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Anybody Out there banded longer that 2-3 months

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  lisal said:
If you are a patient of Dr. Ortiz I would give the clinic a call - I know he would not be happy with that progress and would do everything to assist. If not, good luck with your doctor - (if you don't have it yet - get Dr. Ortiz's book - its very helpful).

One bit of advice - whenever I was moving slow I would increase my protein intake - I'd have my Isopure Low Carb, high protein shake in the morning. It has 50 grams of 100% Ion Exchange Whey Protein Isolate and when you add in your nonfat high protein milk that brings you up to 60 grams for only 310 calaries. It was my biggest hit of calories for the day and I'd only have it in the morning when my band was tight. (I was lucky if I could drink it all) And then the rest of the day only solids in two other meals, my band is tight so about 1/4 to 1/2 cup total and I'd always start with my protein (chicken/fish/turkey) chew the living daylights out of it and then veggies - hardly had room for fruit and rarely made it to the carbs - but tried.

The high protein really kicked my body into burning the fat - I had heard that from a lady from this board that had lost most of her weight - she was right on.


I also read about the protein getting your metabolism charged when you are stalled in weight loss. I still have restriction but not losing and when the restriction is the lowest, I make bad food choices sometimes and other times, I am struggling with just eating too much at once or too fast. Sometimes I get into trouble(sliming, etc.), but most times I stop myself in time when I know I have eaten too much.

When you say you are tight so you just have a protein shake in the morning, I was wondering if you have the VG band and what level you are at? I know for a hard fact I need to increase my protein intake and if that means drinking a shake in the mornings, then so be it! Where can you get Isopure? Is it in like GNC stores or online? I like mixing any protein powders with lowfat milk. It seems to taste better and is more filling. ;)

Congrats on your great success!


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(Hey Lisa, thank you for the sweet comments)! I hope your band is comming soon! (I just love mine)!

Judy, this is hard for me because you are just as successful with the band as I am. I've had my band (VG) for 20 months and I have 6cc's in my band with 9 small fills.

But I get where your coming from and I bet your right, you might need more protein. I use Perfect Isopure Low Carb Isopure, Dutch Chocolate http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp...amp;catid=31664 you can buy it at many different online stores, I generally price them out and figure out who has the best price between free shipping, tax etc. I like it with milk as well, out where I live we have a low fat high protein milk so it makes the shake about 60 grams of protein, and really helps to curb the cravings and start burning fat. But remember it also creates muscle so you'll be leaner but you might weigh more. Most people think I weigh between 120 and 130, I'm actually at 145 and it’s because I'm muscular and it weighs more than fat.

Take care and email me any time – I’d be happy to chat!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I'm sharing my story because I'm hoping I might actually help someone avoid what I've done. Here's my story. I struggled with being overweight and eventually being obese until I was 36, when I chose to get banded. I was banded December 2003. I had some complications such as severe dehydration and swelling of the band site immediately after surgery, which made me want to die, but I got through it. I followed every detail of my post surgery to a T. I consumed no more than 3 grams of sugar. I drank my protein. I didn't cheat ever. I took my supplements. I exercised by working up to running 67 minutes five days a week on the treadmill. Seriously, I was the perfect "bandster." I reached my goal of 111 pounds lost in six months. I was a medical marvel. They even put me in a public television show. I looked great. I now wear a size 4, sometimes a 2. I had circumfrential abdominoplasty, so my butt and stomach look great. To look at me, you'd say, oh, wow...I have to do that!!! I must admit...I do LOOK good. However, things aren't always what they appear.

I was never able to tolerate any fluid in my band, as it made me unable to even drink water without regurging. Do you know how awful it is to be thirsty and not able to drink water??? So my band was always empty. That wasn't good enough. It started self-tightening, especially during any stressful situations. I'm sure nobody ever endures any of those, right? So when my band self tightens, guess what? Can't eat without puking. I mean, I can't eat anything without puking...not soup, not protein shakes...nothing. Food just clumps in my throat until I vomit.

After a few years of living like that, intermittently not being able to eat without vomitting, but sometimes feeling okay, my band slipped. Now I vomit up toilet bowls full of blood, and have to go to the ER to get rehydrated periodically. My children nicknamed me "Pukey," and know exactly why I run to the rest room at restaurants, at home, in parking lots, wherever we are. I've become so good at puking I do it without anyone knowing.

I wanted to have the band removed, but my insurance wouldn't cover removal, even with a medical necessity complication. I finally got insurance to cover it, but the surgeon is taking forever. I'm dying. I feel awful every day. I feel sick when I wake up and have to puke up the spit I swallow in my sleep. Several times a week, I wake up to vomit coming out of my nose in a choking, agonizing display. It's all very sexy.

