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How do you know if you are ready?

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Hello All ~

I have never posted to a forum...so I guess I will learn as I go. I have been considering lap band since I discovered my sister had it done a year ago. Of course, in honor of her weight loss...I gained 50 pounds! I am going through my closet to purge my "thin clothes" and am mourning...deeply mourning the days when I used to dress so fashionable. In the past three years I have gained 100 pounds and cannot seem to stop this upward trend. Middle age can't account for it all...and there is definite emotional eating and drinking going on. I am terrified to have the lap band done but see no ther choice as ideal body weight is critical to the work I do (which I cannot disclose lest my patients read). Is it worth it? Do I have to be concerned that I am getting this done out of the country? How do I know if I am ready? How do you all deal with the emotions underlying the eating? I HATE exercise which I know needs to change. Well, I am signing off to place all my thin clothes in a storage bin in hopes that I will fit into them again. I have bins with sizes ranging from 10 - 20!!!! Not a good night. Only positive is all the added space in my closet! Thank you in advance for listening.

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Don't be so hard on yourself! We have all been there. I am three and a half weeks post op so still fairly new. As for emotional eating, I know from reading posts that many people go to a therapist. For right now, when I am angry/upset/frustrated...I go for a walk, come here for support and believe it or not breathe deep and keep going...I am a fourth grade teacher so when it is a tough day and the kids offer me there cookies I have to turn them down now. I had a wonderful experience going to TJ to OCC to have my lap band placed! As a matter of fact, I had not planned to go back for my first fill and instead have it done at a fill center usa, but the staff is so wonderful and caring that I am headed back to Mexico. I really feel I got personal attention and care that surpass what I get here in the states. Here we are restricted a lot of times by what am HMO/insurance provider tells us to do and so are our doctors....at the OCC I did not feel rushed or as if I was one of 100 patients and they just wanted to run me through the necessary mill and get on to the next patient...again not dissing my docs they have a lot of pressure on them.....So, all this means...GO for it...you will love it!!!!!!!


btw...don't look at my grammar......I am honestly a good teacher :wacko:

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Hello All ~

I have never posted to a forum...so I guess I will learn as I go. I have been considering lap band since I discovered my sister had it done a year ago. Of course, in honor of her weight loss...I gained 50 pounds! I am going through my closet to purge my "thin clothes" and am mourning...deeply mourning the days when I used to dress so fashionable. In the past three years I have gained 100 pounds and cannot seem to stop this upward trend. Middle age can't account for it all...and there is definite emotional eating and drinking going on. I am terrified to have the lap band done but see no ther choice as ideal body weight is critical to the work I do (which I cannot disclose lest my patients read). Is it worth it? Do I have to be concerned that I am getting this done out of the country? How do I know if I am ready? How do you all deal with the emotions underlying the eating? I HATE exercise which I know needs to change. Well, I am signing off to place all my thin clothes in a storage bin in hopes that I will fit into them again. I have bins with sizes ranging from 10 - 20!!!! Not a good night. Only positive is all the added space in my closet! Thank you in advance for listening.

Hi Dani!!! Yes, you will learn to post on the forum as a newbie on step at a time. I have never posted to a forum until recently and have found it to be fun. It is good that you are looking at options for weight loss. I think that doing as much research as you can so that you are comfortable is key. I knew I as ready when I said to myself, "if I don't do it, I will regret it"! However, everyone is different and I don't feel surgery needs to be rushed into. Give yourself time to think, ponder, ask questions, etc..

I hear ya in the fashionable department. I feel so plain when I dress for work. I just don't feel comfortable in my clothes as I am trying to wear what I have until surgery (things are a little snug). Currently, I have only one pair of Jeans that fit. That makes me sad because I love to dress jeans up or down. Some of the things that don't fit me anymore, I donated. I thought as I lose weight I can start new. Of course there are some cute clothes one cannot part with.

Knowing that you are an emotional eater and drinker is a step in the right direction. At least you are mindful of what your life is like for you. I guess we all need to look at the different reasons as to why we over eat or drink. Counseling can help, but that can be costly at times. Bookstores are full of self help books, but which one do you chose? I think deep down we all know why we over indulge. With the band, one cannot over eat. A person has to be careful.

