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Pre-op Fasting/Surgery Fasting

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Can someone answer this question for me? Are you required to fast 8 hours before pre-op and before surgery? So if I'm scheduled for surgery on a Thursday, but want to fly in on Weds. will I fast the night before for each day? Thanks again!

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Can someone answer this question for me? Are you required to fast 8 hours before pre-op and before surgery? So if I'm scheduled for surgery on a Thursday, but want to fly in on Weds. will I fast the night before for each day? Thanks again!

I fasted the morning I got there, because I was having the blood work done that day. I got to eat after I left ("The Last Supper") and then headed to the clinic first thing in the morning - I believe we were told we couldn't eat after 7 p.m. the night before surgery. I ate a nice plate of chicken fajitas that night. Mmmmmmmm... fajitas...

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Yes - for the pre-op they will be drawing blood and you do need to fast 8 hours. If you are having surgery the next day you just need to be NPO after midnight - nothing to eat or drink after midnight. I am not sure about 7pm - I was just told midnight so you may want to ask on the day of your pre-op to verify.

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I'm wondering about the pre-op fasting too. I fly the same day I am getting pre-op done so I won't get to the clinic until 2 at the earliest so I am hoping I don't have to fast from midnight the night before as then I won't have had anything to eat or drink for 14+ hours.

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I was scheduled to go straight to the OCC from the airport. My flight was scheduled to get in SD at noon. Thinking that I should fast 8 hours before one o'clock I did. After we got to the OCC, the other people got their pre-op done and it was my turn it was close to 3. So I was wishing that I would have ate a whole breakfast burrito and a coffee at 7 that morning because I was STARVING!!! Then they let me do the surgery that day and I was glad!! :) Good luck with your surgery! Just add 1.5 hours to the time that you are suppose to land in SD that you will be getting your pre-op. Then subtract the 8 hours from then. Eat a good meal too. I wish that I would have...... <_<


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I fasted before my pre-op tests. I didnt get to the OCC till about 2pm and i started fasting the night before...so needless to say jus like Brooke did I WAS STARVING!! but i was scheduled to have my surgery 4-11 but since i fasted and the other people didnt Brooke and I got to have our surgery the day before. So i guess the answer is YES!!! Fast before the Pre-op tests!!! :D


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Okay... so let me get this right. If I fly into San Diego on the 14th morning or early afternoon, I am not scheduled for surgery until the 15th, but it's possible they may do my surgery on the 14th? What time roughly do they take you back to the hotel the next day?

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Okay... so let me get this right. If I fly into San Diego on the 14th morning or early afternoon, I am not scheduled for surgery until the 15th, but it's possible they may do my surgery on the 14th? What time roughly do they take you back to the hotel the next day?

I was initally booked for surgery on the 29th but I wanted to be able to have an extra day to recover and since my flight was getting in at 11am it was possible to move my surgery up to the afternoon of the 28th. I chose to fast from midnight the night before my arrival (the 27th) so I didn't have anything to eat till 5pm on the 28th but I was fine.

Here's an hour by hour account of my day of surgery experience for those who asked about the same day arrival/surgery timeline: http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?showtopic=5161

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I actually emailed Lori (or maybe it was Renee) to say that I was interested in having my surgery the day of my arrival and to see if there was a spot open on the 28th... Since there are only so many rooms so there is only a set number of surgeries they can do in a day.

He said that there was a spot open and based on my arrival time in San Diego there was a good chance that I would be able to have it on the 28th (assuming there were no flight delays or any other issues that came up at the last min) once I got there I was told that I would be doing my surgery that day, and I was so glad I did!

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Thanks so much Michelle. I will email Carolyn and see what she says. She's the one I've been dealing with. I heard something about a semi-private room being cheaper? Do you know anything about this?

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I think the semi private runs $300 cheaper - I think. It's a room kind of in the hallway though, but if you don't mind, go for it. I would have been fine with it, but as it is, I got to go back to the hotel the same day anyway. I was doing so well and I think I was done by around 2 so I got to go home by 7 ish or so. (home being the hotel).

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Thanks so much Michelle. I will email Carolyn and see what she says. She's the one I've been dealing with. I heard something about a semi-private room being cheaper? Do you know anything about this?

Because it was a full house on both the 28th and the 27th I got a semi private room, it's like a curtained off section of the hallway... I really didn't like it because the lady next to me was snoring all night and there's no TV and only chair (not a couch) for your loved one. I guess it doesn't really matter since you're only awake for a few hours while you're there!!

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Because it was a full house on both the 28th and the 27th I got a semi private room, it's like a curtained off section of the hallway... I really didn't like it because the lady next to me was snoring all night and there's no TV and only chair (not a couch) for your loved one. I guess it doesn't really matter since you're only awake for a few hours while you're there!!

did they reimburse you since you ended up with the semi private room?

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did they reimburse you since you ended up with the semi private room?

Some people received the $300 or $400 discount but I still payed the full price because I didn't know to ask about the discount... When I did ask they told me that my first fill would be free (Free transportation, 1 night free in the Lucerna and free fluro) which equals a $300 value...

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I too had my labs and stuff done the day of my surgery and had nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before. I found this much easier because I don't know if I would have been any fun at all if I would have been forced to fast 2 days. So if I had to do it all over again I would def choose the pre-op labs and surgery the same day. But as far as I know for pre-ops it is 8 hours so just keep that in mind and do your best.

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Some people received the $300 or $400 discount but I still payed the full price because I didn't know to ask about the discount... When I did ask they told me that my first fill would be free (Free transportation, 1 night free in the Lucerna and free fluro) which equals a $300 value...

You got me thinking, since I didn't stay overnight, do I get a discount for that? I never got a refund or anything.

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You got me thinking, since I didn't stay overnight, do I get a discount for that? I never got a refund or anything.

I doubt it since you were the one that chose not to stay, and you were in the room for X number of hours while recovering so it's not like they could offer that room to someone that was in the semi-private room.

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