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Back from the big Band.. er.. banding surgery

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Banded on Wednesday, March 19

Let me preface this by saying I had a GREAT trip!

Francisco picked us up at the airport, right on time, with Brandi and Kelly. We got to the clinic about 40 minutes later, and went straight in to the clinic.

This was the only sour part of the trip for me... the receptionist was so overtaxed that she couldn't call one of us up to send us to one of the tests without the telephone ringing constantly. I never felt like I got her full attention.. not ever. I don't know who is responsible by her lack of attention, but she was the weak link in the whole plan for me. She was on the phone CONSTANTLY and interrupted her calls to sort of tell us where to go. There was lots of waiting, but we had already adjusted to the fact that Mexico does not move at American pace.

I saw Dr. Miranda first, and she is a doll. I fully understood everything she had to say, and she does use a power point presentation to make her points, but she does go fast. My recommendation is that If you feel like you missed something or didn't understand something, ask her to back up and explain again or explain more. One of the individuals waiting said she didn't understand a thing, but you need to ask if you don't get it. ASK ASK ASK. She did tell me that I could eat that night, but not to gain a pound before surgery. ><' I was so happy.

I never got the ekg or breathing test til the next day, and I never got the blood work at all, but again, I blame the chaos at the front desk for that. Come on, OCC, hire another receptionist to help this girl.

Mrs. Ortiz took us to the hotel around 4:00 and told us that she would be there in the morning at 7:00 to pick us up and take us to the clinic. I read in one of the other posts that they wouldn't let someone's hubby ride in the car on the way to the clinic, but she let mine. Maybe it is because he is so skinny that he didn't take up any space.

When we got to the clinic, it was wait wait wait. We saw the girls from the day before making their laps around the clinic, and then, one-by-one they were released. It dawned on me while this was happening that none of us would be "admitted" before the 6 rooms were empty and cleaned. I finally got my breathing test and ekg. I was worried about the breathing test, because I am asthmatic, but he told me I had passed with flying colors, and my ekg was fine. Like I said, I never did have the blood test, which was not really surprising considering the chaos at the front desk.

I think I was the last one taken back to the rooms and the last one to have surgery, but I enjoyed visiting with my hubby while we waited. I did love the nurses so very much. I almost giggled at the sweet little nurse who was putting the compression hose on me. She was so intent, and all I could think of was how many thunder thighs she had seen doing her job. I really nearly lost it.

The other nurse was so good...that was the slickest IV I have ever had, and boy, have I had a lot of them. It didn't make any type of bruise, and yesterday I couldn't even find the puncture hole.

Before surgery, Dr. Ortiz came in, relaxed on the little loveseat, and chatted with us for about 30 or 45 minutes. He was so funny and informative. One thing he said that struck me was that once your body weight is 30 percent fat, it resets all your trigger mechanisms, and your body will use that setpoint from now on. You can lose weight... I told him that I had lost 100 pounds 3 times, and he said that I can lose it because I am restricting my food intake, but once I reach goal and loosen up a bit, my body starts moving back up to my set point. Since you can never lose fat cells, only shrink them, it is just a matter of time. The only way to keep that from happening is to keep your food restricted forever. Hence... the success of the band. Dr. Ortiz also told me that I had a hiatal hernia, and when I asked him how he knew, he said that he recognized certain upper body confirmation that indicated hiatal hernias. After surgery, he told my husband that I had a very large hiatal hernia and he repaired it. He also told me to quit the nexium, and I did :)

I don't remember going in, and I don't remember coming out.

I did think that it was strange for my husband to be sent to the hotel around 4:00 because visiting hours were over, but that must be the way things are done there. The wonderful nurses brought me liquids of assorted types all night, and being the curious person I am, I went up and down the rooms, checking on people and chatting a little. I seemed to be the active one of the bunch. They took me for one lap around the clinic, but not more.. I guess that I did enough running around on my own.

I was released on Thursday morning, feeling fine and happy. Mrs. Ortiz took us back to the hotel gave us our pick up time for Friday. We went to the restaurant right away and I got broth and apple juice. I tried to order coffee, but they wouldn't let me, which I thought was hysterical. "No, no, no! You just had surgery and you must have juice only!" <lol>

That evening, we just strolled around the hotel grounds and took pictures, then we went upstairs for the night.

Next morning, shopping day! We caught a cab right after my juice and broth breakfast, and shopped for about 3 hours. Someone was right... the merchants practically chased us down the streets to make a sale. I finally had to use the "I just had surgery, and I am not feeling well" tactic to escape one. I got a silver, mexican opal, and pink amethyst ring, my husband got a beautiful ring, and we bought a purse, tequila, vanilla, couple of bracelets, and a leather hat for my son. Word of caution: most, a large percentage, of the vendors do NOT take credit cards. Hubby had to run across the street to use someone's cousin's machine twice. Believe me, we will just take cash next time. Also, what cash we did take, we split into different compartments and pockets. Twice, David pulled an amount out of his pocket that was significantly lower than the merchant had asked, and they took it because it looked like all that he had.

