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May Exercise Challenge

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  Jacqui1 said:
Hi there,

How do we do the daily check in? I worked out 45 min. on the treadmill at 3.2. Where do I need to post this? I am technology challenged so I need all the help I can get.

thats exactly where you put it! haha you can either log your workouts every day - or once a week..whatever you want!

Now that its the first..im like ooh man i dont want to- but i promised myself I would- so when I get home..im getting my butt outside and going for a run around the block even though its 9 million degrees outside!

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  Jacqui1 said:
Hi there,

How do we do the daily check in? I worked out 45 min. on the treadmill at 3.2. Where do I need to post this? I am technology challenged so I need all the help I can get.

Jacqui- You did just perfectly everytime you work out just return to the post and let us know what you did, each night I will add tick marks for workouts that you all have done. For those that don't log on everyday just check in on Sunday and tell us how many workouts you were able to fit in for the week prior and I will add tick marks for the week.

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  MamaMichelle said:

May Exercise Challenge Member List

Purple Members- 4-7 sessions of under 30 minutes

I will add Member Names Here

Green Members- 5-7 sessions of at least 30 minutes

I will add Member Names Here

Bronze Members- 8-14 sessions of at least 30 minutes




Silver Members- 15-18 sessions of at least 30 minutes




Gold Members- 19-23 session of at least 30 minutes









The Redhead


Platinum Members- 24+ sessions of at least 30 minutes




You didn't have a group for NO exercise! I am going to be in Baton Rouge at my mom's house for the whole month of May, and she is scared for me to walk cause she thinks I am going to be raped, (really, has she looked at me?), assaulted, or killed. It actually makes her blood pressure rise and she has an anxiety attack. This does not make me terribly sad because I HATE exercise.. the sweat, the thighs chapping together, the people looking at me, (or who I fear or watching me.) Mmm.. don't leave for my fill til Tuesday.. maybe, just maybe, I can walk for 30 minutes for 3 days before I go. Anything else will be the cherry on top for me. Wait.. does rushing through the airport on layovers count as exercise? Woot.. make that 5 30 minute walks.

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  Paula Bee said:
You didn't have a group for NO exercise! I am going to be in Baton Rouge at my mom's house for the whole month of May, and she is scared for me to walk cause she thinks I am going to be raped, (really, has she looked at me?), assaulted, or killed.

You're so funny! I feel that way too when my husband says dumb things like that... but what you have to remember is that rape is not about male hormones gone wacko all the time, it's sometimes about aggression being transferred to a weaker sex/individual. If you think about it this way then it's very realistic. You still made me laugh and that I thank you for!! Remember I'm laughing with you not at you!!!



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Okay.. just now I finished 30 mins of shoveling dirt around my front garden bed. That has to count for something. I just had to post and take a quick break and I'm going back now! This has to count for something right Michelle?

Hanna :)

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Okay, so day one of the challenge and the only reason I got off of my butt was because I came and read this post!!!!! Thanks for getting my butt in gear, hopefully by the end of the month there will be considerably less of it to get in gear.

So, I walked for 30 minutes then did a few strength exercises for another 10!

Everyone have a great day!


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Maybe you can do what I did while on my pre op diet.....

I just used my steps in my house and stepped up and down using the first step while I counted 200 steps. It wasn't a big deal but it did get me moving. You're inside, no one is watching, and it is a start!!!!!

So find a step (or go buy one of those stepper things!). Just right foot up, left foot up. Right foot down, left foot down. Count to 200 :)


  Paula Bee said:
You didn't have a group for NO exercise! I am going to be in Baton Rouge at my mom's house for the whole month of May, and she is scared for me to walk cause she thinks I am going to be raped, (really, has she looked at me?), assaulted, or killed. It actually makes her blood pressure rise and she has an anxiety attack. This does not make me terribly sad because I HATE exercise.. the sweat, the thighs chapping together, the people looking at me, (or who I fear or watching me.) Mmm.. don't leave for my fill til Tuesday.. maybe, just maybe, I can walk for 30 minutes for 3 days before I go. Anything else will be the cherry on top for me. Wait.. does rushing through the airport on layovers count as exercise? Woot.. make that 5 30 minute walks.
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  MamaMichelle said:

May Exercise Challenge Member List

Purple Members- 4-7 sessions of under 30 minutes

I will add Member Names Here

Green Members- 5-7 sessions of at least 30 minutes

I will add Member Names Here

Bronze Members- 8-14 sessions of at least 30 minutes




Silver Members- 15-18 sessions of at least 30 minutes




Gold Members- 19-23 session of at least 30 minutes









The Redhead


Platinum Members- 24+ sessions of at least 30 minutes




I'll take the GOLD for 20# please :D :lb25:

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  WAgal said:
You're so funny! I feel that way too when my husband says dumb things like that... but what you have to remember is that rape is not about male hormones gone wacko all the time, it's sometimes about aggression being transferred to a weaker sex/individual. If you think about it this way then it's very realistic. You still made me laugh and that I thank you for that!!! Remember I'm laughing with you not at you!!!



Other people tell me that, too, even though it is just my personality and not an attempt to get a laugh. My self esteem is pretty shot, so I have to believe others when they say something nice like that. Some of my less bad memories of teaching are memories of my class laughing until tears rolled for everyone.

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  bandgroupie said:

Maybe you can do what I did while on my pre op diet.....

