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@*mn Scale....

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So, I have been weighing myself on the same scale since pre-op. I weighed myself yesterday (it had been a couple of days) and I had dropped 8lbs (for a total of 25.5).....OMG I was so excited I almost pee'd myself!!!

I went prancing to my DH (still not dear) and he said "no way". Let me weight myself, so he did and he said there is no way I lost 10 lbs in a week. Crap.....so I said get the old, ugly beast scale down. Weigh myself, said I gained 12....WTH??? I make him weigh in to, he has gained. So too lite, too heavy....starting to feel like goldylocks.

Glare and mutter at scale all night, think about kicking but afraid of breaking my toe (broke one a couple months ago in a freak pedi accident).....

Get up this morning and think, "well maybe its feeling better this morning/deciding to work" try agiain. Says I am down another 2.5lbs.... thinking I am sorry I was so mean to you. Grab DH step on again to show him and the beast says I am up 6lbs....ARRRGGGHHHHH

I am going scale shopping tonight.

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  Manda_T said:
So, I have been weighing myself on the same scale since pre-op. I weighed myself yesterday (it had been a couple of days) and I had dropped 8lbs (for a total of 25.5).....OMG I was so excited I almost pee'd myself!!!

I went prancing to my DH (still not dear) and he said "no way". Let me weight myself, so he did and he said there is no way I lost 10 lbs in a week. Crap.....so I said get the old, ugly beast scale down. Weigh myself, said I gained 12....WTH??? I make him weigh in to, he has gained. So too lite, too heavy....starting to feel like goldylocks.

Glare and mutter at scale all night, think about kicking but afraid of breaking my toe (broke one a couple months ago in a freak pedi accident).....

Get up this morning and think, "well maybe its feeling better this morning/deciding to work" try agiain. Says I am down another 2.5lbs.... thinking I am sorry I was so mean to you. Grab DH step on again to show him and the beast says I am up 6lbs....ARRRGGGHHHHH

I am going scale shopping tonight.


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I've decided I hate my scale.....

How is it possible to not lose weight on this #*#*! liquid diet...My scale says I've gained!!!

I'm really pissed, even though Dr Miranda says this is healing time and weight loss journey does not begin until first fill! :((

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  utahmom said:
I've decided I hate my scale.....

How is it possible to not lose weight on this #*#*! liquid diet...My scale says I've gained!!!

I'm really pissed, even though Dr Miranda says this is healing time and weight loss journey does not begin until first fill! :((

My point exactly!!! I am not eating. I drink, drink, drink and pee, pee, pee.....seriously there has to be a few pounds lost before the first fill. :blink: Right?

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OMG that is hilarious! :lol: (Not really though (((Hugs)))

I have 3 pair of scales. Two of the new digital ones and a dinosaur old kind. The digital ones are CRAZY. They weigh me something off the wall every time I step on them! The older normal scales I have seem to be more reliable. I just wish I had a pair that would quit beating around the bush and tell me what I weigh!

I know the older bandsters think we are nuts, but this is the time for us to be passionate about our weight loss to determine our sucesss. Healing or not, By Gosh I want to lose weight!! :lol:

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Be careful of the scales you buy! Some only go up to 225-250, some go up to 300-325. The closer you weigh to the highest limit of the scale, the more error there will be.

Is one of your Dr.'s offices near you? Generally they don't mind if you just drop in and weigh yourself.

Don't get hung up on the scales!! Just do what you've been instructed to do and the weight will come off.

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LMAO!! that is too funny Manda!

I have not been banded yet BUT could it be possible that your body is in starvation mode? Meaning that after you start feeding your body again it will work for you. I know that you on a strict liquid diet but your body maybe be thinking that it may not get another meal and it's saving some for the "long winter ahead". Although, I hear ya about wanting to lose. I started my pre-op a little early just to make sure I could lose the 10 lbs before the surgery and I lost about 3 lbs and then plateaued. My husband suggest that I add about another 200-300 more calories and I have lost 7 more in just a week.

Chin up ladies! You are going to be skinny B!tche$ soon enough!! :P


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  4mygirls said:
LMAO!! that is too funny Manda!

