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This is my saga...

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First a disclaimer...

Please know that I am not complaining or trying to be negative about the band!! I only want to share a few things I have experienced that might help better prepare someone else. I understand everyone is different so others may or may not share in my experiences.

This is my reality...

I was banded on 4/28 my starting weight was 281 and I was down to 263 at the time of my surgery, I have not weighed again yet...I’m too scared. Like everyone has said the doctors at the OCC were fantastic!! They took time to talk to me and answered my questions and were very personable. I had every confidence in both Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez.

The nurses were a nice but seemed MIA most of the time. Twice I had to buzz them into my room because my I.V. was empty and was backfilling with blood. I am terrified of needles, I can't help myself, I just freak out!! This seemed to annoy the nurse starting my I.V. and although she did get me on the first try she was pretty frosty.

When I came out of surgery I was loopy but could feel the tightness and pain from the gas in my chest so I immediately wanted to get up and walk. I waited until I wasn't dizzy from the anesthesia and began to walk and kept walking every 30-45 minutes all night long. The gas pain for me never went to my shoulder, but it was unbearable in my chest. I am not a wimp and generally have a high tolerance for pain but I felt like I was having a heart attack! Finally at around 4pm I asked the post op doctor for something to help with pain and he just told me to keep walking, so I did to no avail. Later in the evening the anesthesiologist came in to check on me, he told me there was no reason for me to sit in pain and he gave me something that helped me sleep for a little while. After this dose wore off I kept walking and hoping the pain would subside but it never really did. I was glad for morning so I could get out of the clinic and walk, walk, walk.

The aftermath...

We left the hotel around 9am and headed for SD. The pain in my chest was not much better and sitting in the cramped van waiting to get over the boarder was not fun, luckily the gentleman at the boarder didn't make us get out and didn't go through any of our bags so the trip was relatively short. I only had to fly to Phoenix so the flight was not a big problem, but the six hour car ride after was hell, every bump and corner was painful. In my opinion they should send you home with something for pain, obviously everyone who is banded at the OCC will have to travel to some extent to get home and they should give you something just incase.

Days 1-4 were uncomfortable but thanks to the help of phazyme and loratab not horrible and I never really felt hungry. Days 5-7 were the worst for me, I honestly felt like I was going to go crazy! I felt like I was starving all day everyday, no matter what I drank or how much. Everything I saw looked delicious, I even saw someone eating beets, yes beets, which I hate, and I was jealous! To make matters worse I had an allergic reaction to the prep solution they used and I developed hives all over my stomach and chest that itch like mad. I emailed Dr. O. and Dr. M. but never heard anything so even though I hadn’t planned to tell anyone I went to my regular doctor for help. Day 8-10 have been a little better, I am no longer feeling the pain in my chest unless I drink too much or to fast and my mobility is much better. I am still hungry and have to drink 1/2 a cup of soup every 45 minutes or so but after a little positive chat with myself I decided to buck up and deal with things with a better attitude, after all I wanted and paid for this band. :D

I never could have predicted how difficult the mental part of this would be and just how hard it was going to be to break my relationship with food. For me this has been an emotional rollercoaster; I switch from anger to depression to joy (when my pants are looser) so quickly I should lock myself in a closet for a week so no one else has to deal with me. If I could go back would I do it again…right now I’m not sure, but once I can eat solid food I’m sure that will change.

Things I have learned that I wish I would have known before:

Bring pain meds with you to the OCC!

The only thing that can bring relief sometimes is time!

Chicken broth can taste really, really good!

Speed bumps are the enemy!

I am going to be hungry!

Sleep, what sleep?

Sorry this is so long…but I wanted to share my experience.

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I'm so sorry, but I'm glad to see you still have a great sense of humor, that will get you through.

I totally get what you are dealing with in regards to your emotional attachment to food and missing it, but trust me, that will go away. (Not 100%, but it does get your relationship with food gets much better since you will become the one in charge, and you learn to deal with it in other ways) We were given 5 pain pills for the trip home – I’m surprised you weren’t.

Its hard right now, and really depending on how much weight you have to loose (you land I were the same weight at surgery time) you could have a long road ahead of you. (Its been over 18 months for me, but its gone by fast) It will get better and when the pounds start coming off and you start feeling better and seeing real results, you won’t regret your decision.

