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Packing list ideas?

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I'm so excited now. I've officially got a surgery date of 8/7, and I feel as though I'm reclaiming my life. Thank all of you who post on this site. I've read every word I could to help me make my decision, and you've all been a huge part of helping me feel sure that the lap band will be my way to beating this once and for all.

If anyone has suggestions as to what to pack for my trip to Tijuana, would you please share them? Your experience and insight would really help those of us waiting for our turn to head that way.

Oh, if anyone else has the same surgery date, I'd love to hear from you.

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I too would love an idea of what to take with me. I also would like to hear from those of you who had long flights and what you did for "food" on the flights. Its not like you can hall chicken broth to Mexico and back :lol:. Again any insight, advice is appreciated. :)

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Hi, Pack light. The hotel will provide you with bottled water. The restaurant at the hotel has good broth and jello. Maybe just ask for juice on the flight. They should have apple juice or something. Be sure to bring a robe and slippers...it's kinda cold at night at the surgical facility. :unsure: Bring some comfy drawstring or elastic waist pants. Tylenol (adult liquid type), the gas x did nothing for me but bring it if you want. Whatever you need for the bathroom. That's about it. :P

  lanie said:

I too would love an idea of what to take with me. I also would like to hear from those of you who had long flights and what you did for "food" on the flights. Its not like you can hall chicken broth to Mexico and back :lol:. Again any insight, advice is appreciated. :)

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My flight was 3 hours and was uncomfortable enough because I'm not a fan of flying. I took a pain pill in the airport because I'd avoided a near pile up on the esculator with some looki-loos and hurt myself trying to side step them and manage my suitcase. It was actually a good thing I did take a pain pill because the last half of the flight was full of turbulence since we were flying through a thunderstorm. Bumpity-bump-bump does not feel good on a fresh port site! On the flight, before the turbulence, I asked for a cup of water and a juice ... mixed them because we are not suppose to drink straight juice after surgery. Don't worry about getting hungry ... it's just not an issue right after surgery because your tummy is swollen and the liquids do satisfy you. I had some flavored water in my purse as backup. The only other thing I have to add about clothing is take a sports bra, especially if you have an ample chest. My upermost incision is only 1/2" away from the band of my bra and I couldn't wear an underwire for a few weeks. Chelley

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I would also suggest bringing a really good book to read. I spent a lot of time down at the pool sunning and reading when I wasn't walking around. But then, I love to read! This also gave me a chance to talk to some really great people and show off my incision sights. I actually had a woman who was visiting at the hotel ask me about the surgery and now she is considering having it done also!

My husband and I get bored pretty easily, so instead of spending the extra days we had (2) in Tijuana, we went to San Diego. We walked for 3 hours at the zoo, and the next day, day 4 after surgery, spent the ENTIRE day at Sea World. It was great! The only bad part was that the food smelled sooooooo good and we couldn't eat anything (of course we were not the least bit hungry either, but still) We had to satisfy ourselves with the great smells and taking big whiffs!

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Ok... here is the list (so far!) of things to take with you

Gas X Strips

Liquid Tylenol

Sports Bra

Elastic Waist Pants/Shorts






Leave jewelry at home

There are 2 computers available for you to use at the clinic with internet

There is also wireless networking available for those that want to bring their laptops.

I'm still compiling the list... so feel free to email me and let me know of anything else you'd like to add. :)

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  Pamela444 said:

I'm so excited now. I've officially got a surgery date of 8/7, and I feel as though I'm reclaiming my life. Thank all of you who post on this site. I've read every word I could to help me make my decision, and you've all been a huge part of helping me feel sure that the lap band will be my way to beating this once and for all.

If anyone has suggestions as to what to pack for my trip to Tijuana, would you please share them? Your experience and insight would really help those of us waiting for our turn to head that way.

Oh, if anyone else has the same surgery date, I'd love to hear from you.

Hi Pamela444,

My Band date is 8/9, so will be arriving 8/8 (just scheduled). Maybe I'll see you there?! I was also looking for packing tips, so thanks for posting this!