I am having the band removed next week, if I live that long. I just wanted to share with you my experience. Yes, I lost weight and got that body I always wanted, but my insides are shot, and I haven't felt good for a whole day in so long I can't remember it.

There you have it.

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Wow, how could you live like that for so long, that is so horrible.

I'm so glad you're having it removed and hope for your speedy recovery. This is like the example that Dr. Ortiz talks about in his video when people have too tight of bands and its not like living at all. You’re the perfect example of what he says shouldn’t happen. I wish you had been a patient of Dr. Ortiz so you wouldn't have had to endure so much. It took me 21 months to reach my goal weight - I can't even imagine what I would have had to go through to reach it in 6. That would mean that I never ate, which it sounds like that happened to you – that’s not how the band is suppose to work. I don't even know how you are vomiting up bowls of blood - I thought if your band slipped nothing could go down, or up. I feel so badly for you!

Good luck with your surgery and our thoughts are with you.



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Thank you, Lisa.

It has been amazingly awful. The blood is coming from the band irritating my esphogus. It's causing a bleeding ulcer. I wouldn't wish what I'm going through on anyone. I am the poster child for the "what could go wrong" symptoms. What really puts the cherry on the sundae is that my surgeon wants to immediately replace my band while he removes it "because I've had such great results." Sure, I've lost a lot of weight, and if that is the only litmus test of success, then I am definitely a success. I have no energy though, can't exercise any longer, constantly have acid reflux and am in pain always...but to me, that's not great results. That's being prisoner of a band.

  lisal said:
Wow, how could you live like that for so long, that is so horrible.

I'm so glad you're having it removed and hope for your speedy recovery. This is like the example that Dr. Ortiz talks about in his video when people have too tight of bands and its not like living at all. You’re the perfect example of what he says shouldn’t happen. I wish you had been a patient of Dr. Ortiz so you wouldn't have had to endure so much. It took me 21 months to reach my goal weight - I can't even imagine what I would have had to go through to reach it in 6. That would mean that I never ate, which it sounds like that happened to you – that’s not how the band is suppose to work. I don't even know how you are vomiting up bowls of blood - I thought if your band slipped nothing could go down, or up. I feel so badly for you!

Good luck with your surgery and our thoughts are with you.



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I've had success with the band - and sometimes its a struggle, but my band isn't doing damage to my body and I can still enjoy life. I would rather be fat and happy than thin and miserable!

I would not allow anyone to replace with another band until my body had time to heal. (And that includes taking time to heal my mind, body and spirit, I’m sure after going through everything you need some time to adjust and focus on enjoying life) If at all possible please wait and I would recommend consulting Dr. Ortiz - he is very well respected in this field.

Please be careful and make sure to take care of yourself first.



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I was banded 1yr ago the 25th. I have done really great i am at my goal 122 from 204. I have had some issues but nothing that I wouldn't do over in heart beat for the same results. At one time or another you will probably suffer from sever acid reflux it will wake you up during the night with you feeling like you are drowning you will start to cough and cough. You can prevent this by taking an acid reducer, not eating or drinking ANYTHING at least 2 hours before sleep, and you can elevate the head of your bed. This started as I reached my goal weight and my band was a little to tight. I don't want to scare you but this scared me as I had not heard of anyone having experienced this. I can not stress eating slow slow slow, I am a very fast eater, always have been and this is a huge issue especially after banding you will throw up!!!!!!!!!! Your body reacts before your brain engages that you have reached full. Your new stomach is about the size of an egg by the time you take 3bites you're full but you don't realize it as quickly so be aware and chew slowly this can be especially embarrassing if you are out at a restaurant and you become projectile (been there ). That has been the worst of my experiences. That and if you are married your husband may feel that EVERY illness stomach upset is band related. My husband is very sweet and supportive but after my banding and 50 birthday I had some unrelated medical issues come up just after banding and he has felt that it is all because of the band. He doesn't fully get that maybe I might be getting older and falling apart partly because I look so darn good now :D . Good luck to you it is amazing how much better you will feel about yourself.

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WOW Michelle! You are doing GREAT!! I NEED HELP! I had surgery on April 22nd. I initially lost 17 pounds on the liquid phase. I didn't make it 21 days though. I ate a baked potato on day 14 and by day 17 was trying to eat solids. I gained 10 lbs back between day 21 and my first fill (at 7 weeks post op). It has been 2 weeks since then. I don't feel any restriction. I was filled 1.3 cc. I begged him to give me more but he wouldn't. I don't feel restriction. Sometimes I have problems with getting bread down, but is that the same feeling as restriction? Because, I am usually still hungry after my path clears. I know by the sounds of this message, I sound super greedy, but I normally eat once or twice a day, no snacks in between and its never more than a serving, well, an American serving that is. :P I haven't lost anything. I'm really getting discouraged. Will more restriction change this? Any advise will help.

