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America Latina y la cirugia bariatrica

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:rolleyes: Yo quisiera que los maximos exponentes de la cirugia bariatrica y sus tecnicas fuesen expandidas hasta toda America Latina, pues solo se sabe del Dr. Ortiz a traves del programa conducido por el mismo llamado "Planeta Medico", por Discovery Health Channel. Podrian ganarse uds. nuevos egresados que se interesen en esta rama, hacerla mas interesante y menos superficial. Quisiera saber por que hay una asociacion de obesos que esta en contra del bypass gastrico que creo que es lo mismo que el lap-band o en su defecto corrijanme y mandeme la respuesta a mi e-mail por favor.

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The translation is: I wish the top bariatric surgery experts and their techniques were expanded to all of Latin America, as one only hears of Dr. Ortiz through the program he leads called "Medical Planet", on the Discovery Health Channel. You might convince new graduates to become involved in this field, make it more interesting and less superficial. I would like to know why there is an association of obese persons against gastric bypass, which I think is the same thing as the lap-band. Otherwise, correct me if I am wrong and send me an answer directly to my e-mail, please.

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