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From the sounds of it from another post - if your a woman you should bring some pads just in case!!! LOL. God, new inciscions AND cramps??? EVIL

  LoriBecky said:

Ok... here is the list (so far!) of things to take with you

Gas X Strips

Liquid Tylenol

Sports Bra

Elastic Waist Pants/Shorts






Leave jewelry at home

There are 2 computers available for you to use at the clinic with internet

There is also wireless networking available for those that want to bring their laptops.

I'm still compiling the list... so feel free to email me and let me know of anything else you'd like to add. :)

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Thank you to everyone who shared ideas! Someone on another board mentioned that it's

a good idea to wear slides or thongs (flip flops) to the airport to avoid having to bend over

and take off shoes and socks. Good idea, huh?

I'm looking forward to seeing you, Seabreeze, and anyone else who is there from 8/5- 8/9!

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Hi Pamela!

Just wanted to introduce myself to another Aug. 7th-er. I am coming down with my neighbor/friend on the 5th and not heading back home until the 10th. I have two boys 5 & 3 (the oldest has autism) and a 7 month old baby girl. So, needless to say I will be enjoying the time away (though acting brave I will secretly be missing them terribly).

Do you know of anyone else that will be joining us that day? Keep in touch, we MUST hook up!

Yipee! So glad we found each other!


  Pamela444 said:

I'm so excited now. I've officially got a surgery date of 8/7, and I feel as though I'm reclaiming my life. Thank all of you who post on this site. I've read every word I could to help me make my decision, and you've all been a huge part of helping me feel sure that the lap band will be my way to beating this once and for all.

If anyone has suggestions as to what to pack for my trip to Tijuana, would you please share them? Your experience and insight would really help those of us waiting for our turn to head that way.

Oh, if anyone else has the same surgery date, I'd love to hear from you.

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  CJ - WISCONSIN! said:


Hi Pamela!

Just wanted to introduce myself to another Aug. 7th-er. I am coming down with my neighbor/friend on the 5th and not heading back home until the 10th. I have two boys 5 & 3 (the oldest has autism) and a 7 month old baby girl. So, needless to say I will be enjoying the time away (though acting brave I will secretly be missing them terribly).

Do you know of anyone else that will be joining us that day? Keep in touch, we MUST hook up!

Yipee! So glad we found each other!


DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TAKE A CARRY-ON on THE PLANE WITH YOU THAT DOESN'T HAVE WHEELS! I only put in a few souveniers, but it was still heavy!

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hey banders, I have set my date for sept 21st, I would love to know if anyone else has the same date. I was wondering what to pack, coming from Virginia I did not want anymore than necessary. This was great info my concern was the flight back home. With surgery on Friday and back to work on Monday I was concern. Love to hear from anyone. thanks Dixie Darlin

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  dixie darlin said:

hey banders, I have set my date for sept 21st, I would love to know if anyone else has the same date. I was wondering what to pack, coming from Virginia I did not want anymore than necessary. This was great info my concern was the flight back home. With surgery on Friday and back to work on Monday I was concern. Love to hear from anyone. thanks Dixie Darlin

I know people do it all the time, and I don't know how old you are Dixie Darlin, but there ain't no way I could have gone back to work that early. I am 47 with a low BMI and flew in to TJ on Mon, had surg on Tues and flew back Friday morning (8 hr flight) I was completely and utterly worn out. All I did the whole weekend was 3 loads of laundry and made dinner each evening---didn't even go to church. Before surgery, I was doing 45 min of aerobics 3 x per week and was still physically worn out and wimpy feeling on Monday when I went back to work. It's now Friday of that same week, I am 10 days post op and I am just now feeling like my strength is back. Don't get me wrong, you do what you gotta do, but I'm so glad I was able to take the week off. Good Luck honey! :huh:

Karen MT

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Hey Dixie,

What do you do for work? Just make sure you are lifting anything for at least 2 weeks. If you need more time off, you can get a leave of absence note from the office. A lot of people do go back to work right after surgery, and while I was feeling pretty good, I'm not sure I could have put in 8 hour days so soon. Don't over do anything!