Take care and stay strong and keep looking at the bright side! (And know we’re here to support you)!


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Gosh, I am so sorry you had so much trouble. I too had a lot of pain but mine was in my shoulder - it actually took about 4 weeks to completely go away and now that I have had my first fill - it actually comes back every once in a while. But it is bearable. I agree, once you start eating food you will change your mind. As far as pain meds go, I did get 4-Sublingual Toradol tablets to go home with. Didn't you? Right now you are in "bandster hell". This first phase is one of great transition. But you will survive and you will be glad you have the band soon enough. Just hand in there! We are here for support and appreciate you being so honest. But you are right this is a lifestyle change and it is not easy. But neither was any of those diets we all tried. But we have goals and we must strive to acheive them. Keep us posted. :lb11: and :lb4:

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I am surprised too that you were not given any pain medication. I was given 6 pill when I left the clinic. I have been banded for a little over 6 weeks now. It does get better through time.

The food addiction is the hardest, I have learned to do other things through out the evening. My hardest times are between 3:00 in the afternoon and 7:00 in the evening. With time and the band this has gotten easier for me. Oh food will always be there we need it to live to reenergize our bodies.

I am so sorry you have had a rough time and hope things will smooth out for you.

In a few months a new you will surface and all will be better and the past the past. Good luck.

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Thanks for sharing your story. Everyone's experience is different.

As for the pain - I'm sorry you had that, I didn't, so I cannot relate. I had and still have the terrible shoulder/gas pains. They suck!

For the hunger - I too was in your boat. I mistook my gas pain for hunger pains, because after I tried half of a chocolate milkshake - I was pain-free for 4-5 hours. It was blissful!! That's how I became the Cheetios Puffs sucker!!! They dissolve to nothing, and I only needed a couple to make the hunger twinges go away. I wasn't a soup person, so I sucked on many popsicles!!

Your recovery WILL get better. The worst is now - when your mental hunger affects you! You'll get thru it and you'll be ready to try solids, and not look back.

Good luck - hang in there!

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Hi Myriah ><'

Thank you for being honest and sharing your story with us!

I am very sorry for the trouble you had/have and if I would have known that your pain was still so bad (in the van), I sure would not have accepted one of your pills !!!! (I did not receive any pills when leaving the OCC)

I'm glad you are feeling better and I hope you keep your chin up, because it only get's better every day.

Except the gas pain in my stomach (which was bearable), I did not have any problems at all and even those dissapeared after a few days - However, I am with you on the problem with the "troubled relationship" to food. But after all, I keep myself telling that we got banded to have the help to overcome this addiction, right ? I was not hungry until 9 days post op, but yesterday all I could think of was FOOD and I mean REAL FOOD :blink:

My guess ... as soon as we are off of this "post op liquid only wannabe food diet" and starting to get on chewable solids again, we are going to feel much better - Especially when the weight goes down at the same time!

BTW how are your sisters & dad doing? Tell them and your mom :lb14: from us!

:lb4: and please keep us posted!!!

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Hi Ute :D

Glad to hear that you are doing well. My family are doing good and send their hellos to you and your husband. My dad has actually really surprised me. I thought he would have a hard time, but as Dr. O predicted he is leading the pack.

The pill I gave you in the van was an anti inflamatory not anything for pain so it wouldn't have helped...and besides I didn't want you to be inflamed. :-)

I agree that once we are off this "wanna be food" stage (I love that) things will be better. When I posted that yesterday I was having one of those eternal days, today I'm feeling much better.

So glad to hear you are doing well and conrgratulations on the weight loss!!!


  Willi333 said:
Hi Myriah ><img src=<' />

Thank you for being honest and sharing your story with us!

I am very sorry for the trouble you had/have and if I would have known that your pain was still so bad (in the van), I sure would not have accepted one of your pills !!!! (I did not receive any pills when leaving the OCC)

I'm glad you are feeling better and I hope you keep your chin up, because it only get's better every day.

Except the gas pain in my stomach (which was bearable), I did not have any problems at all and even those dissapeared after a few days - However, I am with you on the problem with the "troubled relationship" to food. But after all, I keep myself telling that we got banded to have the help to overcome this addiction, right ? I was not hungry until 9 days post op, but yesterday all I could think of was FOOD and I mean REAL FOOD :blink:

My guess ... as soon as we are off of this "post op liquid only wannabe food diet" and starting to get on chewable solids again, we are going to feel much better - Especially when the weight goes down at the same time!

