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So what foods can you not eat??

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Okay so I have had my first fill for almost 1 week now and there are a couple of foods that I absolutely cannot eat and a couple that I have trouble getting down. Lets share our lists of foods that are not tolerated by your band. For example, I threw up a small bowl of frosted flakes today simply because it would not go down, but yesterday morning I ate 1.5 waffles (soaked with light syrup - so very soft) and all went down fine. I know there are going to be some that can tolerate the foods that some cannot, but I would like to know anyway. So I will start and as I come across foods that I cannot tolerate I will just edit my original post - to keep things neat!

Foods that have trouble going down:

dry chicken

eggs (omlett style)

Foods that did not go down:

frosted flakes

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I have had trouble with pork, sausage and chicken strips or dry chicken...other than that no trouble unless I don't chew well...then up it comes...and hurts like heck.... :blink:

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After my first fill, I have no restriction at all. Bread got stuck prior to the fill and I haven't tried it again.

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There are foods that I couldn't eat one week, but could eat the next. So I always will try most things as long as its good and I've liked it in the past - (Not dried chicken though.....ick) I just start out with a really small bite and chew it good. I'm not missing out on any taste bud tantalizing tidbits that I know are good. (The cool thing about the band is you can’t eat much so you can have little bits of things without gaining weight)

What I really notice now is I love food with really strong flavor, I like things with heavy herbs, lemon, and I cook with wine more, if I can only eat a small amount it better have flavor to it!

Its a fickle thing this band...and its all about the chew....

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Glad to see that I am not the only one who has a "fickle" band. It depends on the day what I can and can't eat. Some days I can eat almost anything and some days all I can eat are liquids. I always am cautious what I try and take a very small bite and chew, chew, chew. Even this backfires sometimes! I am very cautious when I eat in public, don't want anything embarrassing to happen. My family say I get a "look" on my face and they know I am not doing well with something. At least I am getting smarter and stopping right away now.

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I was banded on April 30th, and so far I have been mostly eating full liquids, but I have also ventured a little bit into "soft-food land". I had a bad experience with a boiled egg, and it felt like I was being choked to death from the inside out. :wacko: It was miserable!!!!! I wanted to cry and I will not soon forget that feeling of food getting stuck. I can tell it wont take very many times of that happening for me to be more careful what I eat and how well I chew! :(

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  ImwiththeBand said:
I was banded on April 30th, and so far I have been mostly eating full liquids, but I have also ventured a little bit into "soft-food land". I had a bad experience with a boiled egg, and it felt like I was being choked to death from the inside out. :wacko: It was miserable!!!!! I wanted to cry and I will not soon forget that feeling of food getting stuck. I can tell it wont take very many times of that happening for me to be more careful what I eat and how well I chew! :(

Oh, I can FEEL that!!!!

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I haven't had my first fill yet but I have LOTS of experience with food getting stuck. WOW, does that HURT!!!! :negative: You'd think I'd learn to chew more and take smaller bites but I must be a REAL slowwwwww learner.

I can't eat:


Chicken strips


Tuna (thought that would be easy but NO, it got stuck BIG TIME)

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I havent had any problems whatsoever with the band. sometimes i wonder if i really have a band, since at times i am so hungry that i forget to chew a lot, and yet nothing happens. i am hoping that when i get my first fill things will change. in addition i am stuck weight wise, but i think is because i usually have about 1000 calories per day. :wacko:

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As long as I chew really well I can still eat anything. I do have my occasional oops, I didn't chew that enough but no PBing. I have my second fill scheduled for June 2 maybe after that one things will change.


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