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My CRAZY Scale

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My scale is CRAZY! I'm working on my pre-op diet (down 5 lbs plus the 2 that I gained after I gave the OCC my starting weight!). My surgery date is May 30 so I still have 23 days to loose 7 lbs. I'm feeling very confident that I'll exceed that.

I have a nice scale. (If there is such a thing! Ha!) It measures to the .2 pounds. One of it's crazy habits is that it taunts me. When I step on the scale, the numbers start climbing up, up, up. In fact, they always go a few pounds higher than my actual weight and then roll back down. That's just cruel! There are milliseconds everymorning that I think I gained weight and all that lettuce was for nothing!

Well, today, Crazy Scale started a new cruel trick. I admit, everyday I weigh myself twice in a row...just to make sure. And every morning, the number is exactly the same both times. Until today. Today, I weighed 10 times and never got the same number twice in a row. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

I haven't named my future band yet, but I think I have some names that I'd like to give my scale!

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Lol that's quite a scale, it sounds like a slot machine you never know if it is going to be kind to you or not....

If you're getting crazy readings I would check to make sure it's resting on a hard and level surface (not your carpet)

If it's still giving you different numbers I would change the batteries!!

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Look at BeBe's signature line - she has a picture of someone shooting their scale.

Can ya relate ;)

My scale is CRAZY! I'm working on my pre-op diet (down 5 lbs plus the 2 that I gained after I gave the OCC my starting weight!). My surgery date is May 30 so I still have 23 days to loose 7 lbs. I'm feeling very confident that I'll exceed that.

I have a nice scale. (If there is such a thing! Ha!) It measures to the .2 pounds. One of it's crazy habits is that it taunts me. When I step on the scale, the numbers start climbing up, up, up. In fact, they always go a few pounds higher than my actual weight and then roll back down. That's just cruel! There are milliseconds everymorning that I think I gained weight and all that lettuce was for nothing!

Well, today, Crazy Scale started a new cruel trick. I admit, everyday I weigh myself twice in a row...just to make sure. And every morning, the number is exactly the same both times. Until today. Today, I weighed 10 times and never got the same number twice in a row. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

I haven't named my future band yet, but I think I have some names that I'd like to give my scale!

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Hey! We are having surgery on the same day. I just started my pre-op diet this week...got to love those shakes!!! I can't wait until May 30. Best of luck to you!!!

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I'll see you in TJ on May 30! I arrive late on the 29th so I'll do my pre-op stuff Friday morning.

I saw you are from Roswell, GA. I'm in Nashville, TN. Are you planning to do your fills at Fill Center USA? I think they have an office in Roswell or Norcross. That's what I think I'll do. I can drive down there in about 3 1/2 hours.


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I'll see you in TJ on May 30! I arrive late on the 29th so I'll do my pre-op stuff Friday morning.

I saw you are from Roswell, GA. I'm in Nashville, TN. Are you planning to do your fills at Fill Center USA? I think they have an office in Roswell or Norcross. That's what I think I'll do. I can drive down there in about 3 1/2 hours.


Yes, I am going to do mine at the one in Roswell! Is that the closest one to you?

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lafoon - hey! I will be having surgery May 30 as well! woot woot! :D

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Whatever scale you have, keep it OUT of the bathroom and use only on a hard floor. The humidity in the bathroom will ruin the scale and through the settings off. All of this is in the directions, which I only read because I needed to figure out how to change the battery in mine. Mine is now in the breakfast area, on a low book shelf. It is very accurate.

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