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away from the scale

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So ive been staying at my moms since Friday to watch her dog while she went out of town and I didnt bring my scale with me bc that would just be weird! hahaha Im excited to see what it says on Thrusday morning- I think Ive done well this week... i encourage everyone to put the scale away for a few days- ive been paying a lot more attention to what i look like and how my clothes look then what the number says... its kind of nice!

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I find that when I weigh myself every day, I am more likely to go off of my diet due to frustration when the numbers aren't moving - or god forbid, if the numbers go up at all. Despite the fact that I understand our weight fluctuates daily, it still irks me whenever those numbers don't budge! :angry: lol! I am a chronic weigher, and I can't stand it to go a day without weighing, but it bothers me MORE when I don't see results that I want. SO.... I choose the lesser of two evils. :huh::blink::wacko:

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haha i know! im the same way- its like a lose/lose situation! if it doesnt move its annoying- it it goes up its devestating! and it only goes down about once a week! hahaha i cant wait to weigh myself thursday am!!!! wish me luck! haha

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I only count my weight on Mondays...but sometimes I weigh in between and yes it drives me crazy......I think I will leave it alone until I get back from my fill trip next Monday

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