BTW how are your sisters & dad doing? Tell them and your mom :lb14: from us!

:lb4: and please keep us posted!!!

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Seems we both had a bad day yesterday :dash1:

I went almost nuts about that "hungery - but not allowed to eat anything REAL" feeling, so I made myself a homecooked, nice and thick

- probably not really fitting through a straw - kind of soup and being greedy, start to shovel it down :lb18: and yes, I had a tight feeling in my chest due to eating too fast I guess, but I was FULL and went to sleep like a baby ;-)

Glad everyone is doing good and that you feel better today ><'

:lb4: ... we are soon to be skinny dippers ROFL

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Ute - Are you going back to Mexico for your first fill? If so, when do you plan to go? I am trying to schedule us for June 7th but haven't heard back from Claudia yet.

  Willi333 said:
Seems we both had a bad day yesterday :dash1:

I went almost nuts about that "hungery - but not allowed to eat anything REAL" feeling, so I made myself a homecooked, nice and thick

- probably not really fitting through a straw - kind of soup and being greedy, start to shovel it down :lb18: and yes, I had a tight feeling in my chest due to eating too fast I guess, but I was FULL and went to sleep like a baby ;-)

Glad everyone is doing good and that you feel better today ><'

:lb4: ... we are soon to be skinny dippers ROFL

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First I was sure going back to TJ for the fill, but know since I have seen that a few on here went to the Roswell GA Fill Center (which is about 20 min. away from me) and their great experiences, I guess I'll go there too.

On one side I would love to go back to TJ at least for my 1st fill, but on the other hand I'm thinking what if something does not feel right with the fill and I would have to go back right away, I would not be able to just turn around ...

Roswell is very convenient and I would not have the assle of traveling. :wacko:

Well, 1-2 more weeks to make a final desicion, but if I decide to go back to TJ - I would definately try to go on the 7th as well.

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  doinfi9 said:
First a disclaimer...

Please know that I am not complaining or trying to be negative about the band!! I only want to share a few things I have experienced that might help better prepare someone else. I understand everyone is different so others may or may not share in my experiences.

This is my reality...

I was banded on 4/28 my starting weight was 281 and I was down to 263 at the time of my surgery, I have not weighed again yet...I’m too scared. Like everyone has said the doctors at the OCC were fantastic!! They took time to talk to me and answered my questions and were very personable. I had every confidence in both Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez.

The nurses were a nice but seemed MIA most of the time. Twice I had to buzz them into my room because my I.V. was empty and was backfilling with blood. I am terrified of needles, I can't help myself, I just freak out!! This seemed to annoy the nurse starting my I.V. and although she did get me on the first try she was pretty frosty.

When I came out of surgery I was loopy but could feel the tightness and pain from the gas in my chest so I immediately wanted to get up and walk. I waited until I wasn't dizzy from the anesthesia and began to walk and kept walking every 30-45 minutes all night long. The gas pain for me never went to my shoulder, but it was unbearable in my chest. I am not a wimp and generally have a high tolerance for pain but I felt like I was having a heart attack! Finally at around 4pm I asked the post op doctor for something to help with pain and he just told me to keep walking, so I did to no avail. Later in the evening the anesthesiologist came in to check on me, he told me there was no reason for me to sit in pain and he gave me something that helped me sleep for a little while. After this dose wore off I kept walking and hoping the pain would subside but it never really did. I was glad for morning so I could get out of the clinic and walk, walk, walk.

The aftermath...

We left the hotel around 9am and headed for SD. The pain in my chest was not much better and sitting in the cramped van waiting to get over the boarder was not fun, luckily the gentleman at the boarder didn't make us get out and didn't go through any of our bags so the trip was relatively short. I only had to fly to Phoenix so the flight was not a big problem, but the six hour car ride after was hell, every bump and corner was painful. In my opinion they should send you home with something for pain, obviously everyone who is banded at the OCC will have to travel to some extent to get home and they should give you something just incase.

