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Well, I just made my final payment for surgery thru paypal online. I am sitting here thinking to myself 'i hope this isn't a scam'. I mean I know its not, its just that ... $7200 is a LOT LOT LOT of money to be sending via internet and my gosh... I would be so upset if I just threw so much money away.

I am getting more and more excited - everything is paid for (airline ticket and now surgery), so all I have left to do is get started on preop to try and lose some weight. Dr. Miranda said I didn't HAVE to do preop since my BMI is 32, but she said it wouldn't hurt to lose a little bit. So, thats what I will do! I AM SO EXCITED! :D;):P


My husband was worried about the SAME THING! Don't worry - I'm not paid by OCC - I was a patient. It's all good, you're taking the second step in the process (first step was calling, scheduling and filling ou the paperwork)!

The best is yet to come!


i felt the SAME WAY! i was like well..i mean i know its not..i hope its not! haha when you see them pick you up at the airport you will be relieved...but its really not a scam!!! The OCC IS AMAZING!


LOL! I am glad that I am not the only one thinking this way! I mean, I guess its only natural when such a large amount of money is at stake. :wacko: I cannot wait until the 28th of this month - I will be packing my stuff and I will probably be awake ALL NIGHT like a little kid at christmas! :P hahaha! My flight leaves at like 6:25 am on the 29th, so I will have to get up at like 4:00 am cause the airport is a good 45 minutes away and I like to be early. So I will want to be there by no later than like 5:30 am. I don't like to be rushed. I guess that early in the morning the airport won't be TOO busy! LOL!


Everything is legit so you can ease you weary mind. I know you feel great just having it paid for - I did once I just got my cashiers check. Good luck and keep us posted.


Its great to have everyone here to assure me otherwise I might be losing my mind! lol! I will definitely keep you all posted - LOOK, ONLY 25 DAYS LEFT! =D>

Well, I just made my final payment for surgery thru paypal online. I am sitting here thinking to myself 'i hope this isn't a scam'. I mean I know its not, its just that ... $7200 is a LOT LOT LOT of money to be sending via internet and my gosh... I would be so upset if I just threw so much money away.

I am getting more and more excited - everything is paid for (airline ticket and now surgery), so all I have left to do is get started on preop to try and lose some weight. Dr. Miranda said I didn't HAVE to do preop since my BMI is 32, but she said it wouldn't hurt to lose a little bit. So, thats what I will do! I AM SO EXCITED! :D;):P

Hi Carrie,

For me it was like a dream. I kept thinking... this really isn't going to happen. I kept that feeling right until they put in my IV (4 times - small veins)... then I thought... ok... maybe it will happen. When I woke up after surgery I thought, 'Did it REALLY happen'. I had to touch my stomach to be sure.

About the money... it is A LOT of money to spend. The way I look at it though is, between all the 'lose weight'' schemes I've tried over the years, I'm sure I spent WAY more than $7,900. You know... Weight Watchers, Weight Loss Clinic, Hypnotherapy, Herbal Magic, etc, etc, etc...

Good luck with everything... (but you won't need it. It's a piece of cake and the whole day will fly by).,


Well, I just made my final payment for surgery thru paypal online. I am sitting here thinking to myself 'i hope this isn't a scam'. I mean I know its not, its just that ... $7200 is a LOT LOT LOT of money to be sending via internet and my gosh... I would be so upset if I just threw so much money away.

I am getting more and more excited - everything is paid for (airline ticket and now surgery), so all I have left to do is get started on preop to try and lose some weight. Dr. Miranda said I didn't HAVE to do preop since my BMI is 32, but she said it wouldn't hurt to lose a little bit. So, thats what I will do! I AM SO EXCITED! :D;):P

With Dr. Miranda, did she call you or did you call her?


Once I had everything scheduled, I just wanted to go to sleep and wake up after I was banded. I was so anxious, it was all I could think about.

Now I know what my kids feel like when I tell them we're going to Disneyland. LOL!

I hadn't been on this forum before being banded (I browsed a little at lapbandtalk.com, but some of those horror stories scared me and I stopped), so I too was a little worried about getting conned. But then, I figured if he weren't legit, he wouldn't be on Oprah. Yes, I admit - I put my faith in Oprah Winfrey. Silly, eh? LOL!


Can you tell me how you did this please? Did you do it via pay pal...See the reason I ask is because I'm a retard lol and when I was trying to send my deposit I actually sent money via echeck and it took about 2 weekfs for them to get it. Did you pay via credit card? Did you go to the "send money option" I think this is where I went wrong....I do have my bank account and 1 credit card attached to pay pal but it decided to take it out of my account for some reson :( HELP>>>I"M NOT ALL THAT SMART WHEN IT COMES TO PAY PAL!

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