good Luck to you!


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Hi, I have the same issues with my sister. My sister told me to get a personal trainer and if she could lose weight (she only had 10 to lose) that I could as well. She was very rude to me when I told them I had been considering this for a year and was now planning to go ahead. Shortly, thereafter, my mom slipped it to me that my sister had a tummy tuck! This infuriated me, because I thought "how dare she criticize me". I just haven't mentioned it to her again and don't plan on it. I will make up my mind on my own.

My parents were concerned when I told them, they thought it was gastriac bypass, but once I explained they were at ease. My parents had just returned from their 3rd trip to mexico and said someone had gotten ill on their trip and had to be taken to the hospital and they said they never had such good care. My parents said had they not heard that, they may have felt differently about me going there.

As for other people, I have really kept this to only a very 'select" few. Of course my partner knows, and he is supportive because he knows I have checked things out thoroughly and he has watched me countless nights on the internet researching and we have spoken about it many times before making the decision.

I don't know what the answer is with your sister, with mine, right or wrong, I have just decided to avoid the subject again with her....we will see if it comes up tomorrow night at Easter Dinner...maybe I will be posting again...but if it does come up...so will her tummy tuck that she never even told me about!

Good luck!

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Mu Uncle was worried about a Veterinary performing surgery on myself and my Aunt (his wife) I had to show him Dr. Ortiz's book to calm him down!

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Mu Uncle was worried about a Veterinary performing surgery on myself and my Aunt (his wife) I had to show him Dr. Ortiz's book to calm him down!

Thank all of you!!! ><' I see I'm not alone. Everything y'all said has really helped to put my mind at ease.

I was thinking this afternoon how much support I've given her in the last couple of years, sometimes not agreeing with her decisions, but I was always supportive. I think I'll remind her of that when I go home this weekend and see her.

Kimmie, that is hysterical about what your Uncle thought! :lol: I see your surgery is next week! Good luck and I want to know how everything went.

Thanks again everyone!


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Hello everyone. Maybe some of you had (are having) this same problem and can offer me some advice and solace.

My older sister has known that I am planning to have lap band surgery, but she was not aware that I was having it done in Mexico. Last night on the phone I forgot I didn't tell her and mentioned it. :unsure:

She got really angry, comparing it to a back alley abortion! I told her I had researched this thoroughly and that Dr. Ortiz is one of the best in the world. It didn't matter to her. I told her I would send her url's to look at and she said she doesn't want to see them. She is DEAD SET against it.

I told her I am not stupid and I wouldn't do this if I were not sure of what I was doing.

Anyway, it ended up with her hanging up on me. Thank God we don't live in the same town!

It's not like I'm a kid. I'm 50 years old, and she's 53!

I know it's my decision and I know how she feels is her problem, but it has really put me to the test as far as emotional eating is concerned. I haven't given in yet. (I'm on the pre-diet diet from Dr. Miranda) But it is really tough.

I need some support from people who have been through similar circumstances and advice about what you did!


This is an exact duplicate of what happened to me when I told people. My mom and sister nearly had a heart attack. My mom said that they don't wash their hand in Mexico, can you believe it? So, what I did was told them I cancelled the surgery and was going to Alabama to visit my step son instead, since I already had vacation. (They will know I am gone to had to make something up). THen, when I am there, (leaving tomorrow AM) I plan on video taping the whole experience. Then when I get home, I will sit them down and let them watch the tape. By then, it will be over, they won't be the wiser but then I can prove how nice it was. Just hoping Dr. Ortiz let me (or my husband) get a shot of him scrubbing up, LOL!!! I don't like the lying part, but I don't want my mom having a heart attack either, so that is what I am doing. And yes, I am 48 and doesn't seem to matter that I am old enough to know better, they still freaked!

But, to be perfectly honest, when I first heard about the whole Mexico thing, I was a little weirded out too. I kind of felt the same way, that is until I did an enormous amount of research and decided that even if my insurance did pay for it, I feel much safer going to Dr. Ortiz. I know there are no better hands to be in.

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This is how I handled it. I researched it carefully, and marked the website of all my research.

Next, I sent my deposit in to the clinic, and paid for my airline tickets.

Finally, I told only the essential people in my family. When they started their anti-Mexico retoric, I told them forget it.. non-refundable deposit and plane tickets already purchased, and if they objected, to please keep it to themselves, because it was too late. I told them that I was sending the research to them to reassure them.

Nobody said one more word about it. What was the point?


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