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OK I want the truth

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April 29.... 4 more days, and I am "officially" able to eat solids : )

Notice "officially" is in quotes.

I'll third the "brussel sprouts and cheese sauce are gross" even without a band.

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i haven't posted on to many topics, but this one hit a little close to home. I have to admit that i was eating soft food (mashed potatoes, pasta, cooked veggies, etc) by the second week. I didn't have any problems, i am assuming because i chewed and chewed until everything was liquidfied. i felt alot of guilt and each time and told my self this would be the last time, but around 5pm each day i would be crazy hungry and would give in. I am glad that it is now ok to eat solids and very thankful that I did not screw up beyond all repair. I just take it one day at a time and with the support of my family and friends I am very optimistic.

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I live in Vegas so I know what it's like to live in the land of buffet temptation... I just had to hole up in my house for those 3 weeks so I wouldn't cheat! LOL

I'm going to Vegas in July/August. You'll have to give me your number so I can call you like an AA sponsor whenever the buffets call to me! LOL!

I hope I have a good fill by then. :-)

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