I feel I have done so much "homework" with regards to having Dr. Ortiz do my surgery. I have zero reservations about going out of the country. I have to as I am not heavy enough to have the surgery done in the states. Besides, my insurance wouldn't cover it anyway. I first saw Dr. Ortiz featured on Oprah as she had a young lady on named Cassie who was a patient of his. I liked what she had to say, I bought Dr. Ortiz's book, contacted other people who had the procedure done by him, etc.. and I was convinced he was my guy and TJ was my place. I am a little nervous, but that is normal. Other than a few butterfly's in my tummy, I am ready and cannot wait till May 8th! I wish you well on your journey to deciding what is right for your and I hope you find emotional peace.

Take care and enjoy the added space in your closet. ^_^

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Hi Dani,

My daughter did it at age 13 and if she can do it you can do it !!! She is now 17 years old and has not regretted any of it. A lot of people hear the word LAP BAND and they think it is an easy way out. Let me tell you from experience of watching my daughter and other family members it is NOT !!! This band is to help you not cheat, to help you stick to your goals. You will still diet, or lets put it this way Eat Correctly and in Moderation. With regular dieting you can slip a cookie in here, a piece of pizza here and there but this will not let you until you are ready and when you are ready it will be in total moderation. So everyone on this forum will tell you the first few weeks it will be a lot of work but the pay off is tremendous.

Good Luck,

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I'm getting banded next week and I have lost 25 pounds on my pre-op diet. I know when my weight loss starts to become more noticeable to others is when I panic and start to put the pounds back on.

I made an appointment with a therapist who specializes in weight issues and I'll be seeing her 2 weeks after I get banded. I want to be ready to deal with it when those old feelings start to come up.

I have read several peoples posts here and other places that have not been successful with the band and I am doing everything NOW to make sure I'm successful after I'm banded.

In the long run, the only way to be successful at weight loss is to eat less and exercise more. A total change for me. I am counting on the band to be there for me when I start to slide. I still have to make all of the changes myself.


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Hello All ~

I have never posted to a forum...so I guess I will learn as I go. I have been considering lap band since I discovered my sister had it done a year ago. Of course, in honor of her weight loss...I gained 50 pounds! I am going through my closet to purge my "thin clothes" and am mourning...deeply mourning the days when I used to dress so fashionable. In the past three years I have gained 100 pounds and cannot seem to stop this upward trend. Middle age can't account for it all...and there is definite emotional eating and drinking going on. I am terrified to have the lap band done but see no ther choice as ideal body weight is critical to the work I do (which I cannot disclose lest my patients read). Is it worth it? Do I have to be concerned that I am getting this done out of the country? How do I know if I am ready? How do you all deal with the emotions underlying the eating? I HATE exercise which I know needs to change. Well, I am signing off to place all my thin clothes in a storage bin in hopes that I will fit into them again. I have bins with sizes ranging from 10 - 20!!!! Not a good night. Only positive is all the added space in my closet! Thank you in advance for listening.

everyone on here says it changed there life . im going next week paid for it myself
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You Guys ROCK!!!!! Thank you so much for the encouragement and understanding. I called to set up an appt for the surgery and was able to get a June date...They offered May but I gasped...too early...Plus I am waiting for results r/t financing. I have an appt with a therapist I saw five years ago on Monday. He was helpful then...don't know yet what it will be like to reconnect and if he'll be effective for this part of my journey. The posts really help provide authentic feedback regarding what to expect. Now I feel I gotta eat the 80.00 worth of food I just bought last shopping trip (thank god for Trader Joes)...and then do the optifast in preperation to help get my head wrapped around it. Will keep ya all posted...Bummer I missed the whole Oprah episode on it...Did she offer an unbiased slant? Take good care "banders"


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You Guys ROCK!!!!! Thank you so much for the encouragement and understanding. I called to set up an appt for the surgery and was able to get a June date...They offered May but I gasped...too early...Plus I am waiting for results r/t financing. I have an appt with a therapist I saw five years ago on Monday. He was helpful then...don't know yet what it will be like to reconnect and if he'll be effective for this part of my journey. The posts really help provide authentic feedback regarding what to expect. Now I feel I gotta eat the 80.00 worth of food I just bought last shopping trip (thank god for Trader Joes)...and then do the optifast in preperation to help get my head wrapped around it. Will keep ya all posted...Bummer I missed the whole Oprah episode on it...Did she offer an unbiased slant? Take good care "banders"


