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Ok, this one is tricky... Restriction to me is when I eat and only can get get down vey little and then I'm full. I may throw up and have heart burn. Restriction is not the same everyday. Has anyone noticed that? :wacko:


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ok, i have not been to have my feel yet, will go may 16. Logically i am thinking i should feel some type of restriction. for crying out loud i do have a band around the top of my stomach. there are times that i do not feel as hungry, i can't say i feel restricked. have you had your fill yet? i have never pb'd and my heartburn has stopped since being banded.

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You're right, its never the same and it has to do with our emotions and what's happening with our bodies.

For me, if I have heartburn, or throw up all the time its too tight. However I usually loose weight fast so it loosens up and I end up being fine. The nurse I've been going to for my fills has a lapband as well and we're pretty good at getting me restricted enough that I can only eat small amounts, without the pain of being too tight. (I only had heartburn once) sometimes something may come up if I haven't chewed it enough. And its pretty evidant. I'm pretty darn good at chewing now.

Here's my rules for getting a fill:

Never go in the morning (Your band is normally tighter since you generally retain water in the morning)

Never go anywhere near that time of the month (Your band is normally tighter since you generally retain water during that time)

Don't have one if you're stressed out (the same rules apply)

The band is fickle and its just a tool, really whats its done for me is allowed me to get into good habits. Eating better, slower and less. We don't get to eat a lot so I make sure what I eat is healthy. I didn't think of that before, it was whatever craving was managing my mood. (Normally it had to do with sugar and carbs) Now food is more like fuel and I try to make sure what I get is what my body needs.



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Restriction to me is something I don't have ;)

Ok, this one is tricky... Restriction to me is when I eat and only can get get down vey little and then I'm full. I may throw up and have heart burn. Restriction is not the same everyday. Has anyone noticed that? :wacko:


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