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Newly Banded and hungry

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I was banded on April 17th. Everything went great. I feel fully recuped, but I have hunger pains. I am really hungry, I realize that I need to get my first fill, but I thought I would be able to handle the liquid diet easily. Did anyone else experience this? I had a hard time with the pre op diet, so in my mind I thought that after the surgery I wouldn't be hungry. Any suggestions? Does is get easier?

By the way I've never been part of a forum so I don't know how to set up my profile. So sorry if I don't have my information posted yet. I will figure it out! Thanks

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I am sorry you are hungry....I was banded on April 7th and am still not hungry. I hope others can give you advice, I just wanted to lend my support. ><'

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I went thru the same thing! I thought I was having gas pains - but once I ate something with some substance, my pains went away.

Here's what I did - does not mean it's right, or you should copy it - but it did take my pains away - which were hunger pains!!!

On day 8, I went and got a chocolate shake. Took small swallows and only finished about half. It's all I needed - for 4 hours after that my belly was quiet, I had no cramping - and it felt blissful.

Here was my other secret another bandster told me. On day 10 post-op - I tried Cheetios puffs. I took a half bite and let it dissolve in my mouth. It was next to nothing to swallow.

Again - every person's body recovers different. I by no means and telling you to do what I did - I'm just saying what worked for me!

Be careful though - you're still only 4 or 5 days post-op - way too early to try these tricks I think. I do know another recent bandster who upgraded early to the creamy soups. I tried it and I was bloated, had gas and was in pain for hours!!!

It will go away if you can tough it out - I promise. My pains went away around Day 12. Hang in there - it gets better! ><'

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Hi and welcome Bandito ;)

I was banded on April 4 and became HUNGRY this weekend. I did have growls and weird noises coming from my stomach, but did not feel hungry.

Drink a lot of water, crystel light or special K protien water - that will help you with your hunger, especially the Special K protien water.

Buy my favorite - banana popcicles ;) They are yummie and fun to eat.

You can do it ;)

  Temecula said:
I was banded on April 17th. Everything went great. I feel fully recuped, but I have hunger pains. I am really hungry, I realize that I need to get my first fill, but I thought I would be able to handle the liquid diet easily. Did anyone else experience this? I had a hard time with the pre op diet, so in my mind I thought that after the surgery I wouldn't be hungry. Any suggestions? Does is get easier?

By the way I've never been part of a forum so I don't know how to set up my profile. So sorry if I don't have my information posted yet. I will figure it out! Thanks

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  Temecula said:
I was banded on April 17th. Everything went great. I feel fully recuped, but I have hunger pains. I am really hungry, I realize that I need to get my first fill, but I thought I would be able to handle the liquid diet easily. Did anyone else experience this? I had a hard time with the pre op diet, so in my mind I thought that after the surgery I wouldn't be hungry. Any suggestions? Does is get easier?

By the way I've never been part of a forum so I don't know how to set up my profile. So sorry if I don't have my information posted yet. I will figure it out! Thanks


I was banded on the 18 and i am seriously starving. i am drinking a lot of fluids, and will probably start the shakes tomorrow. Hopefully it will go away soon. :lb12:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes yes yes. Me too I'm "hangry" - banded on Apil 30th. Only 11 days in and I'm really struggling. Last night I blew it and had a low card tortilla and some fiber cookies. I chewed the heck out of them and promised I'd be bank on track today but it's not going to be easy. I feel great, but I certainly don't want to mess things up for myself but man o man! I'm scheduled for my first fill on June 20th and am a little freaked about all these stories about people not feeling any restiction even after more than one fill. Shoot. No restriction - no point to all this. I know I've got to keep positive but it's difficult when you're hangry - yes, hungry + angry!

Good luck. If you find "the way" please pass it on!

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I know the feeling, we all do in one way or the other. You aren't alone in this. When I got that way I went and got a smoothie at a local smoothie joint. Usually I get the tapioca pearls, but I had them make it without it. I drank about 1/2 of it and it calmed my growley belly down and I felt totally full. They can make them Low Calorie if you ask them.

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