Days 1-4 were uncomfortable but thanks to the help of phazyme and loratab not horrible and I never really felt hungry. Days 5-7 were the worst for me, I honestly felt like I was going to go crazy! I felt like I was starving all day everyday, no matter what I drank or how much. Everything I saw looked delicious, I even saw someone eating beets, yes beets, which I hate, and I was jealous! To make matters worse I had an allergic reaction to the prep solution they used and I developed hives all over my stomach and chest that itch like mad. I emailed Dr. O. and Dr. M. but never heard anything so even though I hadn’t planned to tell anyone I went to my regular doctor for help. Day 8-10 have been a little better, I am no longer feeling the pain in my chest unless I drink too much or to fast and my mobility is much better. I am still hungry and have to drink 1/2 a cup of soup every 45 minutes or so but after a little positive chat with myself I decided to buck up and deal with things with a better attitude, after all I wanted and paid for this band. :D

I never could have predicted how difficult the mental part of this would be and just how hard it was going to be to break my relationship with food. For me this has been an emotional rollercoaster; I switch from anger to depression to joy (when my pants are looser) so quickly I should lock myself in a closet for a week so no one else has to deal with me. If I could go back would I do it again…right now I’m not sure, but once I can eat solid food I’m sure that will change.

Things I have learned that I wish I would have known before:

Bring pain meds with you to the OCC!

The only thing that can bring relief sometimes is time!

Chicken broth can taste really, really good!

Speed bumps are the enemy!

I am going to be hungry!

Sleep, what sleep?

Sorry this is so long…but I wanted to share my experience.

I'm also sorry for the pain and uncertainty you're going through. I do understand about the nurses, for the most part they were sweet and helpful, but they could be cold too. My IV also ran empty and blood was going back up the tubing about 3am and I had to buzz the nurse. She was pretty good about it though, she just put a port thingy in and unhooked the IV. I got 4 pain pills when I left the OCC, as a matter of fact, Mrs. Ortiz had to stop by the pharmacy on our way back to the Hotel to get some because they were out. I wonder why you didn't get any???

I think I will always have an obsession with food. I CAN'T remember a time when food wasn't #1 in my mind. From the time my feet hit the floor in the morning until I'm asleep at night, food is in my thoughts some how. That's going to be the hardest part of my journey, letting go of the hold that food has on me. I have to admitt, it is getting better. I'm hoping after my first fill that I'll look at eating as a pain in the ass instead of being something so great. [Fingers crossed!!]

Good luck and best wishes... please keep us updated!! Darlene

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  doinfi9 said:
First a disclaimer...

Please know that I am not complaining or trying to be negative about the band!! I only want to share a few things I have experienced that might help better prepare someone else. I understand everyone is different so others may or may not share in my experiences.

This is my reality...

I was banded on 4/28 my starting weight was 281 and I was down to 263 at the time of my surgery, I have not weighed again yet...I’m too scared. Like everyone has said the doctors at the OCC were fantastic!! They took time to talk to me and answered my questions and were very personable. I had every confidence in both Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez.

The nurses were a nice but seemed MIA most of the time. Twice I had to buzz them into my room because my I.V. was empty and was backfilling with blood. I am terrified of needles, I can't help myself, I just freak out!! This seemed to annoy the nurse starting my I.V. and although she did get me on the first try she was pretty frosty.

When I came out of surgery I was loopy but could feel the tightness and pain from the gas in my chest so I immediately wanted to get up and walk. I waited until I wasn't dizzy from the anesthesia and began to walk and kept walking every 30-45 minutes all night long. The gas pain for me never went to my shoulder, but it was unbearable in my chest. I am not a wimp and generally have a high tolerance for pain but I felt like I was having a heart attack! Finally at around 4pm I asked the post op doctor for something to help with pain and he just told me to keep walking, so I did to no avail. Later in the evening the anesthesiologist came in to check on me, he told me there was no reason for me to sit in pain and he gave me something that helped me sleep for a little while. After this dose wore off I kept walking and hoping the pain would subside but it never really did. I was glad for morning so I could get out of the clinic and walk, walk, walk.

The aftermath...

We left the hotel around 9am and headed for SD. The pain in my chest was not much better and sitting in the cramped van waiting to get over the boarder was not fun, luckily the gentleman at the boarder didn't make us get out and didn't go through any of our bags so the trip was relatively short. I only had to fly to Phoenix so the flight was not a big problem, but the six hour car ride after was hell, every bump and corner was painful. In my opinion they should send you home with something for pain, obviously everyone who is banded at the OCC will have to travel to some extent to get home and they should give you something just incase.