I just used my steps in my house and stepped up and down using the first step while I counted 200 steps. It wasn't a big deal but it did get me moving. You're inside, no one is watching, and it is a start!!!!!

So find a step (or go buy one of those stepper things!). Just right foot up, left foot up. Right foot down, left foot down. Count to 200 :)


Oh, dear.. good thought, but Mom has one step into the house. Guess I could do the one step 200 times. :wacko:

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  MamaMichelle said:

Ok Bandsters we all know that exercise is key to reach the weight loss goals we have set for ourselves! Spring is here and summer is around the corner which means the shorts and sleeveless shirts will be coming out soon as well, so what better time to climb on board!?!?

I've seen challenges like this on other boards and I think it is a great way to motivate ourselves and each other, this challenge isn't about weight loss (of course that will be an added bonus) and it is NOT a competition with winners and losers. Basically it's a way to stay accountable to the exercise you commit to do during the month of May. It doesn't matter if you're running 3 miles a day 5 times a week or just going on a 30 min walk with your dog one day a week, there's a level for everyone! So come join in for support and encouragement. It's easy, just check in and post your progress. Whether you check in daily to list each workout or sum everything up once a week, it helps with accountability.

Everyone is welcome!

Joining is easy Here's what to do:

STEP 1. Choose Your Personal Goal Color depending on the number of workout you think you'll be able to achieve in MAY:

Purple Level- 4-7 sessions of under 30 minutes - giving your all and working as hard as you can for as long as you can

Green Level- 5-7 sessions of at least 30 minutes

Bronze Level- 8-14 sessions of at least 30 minutes

Silver Level- 15-18 sessions of at least 30 minutes

Gold Level- 19-23 session of at least 30 minutes

Platinum Level- 24+ sessions of at least 30 minutes

STEP 2. Post your Goal Color here in this forum You can even list some of the workouts you plan to do this month!!

STEP 3. Come back to this post each time you complete a workout or check in once a week saying how many workouts you've completed for the prior week

and That's it!! I will do a weekly summary of everyones workouts and progress in the post below this one as well as show an example of what a check in post would look like... I really hope that you guys will give this a try, I think it will do wonders for keeping us motivated and for inspiring others!!

If we get enough interest maybe we can get Chad to pin this to the top of the forum to make it easier to find for daily check-ins!!

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Day three of the challenge, 1.7 miles x3 and 1.5 x3 in the afternoon only walking. I forgot I cannot do curves yet, too much weight and abs... Maybe in two weeks. So I can only walk for now.


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  Paula Bee said:
Other people tell me that, too, even though it is just my personality and not an attempt to get a laugh. My self esteem is pretty shot, so I have to believe others when they say something nice like that. Some of my less bad memories of teaching are memories of my class laughing until tears rolled for everyone.

Oh Paula, I'm so sorry... I'll be more sensitive. I only found it funny because I feel like you, it's like you gotta be kidding me... I'd believe it if I were young and sexy but I'm old (about to be a grandma) and overweight... about the rape thing!

I see your picture and you are beautiful! You are who you define yourself to be and define yourself with the more important inside qualities that surpasses time! Beauty is great but we all get old! There are only so much you can do with your outward appearance until time catches up with you. Not trying to be negative but please know you can relax with me. There will be nothing I say on this forum to ever PURPOSELY make fun or tear down anyone. That's my personality... I'm here like everyone else trying to go through a difficult journey with the support of fellow friends/bandster to get me through it all. If I succeed then I will have all of you to thank and hopefully help others along the way and in the future.

Have a nice weekend... I've been gardening and things are looking up and perky in my garden. Now I have to plant things.

Big HUG and SQUEEZE from me!


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I took my dog for a walk today - 45 minutes and 2.6 miles! =D> It was GORGEOUS out today and I got done work early (yippee!) so me & the beagle went out and down to the duck pond! She loves to watch the ducks/geese. She thinks she can catch them! lol! Its so funny she gets so worked up and excited to watch them.

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  WAgal said:
Oh Paula, I'm so sorry... I'll be more sensitive. I only found it funny because I feel like you, it's like you gotta be kidding me... I'd believe it if I were young and sexy but I'm old (about to be a grandma) and overweight... about the rape thing!

I see your picture and you are beautiful! You are who you define yourself to be and define yourself with the more important inside qualities that surpasses time! Beauty is great but we all get old! There are only so much you can do with your outward appearance until time catches up with you. Not trying to be negative but please know you can relax with me. There will be nothing I say on this forum to ever PURPOSELY make fun or tear down anyone. That's my personality... I'm here like everyone else trying to go through a difficult journey with the support of fellow friends/bandster to get me through it all. If I succeed then I will have all of you to thank and hopefully help others along the way and in the future.

Have a nice weekend... I've been gardening and things are looking up and perky in my garden. Now I have to plant things.

Big HUG and SQUEEZE from me!


Oh my goodness! You didn't offend me in any way. Not even the rape thing, which is still hysterical to me, as she lives in a nice area and I just go up and down the street while she sits in a lawn chair and watches to make sure I am safe. LOL.. I am 54 today, and she is 72.. I can just see her running down the street and attacking an assailant with her handbag. LAFFING..

You cannot offend me.. I am only uplifted in this forum. Thank you for your important part of this..

Hugs back

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Hey does cleaning 5 kids room count for anything ?LOL

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Day 1: 12 mile bike ride (1 hour +)

Day 2: 30 minutes on the treadmill, 15 on weights

Go team!

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