I have not been banded yet BUT could it be possible that your body is in starvation mode? Meaning that after you start feeding your body again it will work for you. I know that you on a strict liquid diet but your body maybe be thinking that it may not get another meal and it's saving some for the "long winter ahead". Although, I hear ya about wanting to lose. I started my pre-op a little early just to make sure I could lose the 10 lbs before the surgery and I lost about 3 lbs and then plateaued. My husband suggest that I add about another 200-300 more calories and I have lost 7 more in just a week.

Chin up ladies! You are going to be skinny B!tche$ soon enough!! :P



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Have you tried zeroing your scales to make sure they are accurate? I always try to stick to using one scale so that weight loss is relative to what it said the last time I stepped on. Even so, I sometimes do get some odd ball readings. Don't worry about what the scale says during your post-op diet anyway. Your body is in starvation mode and holding onto every last calorie it can. Much of the commonly accepted dogma for weight loss is wrong, such as if you eat less, you'll loose weight. I've known many people who have had to eat more in order to get their weight loss back on track because they weren't getting enough calories in for their bodies to be convinced that they were not in a life-threatening situation.

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Before you buy a new scale check out the below article I found on Yahoo Health!

"A watched pot…or get off the scale?

Is this you, or do you know someone, who cannot lose weight even though they seem to be doing everything right?

Imagine going from not exercising at all to exercising four or five times a week, and from eating a high calorie junk food diet to eating a really clean and reduced calorie diet, and still not losing any significant weight – bummer - right? And not uncommon, I see this a lot.

In my opinion, it’s just one more obvious incident of mind over body, self-sabotage, and justification for working on mental fitness as well as physical fitness.

A conversation with one of my students/clients highlights my point exactly; she said to me, “ever since we have been working out together my diet is good, I am drinking a lot of water, my clothes fit looser, and I am happier… until I get on the scale - and I see that almost nothing, number-wise, has changedâ€

She gets on the scale, she gets disappointed, and what happens next is all too predictable: she sabotages her progress, and her happiness.

She dives into work, stops exercising and watching her diet, and watching the scale. After a week or so people started commenting on how good she looks, and they ask her what she’s doing to lose weight.

When she does get on the scale again, now a week off of her ‘fitness program’ (and her obsession with the scale), and four weeks after we started training together, she sees that she has in fact lost a chunk of weight.

Her body has been allowed, without the negative mental interference of obsessing about the numbers on the scale, to function naturally and drop weight, as anyone’s body eventually will when caloric intake is reduced and caloric expenditure is increased.

As soon as she took her mind off of the problem, which she saw as, “the numbers on the scale aren’t moving fast enough,†her body responded to the healthy actions she had been taking.

This is the dieter’s version of: a watched pot never boils. When we watch the pot we are typically focusing on how long it’s taking and its lack of progress. For most of us, the act of ‘watching the pot’ is an indication of impatience, and lack of trust, which quickly turns into, “this isn’t working and, I quit!â€

We create (or contribute to) an ongoing cycle of failure.

What we need for success is a positive outlook with optimistic expectation, but it’s hard to do after years of failed diet and fitness attempts.

You can however, undo the negative self-fulfilling prophecy through positive affirmations and greater awareness. Affirmations will recondition your thinking, and a heightened awareness will allow you to not take actions that sabotage your progress.

Stay off the scale; you only have control over the actions that you take, not how quickly the results come. And unless you are from another planet, it’s unlikely that, on a physical level, your body is much different from everyone else’s. It will respond positively to increasing your exercise and reducing your caloric intake if you just trust, give it time, and stop sabotaging yourself.

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I am a veteran bandster and soooooo scale obsessed it's crazy. On the days I know I should have lost instead of throwing my scale at my husband, who loses weight by just wishing, I wait till the next day and weigh myself again, if no change, or worse it shows a gain, yes I'm ready to slit my wrists, thank god I'm a clean freak, I try on something that has been tight on me. Now listen during this time I have not cheated, I'm exercising, no bites of peanut butter, no finishing the last thing on my child's plate, and no just 1 cookie won't hurt. I'VE BEEN GOOD. My tight clothes show some give, beleive me it works. Only if you are being completely honest try it. If I depended on the scale for my motivation I'd be dead. Chin-up, don't give up, and think thin!!!! :rolleyes: Helena

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Update....changed the battery tonight, stepped on scale and it is right where it was 3 days ago. So, no weightloss but hey no weight gain =D>

It was having a meltdown because the batteries were low.

Off I go to drink some tea.

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