Trip back to the airport was slicker than grease. Everyone was on time, the trip across the border was adroitly handled, and we got to the airport early.

I feel wonderful.. virtually no pain.. bruises fading.. starting yogurt drinks tomorrow. Thinking about going back to TJ about May 16 for my first fill.

Okay... I know your eyes are broken from reading this.. hope it was useful and reassuring,


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Loved your story Paula! Your experience sounded great except for the receptionist part..poor girl! LOL

Did they do an x-ray on you at all? My fill DR here in the states wants an x-ray report and the operative report.

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Loved your story Paula! Your experience sounded great except for the receptionist part..poor girl! LOL

Did they do an x-ray on you at all? My fill DR here in the states wants an x-ray report and the operative report.

Nope, no x-ray at all. I would have felt neglected/forgotten, but I was just as glad not to do it. lol

Just beware the Mexican slow pace compared to our overpaced expectations. And, bug the receptionist if you need to.


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First I want to say that I enjoyed your story.....It will help relieve so many that are in the process of deciding and also those that are scheduled. Me, I just like to relive a very positive experience in my life. Welcome to the other side!!!

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Sunday update:

Started yogurt drinks today.. yay! I have felt great, except my dang body is still on pacific time instead of Eastern.. lol

I even went with my hubby to walk the dogs tonight. woot


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Hey Paula,

Awesome story about your experience! Thanks so much! It was so interesting about what Dr. Ortiz said. That is something I did not know and so glad it was explained to you and you told us! Good job! I do have his book, but don't remember reading that, but it has been a long time and I guess I should read it again...lol

Soon I hope to post my experience, even though it was last May. It was different in some ways than yours and some others. I can't believe they still only have the ONE receptionist there! That poor girl needs some back up for sure.

I can totally sympathize over your shopping experience. But, you bought alot more than I did. I couldn't handle the aggressiveness of the vendors for sure. I bought very little, but my mom and the sisters we were with bought a few items. My mom was shopping the day I was in surgery with the one sister and was stopped by a security officer there because she was sold fake gold jewelry and the officer helped get her money back. Pretty cool huh?

Good luck and thanks again!



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Great post Paula. I felt the same way about the receptionist being over worked. Keep up the good work!!

Ella =D>

Thank you!

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Hey Paula,

Awesome story about your experience! Thanks so much! It was so interesting about what Dr. Ortiz said. That is something I did not know and so glad it was explained to you and you told us! Good job! I do have his book, but don't remember reading that, but it has been a long time and I guess I should read it again...lol

Soon I hope to post my experience, even though it was last May. It was different in some ways than yours and some others. I can't believe they still only have the ONE receptionist there! That poor girl needs some back up for sure.

I can totally sympathize over your shopping experience. But, you bought alot more than I did. I couldn't handle the aggressiveness of the vendors for sure. I bought very little, but my mom and the sisters we were with bought a few items. My mom was shopping the day I was in surgery with the one sister and was stopped by a security officer there because she was sold fake gold jewelry and the officer helped get her money back. Pretty cool huh?

Good luck and thanks again!



Yeah, I think that is pretty great, especially with TJ taking such bad rap all the time. I was lucky.. my husband put a stop to most of the naggling.

Thank you for being encouraging... hope I am returning the favor

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Yeah, I think that is pretty great, especially with TJ taking such bad rap all the time. I was lucky.. my husband put a stop to most of the naggling.

Thank you for being encouraging... hope I am returning the favor

Yes you are! Thanks again! You have reminded me to read Dr. O's book again to refresh my brain on some things. lol Glad you had your hubby with you. Those vendors saw the four of us women get out of the cab in probably the most aggressive part and saw fresh meat for sure. ;) Wish we would have had some guys with us. Might have helped. I am tall and of course large, but I was a little dog with my tail between my legs avoiding any confrontation at all. LOL

Keep in touch now. ;)


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NO PAIN?!? I'm so jealous!

I was only mildly sore, and then Friday I started having really sharp pains at the port site every time I turned my body, sat down or stood up. And I would have rather died than sneeze again. LOL! It's getting much better though.

Glad everything is going well for you!


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Great Story! I had my banding done on 3/21/08 and had pretty much the same experience as you. I did not go shopping, intimidated, mostly. But a good experience all around. I am having pain in my left shoulder, which is soo annoying that I have hardly noticed the iching, the gas pain, or that I am no longer hungry, lol. anyway good luck. :-h

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NO PAIN?!? I'm so jealous!

I was only mildly sore, and then Friday I started having really sharp pains at the port site every time I turned my body, sat down or stood up. And I would have rather died than sneeze again. LOL! It's getting much better though.

Glad everything is going well for you!


Man, I am sorry you are having a rough time with it. I may be less receptive to the pain because I have had so many laproscopic surgeries and knew what to expect.

Hang in there,


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