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Kicking it up a notch!

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I've been losing weight steadily (slow, but steady) and decided I wanted to kick it up a notch, just for a week.

I'm going back to protein shakes... 2 EAS shakes a day (with 2 T peanut butter and 1 T FiberSure) and an EAS protein bar (I can't do ONLY liquids without feeling deprived, so I'm doing on protein bar per day). I'm going to try to do this for an entire week and see what happens. I am currently at 190, and I really want to get into the 180's quickly. Seems I've been in the 190's FOREVER. Heh.

Just wanted to post this here, because it seems when I post a goal online (or say it out loud to someone), I am more apt to achieve it. Wish me luck!!!

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Good Luck BeBe Dear . we're watching you so be accountable :P

I've been losing weight steadily (slow, but steady) and decided I wanted to kick it up a notch, just for a week.

I'm going back to protein shakes... 2 EAS shakes a day (with 2 T peanut butter and 1 T FiberSure) and an EAS protein bar (I can't do ONLY liquids without feeling deprived, so I'm doing on protein bar per day). I'm going to try to do this for an entire week and see what happens. I am currently at 190, and I really want to get into the 180's quickly. Seems I've been in the 190's FOREVER. Heh.

Just wanted to post this here, because it seems when I post a goal online (or say it out loud to someone), I am more apt to achieve it. Wish me luck!!!

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Ok, my weight was 190, then 191, then 192, then 190... and today? 189! I have totally cheated - couldn't do all liquids with what I had going on this week, but was doing a protein bar, a lean cuisine and a shake every day. I've gotten a bit more exercise than normal, and I think I'm gaining muscle too (I really wanted to see those pounds drop - but as long as I'm in the next lower 10 lb. bracket, I won't complain).

I won't gross anyone out, but I've been kind of plugged up all week, and I don't think that's helped the scale. I'm just so happy to be in the 180's!!! And knowing that I have no restriction yet (I've eaten meals a couple of times that have rivaled what I ate pre-band) makes every pound that much sweeter.

Yay me! (Boo fat! LOL!)

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BeBe, good job at reaching the 180's....so many wonderfully inspiring women n men on here. I can't wait to really notice a drop in weight. HORAY TO ALL!!!!! Lora

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Go for it! Otherwise, you will always wonder about the "what would have happened if..

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Ok, my weight was 190, then 191, then 192, then 190... and today? 189! I have totally cheated - couldn't do all liquids with what I had going on this week, but was doing a protein bar, a lean cuisine and a shake every day. I've gotten a bit more exercise than normal, and I think I'm gaining muscle too (I really wanted to see those pounds drop - but as long as I'm in the next lower 10 lb. bracket, I won't complain).

I won't gross anyone out, but I've been kind of plugged up all week, and I don't think that's helped the scale. I'm just so happy to be in the 180's!!! And knowing that I have no restriction yet (I've eaten meals a couple of times that have rivaled what I ate pre-band) makes every pound that much sweeter.

Yay me! (Boo fat! LOL!)

That's fantastic BeBe! I plan to do my pre-op diet when I can eat solid food before my first fill.

As far as being plugged up, you should be shooting for 30g of fiber a day. The Special K protein water has 5g of fiber. Drink a couple of those a day (I love the Tropical Blend) that will give you 10g - a good start on those 30 grams. I also love Fiber Choice! It's a chewable tablet, much like a big Sweet-Tart. It has 2g of fiber per tablet. They have several different ones you can buy, one is a weight loss version with chromium picolinate and green tea, another one with calcium and another one with multi vitamins. I chew 2 tablets a day and that's 4g of fiber. www.fiberchoice.com

Just make sure to check the fiber content of everything you eat and shoot for that 30g mark!

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One more pound lost! YAY!

Yesterday, all I had were two protein bars (a PureProtein bar - 20 g. protein and 190 cal, and a MET-Rx Big 100 Colossal bar - 32 g. protein and 410 cal - those things are HUGE!) and a piece of lettuce... oh, and lots and lots of water. Gotta say, I didn't feel hungry at all. I'm sure this isn't good to do long term, but I am taking my vitamins every day and am only going to continue through the end of the week. I am seriously trying to drop 10 lb. before the 24th (I'm having a business event at my home) - 2 down, 8 to go.

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