Days 1-4 were uncomfortable but thanks to the help of phazyme and loratab not horrible and I never really felt hungry. Days 5-7 were the worst for me, I honestly felt like I was going to go crazy! I felt like I was starving all day everyday, no matter what I drank or how much. Everything I saw looked delicious, I even saw someone eating beets, yes beets, which I hate, and I was jealous! To make matters worse I had an allergic reaction to the prep solution they used and I developed hives all over my stomach and chest that itch like mad. I emailed Dr. O. and Dr. M. but never heard anything so even though I hadn’t planned to tell anyone I went to my regular doctor for help. Day 8-10 have been a little better, I am no longer feeling the pain in my chest unless I drink too much or to fast and my mobility is much better. I am still hungry and have to drink 1/2 a cup of soup every 45 minutes or so but after a little positive chat with myself I decided to buck up and deal with things with a better attitude, after all I wanted and paid for this band. :D

I never could have predicted how difficult the mental part of this would be and just how hard it was going to be to break my relationship with food. For me this has been an emotional rollercoaster; I switch from anger to depression to joy (when my pants are looser) so quickly I should lock myself in a closet for a week so no one else has to deal with me. If I could go back would I do it again…right now I’m not sure, but once I can eat solid food I’m sure that will change.

Things I have learned that I wish I would have known before:

Bring pain meds with you to the OCC!

The only thing that can bring relief sometimes is time!

Chicken broth can taste really, really good!

Speed bumps are the enemy!

I am going to be hungry!

Sleep, what sleep?

Sorry this is so long…but I wanted to share my experience.

I have to tell ya, my experience was less-than wonderful too. :lb12: It was more painful than I had anticipated and my recovery took longer than I expected. I was sooo swollen and restricted that even licking a popsicle was nearly impossible to swallow. :(( After getting on the forum and asking fellow bandsters if this was normal, I was told I should call my surgeon. My surgeon advised me it wasn't normal, and to go directly to my local ER. I did, and it was discovered that I was SEVERELY dehydrated and had a bowel obstruction. I was hospitalized for 3 days. They rehydrated me, provided me with excellent pain control, and made sure the obstruction was gone before releasing me. It was a very scary ordeal, but I can finally say I am on the road to recovery. There were a few times I questioned if getting the band was all worth the pain I was going through and what I was putting my scared family and friends through. But in the end, I decided the benefits would eventually outweigh the cons. I hope everyone thinks long and hard before deciding to have the band. I think it will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to me, but people also need to realize there can always be complications and also that everyones pain threshold us different. Good luck to all!! ><img src=<' />


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So sorry to hear about all your struggles...after hearing that i'll stop complaining about my hives!! :rolleyes: I agree, people should think long and hard before they decide to be banded. I thought long and hard and did tons of research and in the end no two stories are going to be alike, you just have to be willing to work through all the unexpected hurdles, but that's just life right?!? I, like you, know the long term outcome will be worth all the struggles and 16 days post op I am feeling pretty good and am looking forward to solid foods and my first fill.

Hope you are feeling better!!

  ImwiththeBand said:
I have to tell ya, my experience was less-than wonderful too. :lb12: It was more painful than I had anticipated and my recovery took longer than I expected. I was sooo swollen and restricted that even licking a popsicle was nearly impossible to swallow. :(( After getting on the forum and asking fellow bandsters if this was normal, I was told I should call my surgeon. My surgeon advised me it wasn't normal, and to go directly to my local ER. I did, and it was discovered that I was SEVERELY dehydrated and had a bowel obstruction. I was hospitalized for 3 days. They rehydrated me, provided me with excellent pain control, and made sure the obstruction was gone before releasing me. It was a very scary ordeal, but I can finally say I am on the road to recovery. There were a few times I questioned if getting the band was all worth the pain I was going through and what I was putting my scared family and friends through. But in the end, I decided the benefits would eventually outweigh the cons. I hope everyone thinks long and hard before deciding to have the band. I think it will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to me, but people also need to realize there can always be complications and also that everyones pain threshold us different. Good luck to all!! ><'


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Everything possible has been said here so I just HUG you! You keep up the positive thoughts! We're with you on your struggles... 'cause we are going through (someone here on the forum) the same during our journey! Your honesty is appreciated and for the sharing!

Hanna :)

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