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I think everyone is different. I go to mexico alot so I was ready. It is hot for some nice for others. I suggest you always bring a sweater or something. For me the filight home was a breeze I had no pain whatsoever and I did not need the meds that Dr Ortiz gave me. I would suggest a book as you could be like me and be the last one to have surgery and be waiting a long time. I slept on my stomach before surgery and after a few days I was able to again. As for the sports bra that also is open for debate.I am a 44d and I wore my regular bra with no discomfort. I think the gas x strips do not work for very many people since I have not really heard many people say they work and they are hard to find. Comfy clothes is a must drawstring and big flowey shirts or dresses is nice. My plane ride home was 2.45 and I slept the whole time. Go back to work as not all of us have the luxery of leave of absences but just be careful lifting or bending you do not want to hurt yourself. good luck

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Ah, well, that's great. I thought I saw something about wireless access at the clinic, but couldn't remember where since I was just reading over my wife's shoulder. You may want to get that info posted at the clinic (near the computers would be a good place) since the receptionist had no idea what I was asking.

One other item to bring with your laptop computer is a wireless adapter if it isn't built in. Hotel Lucerna has free broadband, but it's wireless G. They don't document this on their website. They do, however, have a few loaner wireless adapters but I wouldn't plan on using one. The coverage is decent, but would've been a little more reliable with a higher gain antenna.

We have Vonage (woo hoo. woo hoo hoo.), so I brought our telephone adapter with us from home so we could call everyone back in the states (or Canada, Mexico, Europe, etc.) completely free of charge. Unfortunately, there wasn't an ethernet port in the room so it rendered that useless. However, I ran down to the Plaza Rio, bought a computer headset from the Steren store, and activated the Vonage Softphone feature so that we could place and receive phone calls through the laptop. We had virtually unlimited calls for $10.

Had I known for sure about the wireless access at the clinic, we could have called directly from the clinic. :-)

Be sure to check with your cellphone carrier to see what the rates are for international roaming and long distance. T-Mobile said it would cost .80 for roaming and .20 for long distance to the states from Mexico.

I would also suggest bringing a small electric kettle and your own chicken broth cubes. The hotel's chicken consomme is good, but some people in our group said it was different at night than it was at noon. It's certainly not expensive, but the $6 for broth, jello, and bottled water can add up pretty quickly.

Regarding the Gas-X, please note that it works on intestinal gas only. It will not help with any leftover carbon dioxide from laproscopic surgery.

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  • 1 year later...
  LoriBecky said:
Ok... here is the list (so far!) of things to take with you

Gas X Strips

Liquid Tylenol

Sports Bra

Elastic Waist Pants/Shorts






Leave jewelry at home

There are 2 computers available for you to use at the clinic with internet

There is also wireless networking available for those that want to bring their laptops.

I'm still compiling the list... so feel free to email me and let me know of anything else you'd like to add. :)

Lori, please add throat spray incase the tube irratates a patients throat, and big oversized shirts, especially if flying..no buttons or zippers on shirts either. I have only heard (so far) of those items, from other posts, but it sounds like good adive...extra pillows especially the first night, to prop or use on the plane ride home.

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  LGMB said:
Lori, please add throat spray incase the tube irratates a patients throat, and big oversized shirts, especially if flying..no buttons or zippers on shirts either. I have only heard (so far) of those items, from other posts, but it sounds like good adive...extra pillows especially the first night, to prop or use on the plane ride home.

oh yeah, one more thing...credit card or cash for any phone calls you make in the hotel. Its not that expensive, but ive heard $10 -$20 bucks is fine...fyi..if you happen to already have pesos, you get a better deal!

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  FurEllie said:
Oversized clothes are a must. You look silly, but it's SO much easier.

I wish I had taken more to read, but I'm a bookworm. I ended up buying 2 more books in the airport ;)

I wish I had brought some boullion cubes with me. Not that the chicken broth in the restaurant isn't delicious (it was) but a bowl with a bottle of water is $6.50. Each room has a Mr. coffee so you can heat the water and then add your boullion. VOILA!!

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  Kari said:
I wish I had brought some boullion cubes with me. Not that the chicken broth in the restaurant isn't delicious (it was) but a bowl with a bottle of water is $6.50. Each room has a Mr. coffee so you can heat the water and then add your boullion. VOILA!!

Thats where the real money is....it's not even in the surgeries



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