Good Morning Dani! To answer your question, did Oprah give an unbiased slant: I thought Oprah was just "ok" with her comments. The show focused on young adults (teens under 18) having weight loss surgery. I thougt the show was really good at showing what the guests went through and their actual interviews were good. Oprah also had Dr. Oz on the show and he did not seem to be on board with the teens decision. I got the feeling that Oprah was not completely on board either with thier decisions. Maybe she felt it was an easy way out for them, which it is not. Lets be honest, Oprah has had her weight issues and she may want to consider surgery for her weight just to be rid of the burden of those extra pounds (just my opinion). Also, the Mother of one of the young ladies "Cassie" who was interviewed by Oprah and banded by Dr. Ortiz is on this site. I think her name is Jenn and she posted to your original question about "knowing if your are ready". I bet she can tell you the vibe she got with regards to Oprahs thoughts on weight loss surgery. Lastely, if Oprah and Dr. Oz were implying that the teens were somehow bad or wrong for the decision to have weight loss surgery, that is just way too sad. So many people suffer emotionally and physically when there is a weight issue involved no matter what thier age. I felt Oprah and Dr. Oz needed to be more empathetic and understanding to the teens than they were. Now, this is only my view and I in no way want to put down Oprah, Dr. Oz and/or hurt anyones feelings!

~Take Care!

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Hi Dani!!! Yes, you will learn to post on the forum as a newbie on step at a time. I have never posted to a forum until recently and have found it to be fun. It is good that you are looking at options for weight loss. I think that doing as much research as you can so that you are comfortable is key. I knew I as ready when I said to myself, "if I don't do it, I will regret it"! However, everyone is different and I don't feel surgery needs to be rushed into. Give yourself time to think, ponder, ask questions, etc..

I hear ya in the fashionable department. I feel so plain when I dress for work. I just don't feel comfortable in my clothes as I am trying to wear what I have until surgery (things are a little snug). Currently, I have only one pair of Jeans that fit. That makes me sad because I love to dress jeans up or down. Some of the things that don't fit me anymore, I donated. I thought as I lose weight I can start new. Of course there are some cute clothes one cannot part with.

Knowing that you are an emotional eater and drinker is a step in the right direction. At least you are mindful of what your life is like for you. I guess we all need to look at the different reasons as to why we over eat or drink. Counseling can help, but that can be costly at times. Bookstores are full of self help books, but which one do you chose? I think deep down we all know why we over indulge. With the band, one cannot over eat. A person has to be careful.

I feel I have done so much "homework" with regards to having Dr. Ortiz do my surgery. I have zero reservations about going out of the country. I have to as I am not heavy enough to have the surgery done in the states. Besides, my insurance wouldn't cover it anyway. I first saw Dr. Ortiz featured on Oprah as she had a young lady on named Cassie who was a patient of his. I liked what she had to say, I bought Dr. Ortiz's book, contacted other people who had the procedure done by him, etc.. and I was convinced he was my guy and TJ was my place. I am a little nervous, but that is normal. Other than a few butterfly's in my tummy, I am ready and cannot wait till May 8th! I wish you well on your journey to deciding what is right for your and I hope you find emotional peace.

Take care and enjoy the added space in your closet. ^_^


I am on May 8th too. Jaqualine, Alana, and Jena are all there about the same time as us. Hope we all meet up.

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I'm getting banded next week and I have lost 25 pounds on my pre-op diet. I know when my weight loss starts to become more noticeable to others is when I panic and start to put the pounds back on.

I made an appointment with a therapist who specializes in weight issues and I'll be seeing her 2 weeks after I get banded. I want to be ready to deal with it when those old feelings start to come up.

I have read several peoples posts here and other places that have not been successful with the band and I am doing everything NOW to make sure I'm successful after I'm banded.

In the long run, the only way to be successful at weight loss is to eat less and exercise more. A total change for me. I am counting on the band to be there for me when I start to slide. I still have to make all of the changes myself.



Wow 25 lbs you are doing great. I am only at 9.5 but Dr. Miranda told me to lose 10 so I guess I will probably make it.


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Hi there!! I am getting banded on the 7th of this month. I made the decision because of the yo-yo dieting I have been doing for years. I know I can lose the weight, but keeping it off is the big problem. I am nervous, however, I am confident I am making the right decision with the right Dr. (Dr. Ortiz). Yo-yo dieting is so hard for the body and I want to be around and healthy when my kids grow up!

Lots of luck.

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I am on May 8th too. Jaqualine, Alana, and Jena are all there about the same time as us. Hope we all meet up.

I bet we will cross paths! It will be nice to meet fellow patients who are being banded at or around the same time.

Hope all is well,

Lisa B)

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