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Port tightness, tugging feeling from inside???

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I did and it hurt like hell a couple of times. I called OCC...it's normal since they stitch port into muscle. He said to take tylenol and use a heating pad, it wnet away for me after a couple of days. I use motrin which really takes care of pain for me.


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  iwantbanded said:
Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone else had this "feeling"? The best way I can describe it is a tugging or pulling feeling from inside. It doesn't hurt, just uncomfortable. It just started last evening.....????

You know, I too just started feeling that. I was banded 3/24 and hadn't felt anything, no port, no tightness, nothing. Just the other day, I could finally start feeling it. Like, if I move to the left a certain way, I can feel like a stabbing slight pain. Not really pain, juts that I can feel it is there now. I had expected to feel it sooner.

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Thanks Ladies!! I was hoping that it wasn't anything serious. It's kinda dull ache and tugging feeling at the same time. Glad to hear it's normal though..... I've been being good about my diet. My belly likes the warm and hot stuff better, I've found.

I tried a small amount of Cream of Wheat this morning and worked out well. I watered it down with warm skim milk and had no problems at all! :)

I'll try the heating pad also...

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I get this from time to time but especially if I've lost some pounds in a short amount of time. I figure it's just my body adjusting to its new shape and it settles down after a week or two. I notice it mostly when sitting so I got a balance ball and use that when I'm working at a desk. The ball encourages me to use correct posture which takes the pressure off my port and really makes a difference.

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Thanks Clynn & Ms. Teacher!

I took notice to the posture thing too..... I tend to slouch and it bothers me more when I do. I stand when I'm at work, so it won't be so bad. [i'm laid off till August] I'm trying to make myself sit up straighter though.

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  Bobbi said:
I get the same feeling around the port. But, how about a lump in the back of the throat. I feel like I have something caught back there now. I was wondering if this is normal too.

Hey Bobbi...... I don't have that feeling... don't know what that could be??? I do have a bit of a sore throat in the mornings though. [i snore] so that's what I blame it on. Anybody else????

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  iwantbanded said:
Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone else had this "feeling"? The best way I can describe it is a tugging or pulling feeling from inside. It doesn't hurt, just uncomfortable. It just started last evening.....????

Yes, normal... The meds you were given have probably worn off and now you can feel things inside and are still healing. I'm a side sleeper. I sleep on my side and that didn't feel good at all the first 10 days, I'd say. I found that sleeping on my back, where everything is flat on my belly felt the most comfortable and no pain or uncomfortableness. It was also sometimes hard to sit up from a lying down position. It will pass once you are fully healed! I'm a little 5 weeks post-op and facing the no restriction banding H*E* double hockey sticks. Not fun at all since I can probably eat a whole COW if I wanted. :P But I will not... I will not!!! Have a nice one!

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