Highest Weight: 232

Pre Op Weight: 207

4/22 -Weight at Surgery: 200

5/13 -Weight by day 21 on liquid: 190

6/10 -Weight at 1st Fill: 200

Current Weight: 200

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow! You all are doing amazing. I am now 2 months and 8 days post op and down a total of 29.5 lbs counting pre op diet. I am happy with my progress and since I now have my second fill am hoping to start using this tool that I have.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  lisal said:
I was banded in October of 2006, my highest weight were I got on a scale and looked was 275, my surgery weight 265. I am now 150 and doing great! I went from a size 22 to a size 6 pants, 8 top. I look 20 years younger and I'm nearly at my goal. I had hard times, however when I lost the most weight it was when I was following the rules, so stick to it! To date I've had an extended tummy tuck and just had my breast lift last week by Dr. Nyte in Maple Valley WA. I love my new body and spirit!

Take care, stick with it and make sure you are having fun!


Lisa, you are my hero...we are on the same path. I was just telling my friends today that when I reach my goal weight I am going to reward myself with a breast lift. Congrats on your success.

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i am so glad you mentioned the acid reflux as you got closer to goal. i have noticed since i am getting very close if i eat 2 hours before bed i have to elevate my head to sleep to avoid acid reflux... i freaked the first time it happened because i have never had that before a day in my life. with everything else though, i listened to my body and tried to pinpoint if it was a certain food i suddenly couldnt eat or what and the only thing that was different is i was snacking while watching tv late at night with my bf - just taking a couple bite of his chips that i never did before... once i realized thats all that had changed i stopped eating by 730 or 8pm at the very latest. i tend to be a grazer taking one bite of something then waiting about an 30 mins later and taking another bite... my pouch is probably never empty except in the morning.

i am 21 months post op and have gone from a size 22 24 to a size 12. i have lost 77 lbs since banding and 102 from my highest ever. i couldnt be more happy with my band but it isnt always a pleasent journey... i have puked on myself driving down the road and have learned to keep barf bags in the car. i have had meserable experiences out at dinner parties with family and friends. so far none of that has made me regret my decision, but it does remind me every day to slow down - the food isnt going anywhere..it will be there when i can handle a bite.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  kym828 said:

i am so glad you mentioned the acid reflux as you got closer to goal. i have noticed since i am getting very close if i eat 2 hours before bed i have to elevate my head to sleep to avoid acid reflux... i freaked the first time it happened because i have never had that before a day in my life. with everything else though, i listened to my body and tried to pinpoint if it was a certain food i suddenly couldnt eat or what and the only thing that was different is i was snacking while watching tv late at night with my bf - just taking a couple bite of his chips that i never did before... once i realized thats all that had changed i stopped eating by 730 or 8pm at the very latest. i tend to be a grazer taking one bite of something then waiting about an 30 mins later and taking another bite... my pouch is probably never empty except in the morning.

i am 21 months post op and have gone from a size 22 24 to a size 12. i have lost 77 lbs since banding and 102 from my highest ever. i couldnt be more happy with my band but it isnt always a pleasent journey... i have puked on myself driving down the road and have learned to keep barf bags in the car. i have had meserable experiences out at dinner parties with family and friends. so far none of that has made me regret my decision, but it does remind me every day to slow down - the food isnt going anywhere..it will be there when i can handle a bite.



Where do you go in Denver? I have had my 2nd and 3rd fill at the Fill Center in Thornton and been satisfied with them but always wondering what else is available.


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Hi All,

It its great to hear all the good and bad from everyone. When I started looking into this type of WLS, I was leary on going to Mexico, all those horror stories you hear in the news. But no one ever reports all the good news about Mexico. I am happy to see that you have all done so well (for the most part), and I hope soon to join your family!! I have been overweight since I was in grade 4, and just in the last 4-5 years I have realized what caused my gaining weight, and why i can't seem to lose it...no matter how many "diets" I try. So with the help of the band and looking into my "mental and emotional habits", I hope this journey that I am on now will end like most of yours.I dont' need to be a size 2...I think I could be very happy at a 10 or 12!! I am currently a 22/24, and I am at my highest known weight right now (I don't weigh myself...don't want to see those ugly numbers!!).

So thank you all of you, you have inspired me!! And I am glad to see that everyone is sooooooo supportive of everyone. I am hoping for surgery in October, I work for a landscape company, and can't really take time off to recover probably, but I wll be able to in October...and I can spend the whole winter working on a new me!!!!

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