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Silly question and an update

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I remember walking to the OR and getting on the operating table, but when I woke up I was snug and tucked back into my bed in my room. How the heck did they do that? Carry me? LOL I know it is a silly question, but I am perplexed!

I am finally feeling like me again. I am able to drink alot better and the creamy soups are going down great and staying down. I am so happy!

Did everyone really stay on the liquid diet for 3 whole weeks? I haven't wanted to eat yet, but I am scared I will want to before the 3 weeks is up. :unsure:

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Is it possible you walked there but don't remember because of the drugs? If I take Nyquil or am really really tired, I start sleepwalking. Most times I end up changing my clothes in the middle of the night or moving things around my bedroom. One night I woke up tearing the cushions off the couch because I dreamed there was a lit match underneath. But I digest . . . .

Glad to hear you're doing better. Isn't it a huge relief to get food down and start to feel normal again?

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  KimmieD76 said:
I remember walking to the OR and getting on the operating table, but when I woke up I was snug and tucked back into my bed in my room. How the heck did they do that? Carry me? LOL I know it is a silly question, but I am perplexed!

I am finally feeling like me again. I am able to drink alot better and the creamy soups are going down great and staying down. I am so happy!

Did everyone really stay on the liquid diet for 3 whole weeks? I haven't wanted to eat yet, but I am scared I will want to before the 3 weeks is up. :unsure:

Well speaking from experience with surgeries...I am surprised you walked to the OR, but oh well. When you are on the operating table and they have completed the surgery, they transfer your sleeping body to a hospital bed and tuck you in. They wheel you to a room for recovery. Simple as that!


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  Kittycat said:
Well speaking from experience with surgeries...I am surprised you walked to the OR, but oh well. When you are on the operating table and they have completed the surgery, they transfer your sleeping body to a hospital bed and tuck you in. They wheel you to a room for recovery. Simple as that!


Actually, I walked into the OR, and then out again. No wheeling required.

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The last think I remember was being in my room and a few people coming in and talking to me and putting something in my IV, and then I was out. I also woke up in my bed/room. I'm confused about how some people walked in the OR, some people are put in a wheelchair, and some of us never remember leaving our rooms.

Very strange...

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Hey, I too, walked into the OR, but they wheeled my bed from my room into the OR after the surgery and asked me to slide onto my bed. I do remember that. The rest is a blur though!

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  Blazn said:
Hey, I too, walked into the OR, but they wheeled my bed from my room into the OR after the surgery and asked me to slide onto my bed. I do remember that. The rest is a blur though!

I remember them wheeling me to the OR and me getting on the table. The nurse introduced himself, said he'd be taking care of me, put the meds in my IV and was out. I remember the nurse waking me and telling me I was all done and them asking me to slide over on my bed. Kind of patchy little memories till I was fully awake, but it didn't take long. ;)

PS I haven't been good on my diet...... I had some mashed potato's and gravy today and also a milk shake.... I know, I know, not good!! I don't think I'll do that again any time soon, my stomache hurts a little!

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Agghh!! No wonder my throat hurts! :lol

Anyone else have throat soreness and pain after the surgery?

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I think I walked in, was a bit buzzed though, don't actually remember the walking part, but remember the anesthesiologist (kind, kind man) comforting me and then I was out cold! I don't remember anything else until I they woke me up to walk the hall! AMAZING!

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